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The Klingon Defence Forces Vs The Imperial Fleet


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The navigational deflector array of any Star Trek warp capable ship can deflect most lasers. This is without even activating the ships shields. If they were fighting Starfleet ships, the fighters would be flying at phaser type 12 strips and superior computer targeting tactical systems. Any Starfleet ship can take out a squadron of fighters and bombers in one second flat.


However, we are talking about the Klingon fleet. They are more geared for hard hits and not as much into accuracy. Klingon Disruptors can dish out TONS of damage in a shot, but they are not as useful after smaller targets like fast moving fighters.


The fighters would lack the fire power needed to even dent the Klingon shields and so would most of the Star Destroyers arsenal. Also the Imp fleet would have a VERY hard time targeting a Klingon ship at full impulse speed maneuvering wile they attack, cloak, and attack.


The only (Somewhat) threat to the Klingon fleet would be the bombers and whatever payload they would have.


For Capital ship to Capital ship however, the Klingon force have a massive advantage. The Vor'cha-class Attack cruisers are heavily armed, sporting 18 disruptor cannons as well as three photon torpedo launchers. In addition, the forward section of the cruiser is equipped with a particularly powerful disruptor beam for orbital bombardments.


This ship isn't even the biggest of the Klingon fleet and I'd say it would be more then a match even for a Super Star Destroyer.


Star Wars is more Fantasy driven story. Trek is where the Tech is.

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The navigational deflector array of any Star Trek warp capable ship can deflect most lasers. This is without even activating the ships shields. If they were fighting Starfleet ships, the fighters would be flying at phaser type 12 strips and superior computer targeting tactical systems. Any Starfleet ship can take out a squadron of fighters and bombers in one second flat.


However, we are talking about the Klingon fleet. They are more geared for hard hits and not as much into accuracy. Klingon Disruptors can dish out TONS of damage in a shot, but they are not as useful after smaller targets like fast moving fighters.


The fighters would lack the fire power needed to even dent the Klingon shields and so would most of the Star Destroyers arsenal. Also the Imp fleet would have a VERY hard time targeting a Klingon ship at full impulse speed maneuvering wile they attack, cloak, and attack.


The only (Somewhat) threat to the Klingon fleet would be the bombers and whatever payload they would have.


For Capital ship to Capital ship however, the Klingon force have a massive advantage. The Vor'cha-class Attack cruisers are heavily armed, sporting 18 disruptor cannons as well as three photon torpedo launchers. In addition, the forward section of the cruiser is equipped with a particularly powerful disruptor beam for orbital bombardments.


This ship isn't even the biggest of the Klingon fleet and I'd say it would be more then a match even for a Super Star Destroyer.


Star Wars is more Fantasy driven story. Trek is where the Tech is.


You are assuming that Star Wars lasers work anything like they do in our galaxy.

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You are assuming that Star Wars lasers work anything like they do in our galaxy.


Never thought of that. They (Could) mean something else when they say "Blaster". And although Star Trek ships can run circles around a Star Wars ship at sub-light. I forgot to mention that it would take a Star Trek ship YEARS and YEARS to cross the galaxy. It only takes days at most to travel that far in Star Wars.


SO even if the Imp fleet would get its *** handed to it, the Klingon fleet would never be able to catch them at Warp. The Imp fleet could just Hyper to a new location and wait for 70 years.

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Q is far too unpredictable to claim he'd do anything, as a matter of fact, Q might HELP the Empire, or destroy both the Klingon Empire and the Galactic Empire at the sametime, we have no idea what he would do.


Also even if Q DID get involved, we have no idea what the force would do about it.



Q is the reason the Klingons and the Imperial fleet are fighting in the first place. 0.o

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Well that too, that and the Sun Crusher


Heh heh...that's why these debates always make me laugh: the guy who wins is always the one with the strongest plot armor and the more abundant deus ex machina. :D


Besides, on this particular topic, not Q, the Sun Crusher nor a Force Storm can be factored in, seeing as Q has never shown an interest in Klingons, and neither the Sun Crusher nor Force Storms were shown to be part of the Empire's arsenal before they were defeated.

Edited by PeepsMcJuggs
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Without the stupid device-of-the-week and bringing out of god-beings the Star Trek universe does NOT have the technology to match the Empire.


Star Wars - Hyperspace across the galaxy in hours


Star Trek - Warp travel takes 70 years to go from one end to the other


Result - Empire ships can zip off to anywhere in the galaxy in hours and wait 70 years for anyone in Star Trek to catch up.


Star Wars - Death Star stands as a brutal demonstration of just how much firepower the SW universe can command.

Pro-tip - The Death Star was built as a means of TERROR and overhelming planatary shields.

The ability to destroy planets has been in the SW arsenal for a long time and only a fool will claim Star Wars is inferior because Star Trek just looks more shiny.


KOTOR 1 aptly demonstrates a single Destroyer - 1000 years ago by TOR timeline can completely decimate a planet like TARIS. By the days of the Movie Empire ships had the firepower to literally turn planet crust to molten slag in hours. Noone on the Star Trek side of the fence has matched that level of firepower with an entire fleet let alone a single ship.


Additionally, Star Wars has access to shielding to match that kind of firepower with planatary shields capable of deflecting the full power of an entire fleet. I.E Empire Strikes Back Death Squadron having to launch ATATs rather than just bomb the Rebels.


Additionally - Alderaan had a planatary shield and the visual FX actually show the shield being hit by the Death Star blast... Not looking good for Star Trek when the rag-tag rebels can cobel together shields capable of repelling the firepower of fleets or shields that require the Death Star to overwhelm.



Star Trek - It would take the ENTIRE torpedo compliment of the Enterprise D to destroy a 5km asteroid that was hollow - Pegasus


Star Wars - Jango Fett was nuking an entire ASTEROID field with mines.




Any match up between Star Trek and Star Wars ships is completely one-sided in favour of Star Wars.

End of Story.

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Star Trek - It would take the ENTIRE torpedo compliment of the Enterprise D to destroy a 5km asteroid that was hollow - Pegasus


Star Wars - Jango Fett was nuking an entire ASTEROID field with mines.


There's something I have never thought of before, should put all the Star Trek weapon power vs Star Wars weapon power debates to rest

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Incidentally, the 'lasers dont work on Fed ships' is an extremely stupid oversimplification that has no basis in logic


Star Wars call their weapons lasers

Riker said lasers wont hurt Fed ships

Therefore NO laser can ever hurt Fed ships


1) Star Wars weapons are not 'lasers' - By default that nulifies the argument completely

2) The Borg CUTTING LASER worked just fine against the E-D when they were carving holes in her

3) Imperial firepower is significantly greater and more numerous.


Klingons VS. Empire - Klingons are idiots and as a race their Empire is a pathetic shambles with infighting and silly rituals.


DS9 - Completely wiped the floor with an entire Klingon fleet both in space and on the ground. Beaming in assualt teams armed with MELEE WEAPONS.


Try doing that on an Imperial ship where they actually have weapons that can KILL you and have AUTO-REPEAT functions while wearing ACTUAL body armor. Not pjyammas or elaborate leather suits.



The far more likely outcome of any Star Trek ship fighting a Star Wars ship is a one-shot kill as if the Star Wars was a level 50 and Star Trek was level 1.

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Without the stupid device-of-the-week and bringing out of god-beings the Star Trek universe does NOT have the technology to match the Empire.


Star Wars - Hyperspace across the galaxy in hours


Star Trek - Warp travel takes 70 years to go from one end to the other


Result - Empire ships can zip off to anywhere in the galaxy in hours and wait 70 years for anyone in Star Trek to catch up.


Star Wars - Death Star stands as a brutal demonstration of just how much firepower the SW universe can command.

Pro-tip - The Death Star was built as a means of TERROR and overhelming planatary shields.

The ability to destroy planets has been in the SW arsenal for a long time and only a fool will claim Star Wars is inferior because Star Trek just looks more shiny.


KOTOR 1 aptly demonstrates a single Destroyer - 1000 years ago by TOR timeline can completely decimate a planet like TARIS. By the days of the Movie Empire ships had the firepower to literally turn planet crust to molten slag in hours. Noone on the Star Trek side of the fence has matched that level of firepower with an entire fleet let alone a single ship.


Additionally, Star Wars has access to shielding to match that kind of firepower with planatary shields capable of deflecting the full power of an entire fleet. I.E Empire Strikes Back Death Squadron having to launch ATATs rather than just bomb the Rebels.


Additionally - Alderaan had a planatary shield and the visual FX actually show the shield being hit by the Death Star blast... Not looking good for Star Trek when the rag-tag rebels can cobel together shields capable of repelling the firepower of fleets or shields that require the Death Star to overwhelm.



Star Trek - It would take the ENTIRE torpedo compliment of the Enterprise D to destroy a 5km asteroid that was hollow - Pegasus


Star Wars - Jango Fett was nuking an entire ASTEROID field with mines.




Any match up between Star Trek and Star Wars ships is completely one-sided in favour of Star Wars.

End of Story.

Kotor isn't exactly canon btw.


a single asteroid took out an entire SD and an X-wing managed to destroy 2 death stars.


The Empire should have been able to mop the floor with the rebels but in the end got their butts wooped.


There is also a reason why everyone feared the Death Star it's because it was the first planet killing weapon out there. It is even stated in A New Hope that previsoulsy the Empire never had the power or the forces to destroy an entire planet.

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Kotor isn't exactly canon btw.


a single asteroid took out an entire SD and an X-wing managed to destroy 2 death stars.


Star Wars firepower has been established long before KOTOR came out and reeling off these examples of random acts achieves nothing. Whats your point ?


An asteroid that hits the bridge of a Star Destroyer can cripple it ? - Really, Who would have thought ?


Are you claiming a Federation ship hit by an asteroid wouldnt get destroyed ?


A Bird of Prey was destroyed by a single torpedo from the E-D

The E-D got hammered by a 20 year old Bird of Prey that just wallowed around like a beached whale


I can produce random examples of Star Trek events too.


The Empire should have been able to mop the floor with the rebels but in the end got their butts wooped.


There is a significant difference between fighting a civil war and fighting an actual war.

The former, you have to worry about collatoral damage and weeding out the rebels.

I.E The Difference of the US curbstomping Iraq in days compared to spending years afterwords hunting one man.


There is a vaild reason why the Rebels did not engage the Empire head on and it is abundantly clear the Empire had a significant military advantage over them.


Star Trek technology is woefully underpowered against Star Wars to the point Jango Fett can cause destruction on a scale that makes the E-D look pathetic.


There is also a reason why everyone feared the Death Star it's because it was the first planet killing weapon out there. It is even stated in A New Hope that previsoulsy the Empire never had the power or the forces to destroy an entire planet.


A) Wrong, not the first planet killing weapon

B) Wrong, ANH did not state the Empire never had that power




Notice: He says HALF THE FLEET. This would make no sense whatsoever if the ability to destroy an entire planet NEVER existed and cannot be done by the Empire at ALL.

Logic dictates that if your gonna take this statment as PURE FACT then Han Solo only says HALF the Fleet cant achieve what the Death Star did.


The Death Star can achieve a result that half the Imperial fleet cannot.

That does not automatically mean the Empire cannot destroy planets or give any details of what the Imperial fleet actually CAN do.

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Anyone who believes that a defense fleet can defeat an entire galactic empire is either a troll or an idiot. Next they will be saying the Klingon defense fleet can take on the Imperium of Man


Oh man, I would not even describe that has a curb stomp, is there a lvl above overkill? How about complete evaporation? History erasure? Brouhaha?

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Without the stupid device-of-the-week and bringing out of god-beings the Star Trek universe does NOT have the technology to match the Empire.


Star Wars - Hyperspace across the galaxy in hours


Star Trek - Warp travel takes 70 years to go from one end to the other



That's technobabble it's not Hyperspace there are stars. Hyperspace as the name suggests takes place on a plain of space above normal space meaning there is no stars. It also brings up the point of why these are two completely incompatible things one wants to be taken seriously with teleology that could work at some point in time. Where as the other replaces magic with super advanced technology.


Edit. Maybe I should clarify hyperspace has no Physics as we know it witch is why you could go as fast as you want and come out into normal space. Witch is also why there would be no stars because there would be no gravity or inertia.

Edited by IroquoisPliskin
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That's technobabble it's not Hyperspace there are stars. Hyperspace as the name suggests takes place on a plain of space above normal space meaning there is no stars. It also brings up the point of why these are two completely incompatible things one wants to be taken seriously with teleology that could work at some point in time. Where as the other replaces magic with super advanced technology.


Edit. Maybe I should clarify hyperspace has no Physics as we know it witch is why you could go as fast as you want and come out into normal space. Witch is also why there would be no stars because there would be no gravity or inertia.


The point? please...


Fact of the matter is that Star wars ships have ludicrous speeds compared to Star Trek ships

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Without the stupid device-of-the-week




Star Wars - Death Star stands as a brutal demonstration of just how much firepower the SW universe can command.


Uh huh.


There's something I have never thought of before, should put all the Star Trek weapon power vs Star Wars weapon power debates to rest


This has been brought up before. This assumes the mineral content of both asteroid fields are identical, and the fact that a 5km asteroid had crevices and openings doesn't make it "hollow".

Edited by PeepsMcJuggs
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Also, J-Sheridan: turn down the heat, dude. This has been a pretty fun, civil debate until you came in raging all over everything (well, after DarthMoord left, anyway).



Now we're gonna have to wipe down the sofa again.

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The point? please...


Fact of the matter is that Star wars ships are ludicrous compared to Star Trek ships


Let me spell this out slowly. They. Are. Nothing. Alike. You. Can. Not. Compare. Them. You want something equally absurd lets compare star wars to Ratchet and Clank yeah they are both scifi to an extent but trying to say one would beat the other is stupid.

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