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The Klingon Defence Forces Vs The Imperial Fleet


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Let me spell this out slowly. They. Are. Nothing. Alike. You. Can. Not. Compare. Them. You want something equally absurd lets compare star wars to Ratchet and Clank yeah they are both scifi to an extent but trying to say one would beat the other is stupid.


Well duh, I said that early on in this very thread


But we do have the discussion, and we have been arguing against people about which ships would defeat which, and I guess you are on the Star Destroyers would wipe the floor with the Enterprise side, right?

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Well duh, I said that early on in this very thread


But we do have the discussion, and we have been arguing against people about which ships would defeat which, and I guess you are on the Star Destroyers would wipe the floor with the Enterprise side, right?


With real physics? The Enterprise it makes an effort to make everything in at least possible. With the star wars physics yeah duh. But that is like saying if I control the forces of the universe I can win a fight against a 12 year old.

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With real physics? The Enterprise it makes an effort to make everything in at least possible. With the star wars physics yeah duh. But that is like saying if I control the forces of the universe I can win a fight against a 12 year old.


That's the gist of it if you support the Star Wars side yes


Several people will strongly disagree with you though, not me, I think Star Wars ships would ROFL then stomp anything from Star Trek

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That's the gist of it if you support the Star Wars side yes


Several people will strongly disagree with you though, not me, I think Star Wars ships would ROFL then stomp anything from Star Trek










Edited by PeepsMcJuggs
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An X-wing managed to destroy 2 death stars.




For the first death star, you remember how Vader said


"Don't be to proud of this technological terror you've constructed, the ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the force."



Well Luke used the force to tell where his proton torpedos to go thus destroying the station, hence the force was far greater then a planet destroying weapon.


As for the 2nd death star no, the 2nd death star was destroyed by Wedge in his X-wing and Lando in the Falcon.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Star Wars firepower has been established long before KOTOR came out and reeling off these examples of random acts achieves nothing. Whats your point ?


An asteroid that hits the bridge of a Star Destroyer can cripple it ? - Really, Who would have thought ?


Are you claiming a Federation ship hit by an asteroid wouldnt get destroyed ?


A Bird of Prey was destroyed by a single torpedo from the E-D

The E-D got hammered by a 20 year old Bird of Prey that just wallowed around like a beached whale


I can produce random examples of Star Trek events too.




There is a significant difference between fighting a civil war and fighting an actual war.

The former, you have to worry about collatoral damage and weeding out the rebels.

I.E The Difference of the US curbstomping Iraq in days compared to spending years afterwords hunting one man.


There is a vaild reason why the Rebels did not engage the Empire head on and it is abundantly clear the Empire had a significant military advantage over them.


Star Trek technology is woefully underpowered against Star Wars to the point Jango Fett can cause destruction on a scale that makes the E-D look pathetic.




A) Wrong, not the first planet killing weapon

B) Wrong, ANH did not state the Empire never had that power




Notice: He says HALF THE FLEET. This would make no sense whatsoever if the ability to destroy an entire planet NEVER existed and cannot be done by the Empire at ALL.

Logic dictates that if your gonna take this statment as PURE FACT then Han Solo only says HALF the Fleet cant achieve what the Death Star did.


The Death Star can achieve a result that half the Imperial fleet cannot.

That does not automatically mean the Empire cannot destroy planets or give any details of what the Imperial fleet actually CAN do.


and a single A-wing takes out the SSD.



You almost got the Han Solo quote here it is


"The entire Star Fleet couldn't destroy a whole planet it would take 1,000 ships with more fire power...."


So from that we get that planet killers don't exist in the Empire's age (with the exception of the Death Star), the entire Empire fleet is less then 1,000 ships and finally they are not as powerful as the EU tends to make them.


Now I think you are also getting that line confused with what Doddana says about the Death Star during the briefing


"The battle station is heavily shielded and carries a

firepower greater than half the star fleet. It's defenses are designed

around a direct large-scale assault. A small one-man fighter should be

able to penetrate the outer defense."


He is saying that all the defensive turrets combined are about half the strength of the fleet. Hence the reason why they don't send in all their capital ships in against it. They would get their butts kicked.


This is also why in RotJ they CAN send all their capital ships in because it's not finished yet and doesn't have the defensive abilities of Death Star 1.

Edited by jarjarloves
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Klingon Defense Force for the simple fact that the technology is so much more advanced. Yes the Imperial Fleet has larger sized ships, but the, for lack of a better term, power-to-weight ratio of the Klingon ships has them beat. And the disrupters alone would likely punch right through the Imperial ship's shields.


But the point is moot since they're two completely different Sc-Fi genres, it's not like doing a Marvel vs. DC type thing where they both take place on modern-day Earth. We're talking a long long time ago in a galaxy far away, vs. 400something years in "our" future (which is when Star Trek: TNG is based).


Slightly off-topic: You know who would kick the stuffing out of both Star Wars AND Star Trek: TNG technology? The Asgard from Stargate SG-1. Those little gray guys can travel between mutiple galaxies lickety split in their ships, and their weapons....forgettaboutit!

Edited by GalenDurron
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Slightly off-topic: You know who would kick the stuffing out of both Star Wars AND Star Trek: TNG technology? The Asgard from Stargate SG-1. Those little gray guys can travel between mutiple galaxies lickety split in their ships, and their weapons....forgettaboutit!


But, robot cockroaches kick the crap out of them.

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:rolleyes: There is no pill to cure what you have, son.


coz a klingon can't take out a borg with his bat'leth right?...i remeber a certain movie where a borg gets cut up by one....case and point borg wouldn't do anything vs guys that are fast enough to deflect bolts of energy/plasma

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coz a klingon can't take out a borg with his bat'leth right?...i remeber a certain movie where a borg gets cut up by one....case and point borg wouldn't do anything vs guys that are fast enough to deflect bolts of energy/plasma


No, because you're clearly incapable of recognizing a joke when you see one.

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Still wondering why every time Star Wars faces another universe, the Galactic Empire is picked automatically as the Star Wars representatives, the Infinite Rakatan Empire is much much more powerful if the Star Forge, Eternity Vault and Foundry are anything to go by.
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Still wondering why every time Star Wars faces another universe, the Galactic Empire is picked automatically as the Star Wars representatives, the Infinite Rakatan Empire is much much more powerful if the Star Forge, Eternity Vault and Foundry are anything to go by.


I think its because its the only faction that successfully has controlled the entire galaxy, or something like that. Even then though they never really controlled the galaxy due to the Rebel Alliance.

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I think its because its the only faction that successfully has controlled the entire galaxy, or something like that. Even then though they never really controlled the galaxy due to the Rebel Alliance.


The Alliance was extremely small compared to the GE.

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I think its because its the only faction that successfully has controlled the entire galaxy, or something like that. Even then though they never really controlled the galaxy due to the Rebel Alliance.


The Infinite Rakatan Empire controlled MUCH more than the Galactic Empire, regions forgotten completely, there are many more star maps, etc.... and Dawn of the Jedi tells us the Infinite Rakatan Empire was the scourge of the galaxy (at least from leaks of it anyway) blowing up systems, etc...when you think about the time of King Adas' victory on Korriban, they were just scouts, if I remember my canon correctly, and they still almost took the planet.

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Imperial fleet would win against KDF depending on what time period you pick and which galaxy. The imperial fleet has force users and they may be able to sense the cloaked klingon ships, and the force is the most powerful thing in the star wars universe. The Klingons have no defence against the force. The Klingons have not discovered the force or it simply doesnt exist in our galaxy.


Im not to sure exactly but the Imperial space travel and technology has been around for tens of thousands of years. The Klingons and the Star Trek universe is much newer and space travel is relatively new to the Klingons compared to the Imperials. If you took the Klingons and Imperials with the exact same amount of time to develop, the Klingons may have develop some sort of technology that is superior to the Imperials. In Star Trek the Technology seems to develop at a faster rate than in Star Wars. The Klingons or some other faction may even discover the force.


The force is the biggest advantage the Imperials have.

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