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The FUTURE of this game.


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Problem is, a lot of the time the playerbase has no idea what they want, and sometimes what they want would outright kill the game. The same thing is happening here on these forums, a lot of the requests are simply garbage...



That's true but with Aion the player base was 100% correct about the fort timers that ended up making it impossible for Asmos get them back from Elyos control which spiraled out of control creating a huge gap in pvp gear between the 2 factions. The blatant Elyos advertising on the front page of the site, the server mergers and the UNRESTRICTED TRANSFERS!.


Every sever accept for one was dominated by Elyos and NC west thought it would be a great idea to merge 3 of the biggest Elyos dominated servers with the largest elyos legions in the game into one server ( even after people were screaming don't do it! ) then the coming week they let the entire player base transfer freely to any server and everyone piled on to the servers where their faction was winning which only made things worse for everyone.


Never played a game that got me so riled up.

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I typed out a rude response, and then deleted it. I'm sorry. It gets heated defending this game.


Every 3 months some new game is thrown up to be the best game ever, and when it isnt, everyone knocks it like it is the worst game ever.


SWTOR is a fun game. It doesnt need to be the best game ever because luckily, GW2 comes out soon and cant possibly fail, i mean, its made by (mmo developer) and has (impossible features) with (pre-rendered graphics that werent real) and (12 million subscribers).




You don't have to delete it. Be rude to me if you want. I"m a grown man and can take it :)


My point though if you don't like reading negative comments video game forums are just a bad place to hang out. NO need to go on a rampage deleting every repetitive thread with similiar complaints. That is just going to needlessly piss people off. If a post is boring no one will respond it will be pitched to the back of the bus. That's good enough I think.

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Make a bet?


I bet ME3 surpasses all swtor sales.


Im going to go ahead and say that yes, Mass Effect 3 will sell more copies than SWTOR since it is an xbox 360 game.


Id also be willing to bet Mass Effect 3 doesnt sell 2 million PC copies day 1.

Edited by Halofax
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That's true but with Aion the player base was 100% correct about the fort timers that ended up making it impossible for Asmos get them back from Elyos control which spiraled out of control creating a huge gap in pvp gear between the 2 factions. The blatant Elyos advertising on the front page of the site, the server mergers and the UNRESTRICTED TRANSFERS!.


Every sever accept for one was dominated by Elyos and NC west thought it would be a great idea to merge 3 of the biggest Elyos dominated servers with the largest elyos legions in the game into one server ( even after people were screaming don't do it! ) then the coming week they let the entire player base transfer freely to any server and everyone piled on to the servers where their faction was winning which only made things worse for everyone.


Never played a game that got me so riled up.


Did you play on Vaizel?

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WoW has 12 million active subscribers and could easily be touted as the best game ever made, go take a look at their forums right now.


There is nothing but negative feedback on their forums, and never has been anything but negative feedback on their forums.


It is a side effect of the forum itself. The average gamer is too busy playing the game or doing other things to take the time and come over to the forums and post about how much fun it is.


Forums = The loud minority.


Always have, and always will.


Well the minority have rights too :) No need to silence us, just let us vent and say what we like or don't like about the game. It's not going to hurt anything.

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WoW has 12 million active subscribers and could easily be touted as the best game ever made, go take a look at their forums right now.


There is nothing but negative feedback on their forums, and never has been anything but negative feedback on their forums.


It is a side effect of the forum itself. The average gamer is too busy playing the game or doing other things to take the time and come over to the forums and post about how much fun it is.


Forums = The loud minority.


Always have, and always will.


Yeah, for the first 3 weeks after launch I never came on here because I wanted to spend every minute I could in game. Now I come on here after I closed down for the night to argue, because I like to argue. :) Tis 3am here though so I think I'm done, good night forum dwellers.

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Let me predict the future by release dates. Sounds odd doesn't it?



3/6/2012. Mass Effect 3.

-You will lose half your pve fanbase if not more. ANY pve goodies in this game are already dwarfed by ME 1 and 2. 3 now has co-op. GOODBYE PVE.



Summer/Fall 2012.

-You will lose all your PVP. That is, if people don't get fed up with the horrible statis of it as is. Guild Wars 2 will, of course, destroy this game's pvp in every way from graphics to gameplay to sound. Though i doubt many people will stick to this game's pvp when its pretty bad as is.




That is, if its not F2P in the next 6 months.


GW 2 is expected earlier than that. Open Beta is in 2-3 months, and game is expected soon after. Mid Spring probably.

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Seems like to me they are wanting it to succeed not fail, why else would they be coming on the forums and explaining ways to improve it?


Are you reading the right forums? Because its mostly just people saying the game will be free to play in six months because they dont like it.

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ME3 is a bigger game to Bioware than SWTOR? What are you smoking?


ME3 is more of a side line project in comparison.


Thats hard to tell as a customer given how crappy a game SWTOR turned out to be. You cannot attempt to convince me that this game, with 300M and 5 years in development came out with fewer features more bugs less content than Rift, which came out with a fraction of that budget, supports dx10/11, had a complete feature set, had no major bugs, and a complete set of end game content.


Go read the rift public forums, all you see is people praising the game and a lot of "I came back from SWTOR..do not try it!" threads.


Go read WoW forums, you see a few hate threads, thats about it. Vast majority of them are like "please buff my class"


they are not


"this game is crap, incomplete, buggy and boring", which is what you have here.

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lol well there are some of those, but there is more making informed complaints and ways to fix them I think


These threads almost always devolve into demanding features from WoW with an ultimatum that no one ever actually sticks to.


You think 2 out of ever 3 posts on Warcraft.com isnt "Blizzard please dont put in pandas".


And that games totally dead right?

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Thats hard to tell as a customer given how crappy a game SWTOR turned out to be. You cannot attempt to convince me that this game, with 300M and 5 years in development came out with fewer features more bugs less content than Rift, which came out with a fraction of that budget, supports dx10/11, had a complete feature set, had no major bugs, and a complete set of end game content.


Go read the rift public forums, all you see is people praising the game and a lot of "I came back from SWTOR..do not try it!" threads.


Go read WoW forums, you see a few hate threads, thats about it. Vast majority of them are like "please buff my class"


they are not


"this game is crap, incomplete, buggy and boring", which is what you have here.


This game isnt buggy. I get the UI bug sometimes. And this game has 2 end game raids.


Also, im going to need you to provide me with your budget source, your development time source, and im going to ask you to explain to me exactly how Rift had no bugs at launch, because that is a flat out lie.

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The entire premise of this thread is a joke.


The OP is claiming Bioware is in trouble because they will outsell SWTOR with their own game.


I mean really..


Heh, I think you are right. Also, I am strongly expecting some blatant, slap-in-the-face cross-marketing stunt between ME3 and SWTOR, in the range of "prepurchase ME3 on Origin and get a free exclusive mount in SWTOR; prepurchase the ME3 CE and you get an exclusive companion on top of that". And then the mount will far outshine what you can get otherwise, and the companion could even be HK...


I mean, this is EA, after all.

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remember cost ratio. the money invested in development, maint., fixing a mmo far exceeds a single/co-op.


add to that they have alot of hands in the bowl, parent company, Lucasarts, ect..


Bioware exclusive games have been cheaper to make, patch, and theres fewer outisde suits taking the cash.


Guess where biowares attention is turning to now that this game is out?


Much like Cryptic Studios lead developer was quoted saying its most profitable to get more and smaller games and content released quickly, than invest in large projects that could fail.


i.e. the age of half-baked mmos are upon us, coming out quicker and more numerous than ever.


choose your side: rushed product at premium price or quality product at premium price.


funny theyre charging the same or more than other established mmos for this half-wit game.


STO started like this.

Edited by Deisel
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wait. You think SWTOR is an mmorpg/??


Its more of a single player game with co-op. Actually, it fits singleplayer a lot more than MMO.


You mean me playing with friends and running pve and pvp at 50 makes this game not an mmo?

You guys who dont like the game need to quit and go back to whatever else you were doing and stop trolling on our forums, so we can help BW make the game better then what it already is.

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This is the bane of games with a lot of players, to be honest. If you have 100 players, one will complain about x. If you have 1000 players, 10 will complain, and they'll look like there's actually some people that don't like the game.


If you have 2 million players, 20k will complain about x, making it look like the game is garbage, when in fact most people are just playing and enjoying it.

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I was an asmodian on Vaizel and original Kasinel, and i left when they took out rifting.


heh yea the twinks in +10/15 30e/33Golds were causing a lot of low levels grief. Some even killing the high levels that tried to stop them lol.

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