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The Klingon Defence Forces Vs The Imperial Fleet


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Don't know if this has already been posted but.


The Empire would walk it, the size difference is just to great, Klingon ships are like toys in comparison.




Even the standard Star Destroyers are so much bigger than most stuff from the Trek universe let alone the Super Star Destroyers.

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Don't know if this has already been posted but.


The Empire would walk it, the size difference is just to great, Klingon ships are like toys in comparison.




Even the standard Star Destroyers are so much bigger than most stuff from the Trek universe let alone the Super Star Destroyers.


Don't those Star Destroyers come from a galaxy where size matters not? :p


(On a more serious note, if you have a look at the frakkin' huge Dominion Dreadnought in the diagram: several of those were destroyed by much smaller Starfleet/Romulan/Klingon vessels during the Battle of Cardassia)


Edit: Okay, I was mistaken. They were at the Battle of Cardassia, but they ceased hostilities before one got blown up. They basically stood around looking big and scary.

Edited by PeepsMcJuggs
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Don't know if this has already been posted but.


The Empire would walk it, the size difference is just to great, Klingon ships are like toys in comparison.




Even the standard Star Destroyers are so much bigger than most stuff from the Trek universe let alone the Super Star Destroyers.


Wasnt a Super Star Destroyer owned by a Kamikaze Pub fighter? heh

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There's a lot of prime links I can throw out on this debate, Star Trek VS Star Wars its a very very old debate on which one has the better tech. SW has easily proven that bigger doesn't always mean better with Star Destroyers having giant domes that were there shield generators on top of there ships that shielded everything but themselves, talk about a design flaw? Star Wars has also proven that even the supposed best troops of the empire can lose to a bunch of fuzzy 3 foot tall bears with bows and arrows.


As for more of the tech argument, the Klingon Empire would win hands down. The Empire does have the ships to be able to cause some decent damage, but once the Klingon's were mobilized it wouldn't last long, cloaked armada's of thousands of ships would turn even the Death Star to scrap into seconds. Lets face it, if the USS Defiant had to firepower to single handedly turn a entire planet into a smoking cinder with in moments the Negh'var would be able to turn the Death Star or any other Imperial ship into hurling debris in seconds.


Especially due to the evidence in the first movie, when Luke and the crew came out of Hyperspace over Alderaan and Obi-Wan said the planet was destroyed by the Empire, and Han said in denial "The Imperial fleet couldn't have destroyed the planet, it would have taken thousands of ships with more firepower then he had ever seen." Lets face it Han was no fool on ships after having tangled and escaped Star Destroyers before and at the time they were the biggest the imperial fleet had, in Star Wars IV the Super Star Destroyer wasn't around yet and the Death Star was still unknown to have existed by most people at the time.


We can also look at the fact that a single Klingon ship has the capability of eliminating the entire biosphere of a planet. Just saying, Star Wars needed the Death Star, but Star Trek almost any Federation/Klingon Warship can single handedly destroy a planet with out a problem.

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You seem to forget that large ships in the Star Wars universe can launch fighters and bombers.


if i recall corectly.


a SD, the top 2 speares, are the shield generators.

+ a SD have almost no Turbo Lasers on the back by design, around 4 Turbo Lasers

a small Craft like a Bird of Prey can disable, and destroy a SD.

Tie Fighters + bombers are shield-less, only the TIE advanced, Assault Gunboat & TIE Defender have small shield.


most Klingon Ships have 2 a 4 disruptor and 2x phaser banks type 2, (can be used as Point Defense)

so likely a Bird of Prey will kick their ***.



Tie Fighter

Star Trek: Bridge Commander

Starfleet Command

Edited by abishe
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if i recall corectly.


a SD, the top 2 speares, are the shield generators.

+ a SD have almost no Turbo Lasers on the back by design, around 4 Turbo Lasers

a small Craft like a Bird of Prey can disable, and destroy a SD.

Tie Fighters + bombers are shield-less, only the TIE advanced, Assault Gunboat & TIE Defender have small shield.


most Klingon Ships have 2 a 4 disruptor and 2x phaser banks type 2, (can be used as Point Defense)

so likely a Bird of Prey will kick their ***.



Tie Fighter

Star Trek: Bridge Commander

Starfleet Command


Please don't go there. Now DarthMoord's going to come back in and yell at you for calling them shield generators. According to current official canon, those are radomes, and taking them out doesn't take down a Star Destroyer's shields, despite gameplay elements that say otherwise. They also have a lot more turbolasers than is shown in the games: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Imperial_II-class_Star_Destroyer

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Please don't go there. Now DarthMoord's going to come back in and yell at you for calling them shield generators. According to current official canon, those are radomes, and taking them out doesn't take down a Star Destroyer's shields, despite gameplay elements that say otherwise. They also have a lot more turbolasers than is shown in the games: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Imperial_II-class_Star_Destroyer


but they have almost zero weaponry at their back side.

sure they have **** load of weapons on top, and sides.

and for your sake i will call them deflectors =D


also wanna point out, this is a type 2 SD you placed link on, we talking about a type 1.

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if you put it that way.


Starwars have Force.

Startrek have Q, now you screwed..


Argument Won.


Congratulations... you have settled a debate that has gone on since May, 1977. Nobel prize for you. You simply cannot beat omnipotent in an all-out no-holds barred fight.

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Star Trek ships are Mostly Tiny.


Comparison of Sci-fi Starships


that have a simple reason.

a Hugh ship, will have Gravity Pull, and will pull all kind of rocks towards the hull.

also a Hugh Space ship, will maneuvering less good (by gravity anomaly) and micro blackholes


also like to add, Largeness, will not be of factor for devestating effect.

a Planet Killer or Black cloud from Babylon 5 was also tiny compare to the largeness of Starwars ships.

yet both ships have the capability to eliminate a complete planet.

where in Star wars a half moon is needed.

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Star Trek would win simply because JJ Abrhams would create a time paradox and the empire nor republci would have never existed.




Or they'd just piss red matter at any Star Destroyer they come across :D



Edited by PeepsMcJuggs
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Sadly, DarthMoord has an unsolvable conundrum here: he never admits when he's wrong, but he also never backs down from an argument...and yet I've verified that his claim is completely wrong. Apparently he's at an impasse. I hope he doesn't have an aneurism or something.


lol yeah he seems to have run away after he realized those numbers are complete bogus.



I didn't even have to bring up the canon evidence that shows the Imperial fleet is no where near the size as the EU makes it out to be.

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The Empire loses in the time it takes to activate a transporter. The Star Wars shields, wont protect against a beam out... into the vacuum of space. Additionally, the KDF disruptors would rip the Imperial Fleet to shreds while casually laughing off the attacks from the laser attacks from far inferior weaponry of the Empire. Cortosis bat'lath anyone? Watch Siths get Darh Maul'd en mass!


That's what happens when you compare Science Fiction (Star Trek) with Science Fantasy (Star Wars).


Palpatine creates a dark side black hole and engulfes your pathetic fleet!


That's what happens when you compare Science Fantasy (Star Wars) to Science Fiction (Star Trek).


Now go suck a spock you kirk gobbling trekkie.

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Palpatine creates a dark side black hole and engulfes your pathetic fleet!


That's what happens when you compare Science Fantasy (Star Wars) to Science Fiction (Star Trek).


Now go suck a spock you kirk gobbling trekkie.


Q pops up and erases the Emperor from all time.


wait a minuite. Teh Emperor can't create a black hole in the first place. If he could he would never need a death star.

Edited by jarjarloves
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Q pops up and erases the Emperor from all time.


Q is far too unpredictable to claim he'd do anything, as a matter of fact, Q might HELP the Empire, or destroy both the Klingon Empire and the Galactic Empire at the sametime, we have no idea what he would do.


Also even if Q DID get involved, we have no idea what the force would do about it.

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Comparing them is just silly. Startrek is loosly based on reality where power outputs etc have much more realistic and possible value. Starwars is fantasy where 1 shot contains a ridiculus amount of energy that would pretty much melt through anything in real life if it were possible :p Edited by NasherUK
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