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The FUTURE of this game.


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Yes, I've played all of the above listed games. As a matter of fact, DDO is where i've spent most of my time since its release. DDO has story arcs, but has no RP to it. You have no choice, you're told the story and told where to go and that's it. Their is no *choice*, theirs not more than one option. Also, DDO's "Story arc's" are garbage and unfinished, and they jump around so much without finishing one.


RPG =/= massive open world to explore

RPG =/= a story arc with a linear path to accomplish that goal



RPG DOES = giving a player a *choice*. Allowing him to play a role and let his choices guide him thru the game.


Tor does this best of all the current MMO's on the market that label themselves mmorpg's.


In this case, eve is the best RPG ever, since it doesn't tell you anything, other than "go out and have fun"?

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If you grew up in the 70's, 80's and early 90's you know what a *TRUE* rpg game is.


As far as actual RPG's on the market now. Most have been put out by bioware. NWN, Mass efffect, TOR.


Non Bioware RPG's in todays world are games like Skyrim and Fallout.


WoW is definitly not a role playing game.

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it's massive in that there are a large amount of people playing across various server.


it's multi-player in that there are multiple of players playing on any given server.


it's online which requires internet access and an account to login and play.


Therefore it fits the requirements of MMO....



Does it have forced group content? No

Does it need forced group content? NO.


If you are new to MMORPG games than maybe you will think that.


But old-school RPGers like myself and others will never see this game as a real MMORPG. It just lacks too many important aspects we have come to expect from our RPG games.


The fact it doesn't have "forced group content" isn't why we say that. It's the way the game is designed in general. It's emphasis on solo play is part of it - but it's also it's linear scripted game play and lack of exploration and freedom.

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The same people you are crying and screaming that TOR isn't a MMO will do the same thing when GW2 is launched...only they won't be able to invade Arenanets forums and shake their fist at the sky.


What they fail to comprehend is neither game was ever intended to be for them....in fact the developers really could care less about them.

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They do not do well in Asia.

They do well in Korea.




MXO was the worst mmo ever made. Ever.


For its last 3 years, the actual development team was volunteer based and led by a member of the community.


Never ever reference that game as a role model for future mmos.


You clearly didn't read what I said.

I said that the open world was one of the best parts of MXO, I said nothing about the development or how people view the game as a whole.


ps. I should point out the guy who ran the game for the last 3 years was someone who was working on the game its whole life.

Also the development team was part of SOE, not volunteered at all, sure the one guy who did it put some extra work into it because he loved the game, but he was paid worker of SOE

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You clearly didn't read what I said.

I said that the open world was one of the best parts of MXO, I said nothing about the development or how people view the game as a whole.


ps. I should point out the guy who ran the game for the last 3 years was someone who was working on the game its whole life.

Also the development team was part of SOE, not volunteered at all, sure the one guy who did it put some extra work into it because he loved the game, but he was paid worker of SOE


First off, there were no quests in MXO, it didnt have an "Open World". It just so happened you could go to any Apartment complex to do the rediculously repetitive quests to get a new trenchcoat.


MXO sucked, and I say that as someone who wanted it to not suck.

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Lol, competitive gaming can not be done on an MMO. Literally 70 percent or more of the actual character control is animation based and not controlled by the player.


Boot up BF3 and lets play...




Boot up MW3 and lets play




Boot up CS 1.6 and lets play




Oh way, you call pushing 1-10 and wasd "esports"


Guild Wars wasnt relevant because no one wants to play an eastern themed mmo anymore.


Thats why I am completely convinced the following mmos will fail:




Blade and Soul

Lineage 3

Lineage 4

Lineage 5

Lineage 6

Aion 2

Aion 3


How can anyone possibly still believe NCsoft makes good mmos with all the "winners" on their line up.


Guild Wars 2 is not an eastern themed mmo... and its not made by NCsoft like Aion was. Its Arena Net that's located in Washington. And actually Aion is the second most successful mmo on the market with about 4 million subscribers.

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no kidding. The first dev diary i watched said they considered it Kotor 3,4,5,6




Yeah, and compared to Kotor1 and 2 this game has a HUGE world. It's definitely not sandbox material but it was never intended to be.


It is what it is. Less linear than Kotor but more linear than SWG. People just need to figure out whether they like this type of game or not and make a decision instead of hating on forums!

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EvE's a good MMO, but its no RPG imho.


Why not, you are given the free choice of doing literally anything you like, and every decision, no matter how small, makes some impact on the world. Buy some ammo for your guns? Mineral prices go up. Mine some minerals and put them on market? Mineral prices go down. Go run PVE missions in a faction raven? Get ganked by "griefers" for phat loot. Destroy an alliance? Alliance gets erased off the map. Camp gate? Get bounty placed on your head. Etcetera.


Literally anything you do makes an impact on at least everyone around you, if not on the entire game.


The world of EVE is shaped by it's players. That is, in fact, the ultimate RPG IMO. Just because people don't like the term "role-playing" because they think it makes them un-manly doesn't mean they don't do it. :p

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Orly? I never got into Eve or DDO but i have played the other 2 and i don't see how you can say it has no rpg? wut?


I've played some single player RPGs, and seen a fair amount of WoW, it's RPG part of MMORPG is extremely weak. I want strong story in my RPGs and my MMORPG, otherwise I'll be on AoE Online, HoI III or Civ IV. Story or strategy, those are what I care about (except Battlefield 1942 which will forever remain my only FPS).

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Lol, competitive gaming can not be done on an MMO. Literally 70 percent or more of the actual character control is animation based and not controlled by the player.


Boot up BF3 and lets play...




Boot up MW3 and lets play




Boot up CS 1.6 and lets play




Oh way, you call pushing 1-10 and wasd "esports"


Guild Wars wasnt relevant because no one wants to play an eastern themed mmo anymore.


Thats why I am completely convinced the following mmos will fail:




Blade and Soul

Lineage 3

Lineage 4

Lineage 5

Lineage 6

Aion 2

Aion 3


How can anyone possibly still believe NCsoft makes good mmos with all the "winners" on their line up.


BF3, MW3 and c 1.6 aren't competetive either. Games for children and little eHeroes.


Boot up Quake 3 or any UT (i should still have 2004 on my hd) and lets play - pm me and we will arrange an 1v1. I'm even up for a trusted PayPal bet. Do you have the balls or just a big mouth as every counter strike kiddo who still thinks that esl has something to do with skill?


Counter-Moderation-Edit: with balls i mean chocolate candy ofc. -what else?

Edited by qIrwuMfh
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You need to find a different guild. I spend half my time helping guildies get through parts that they have trouble with or randomly grouping for fun. I don't think game is so much broken as the attitude lots of players have towards grouping. You actually do get more xp and credits in groups. I'll probably never be in a top 100 guild or complete the nightmare mode ops til they've been nerfed into oblivion, but I don't care either. I'm playing the game for fun, and actually enjoy helping people get through content they were having trouble. :)


For the record I leveled 1-50 in a group with a friend of mine. I did every heroic group quest on ever planet just the two of us. I never said you coudn't group on this game.


We skipped flashpoints because we didn't want to outlevel the planets too fast because this game was paced insanely too fast. We stayed on level par so we could actually make use out of quest rewards...which means we spent about a day or two on each planet when we started questing inbetween credit farming lol...


I give up trying to explain why I don't consider this game a real MMORPG. I wrote a mini book earlier explaining why I say that, so i'm done with that.


I'll just say this. The world SWTOR creats becomes lifeless and dull, and is not fun to explore. It's copies too much from WoW - which i can't stand - and has basically blended what I hate most about the new age MMORPGs into one game.


The companion system is cool, The graphics are nice. But the gameplay is kind of shallow and repetitive, and the game is just too short, linear and scripted to make it fun for a long time.


That's the bottom line. You can call it w/e the hell you want.


Also you're the one who may wanna consider getting a new guild, not me - because if they need help all the time on this game they are pretty bad :)

Edited by JeremyDale
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Guild Wars 2 is not an eastern themed mmo... and its not made by NCsoft like Aion was. Its Arena Net that's located in Washington. And actually Aion is the second most successful mmo on the market with about 4 million subscribers.


Indeed, arena net is just owned by NCsoft - its not NC that's developing gw2. About Aion - only a tiny portion of those subscribers are actualy european and american gamers, and if you check the respective forums you'll see that the way NC is developing the game pretty much sucks for them - they play a game that gets updates based on what the Asian community wants.

Edited by Zangaboing
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BF3, MW3 and c 1.6 aren't competetive either. Games for children and little eHeroes.


Boot up Quake 3 or any UT (i should still have 2004 on my hd) and lets play - pm me and we will arrange an 1v1. I'm even up for a trusted PayPal bet. Do you have the balls or just a big mouth as every counter strike kiddo who still thinks that esl has something to do with skill?


Hello, good sir. Where can I subscribe to your newsletter? Cause truer words are rarely spoken in here.

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I sort of think that the original poster is going to be right. Obviously, I don't think we'll see a mass exodus because of ME3 but I think a few people will be happy playing that game for a while and forget all about SWTOR. I do think we will see a pretty temporary drop in pops though.


Guild Wars 2, however, I think is going to decimate SWTOR. If my server is any indication, the level 50 PvP crew on the Republic side (and our server is actually one of the more balanced ones) is already starting to talk about moving on to the same GW2 server.


What can they add that will really get people to stay? I don't see appending more flashpoints, operations and warzones on to the end of this product as really incentive enough.


They could implement some fun things via the Legacy system, I suppose. Maybe cook up some sort of AA system. Just more of the same doesn't seem like it can compete with the appeal of a brand new MMO though. And if GW2 PvP gets good reviews, will rated WZ's be enough to keep PvPers here?


The prospects of this game just don't seem that exciting at the moment.

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Yeah, and compared to Kotor1 and 2 this game has a HUGE world. It's definitely not sandbox material but it was never intended to be.


It is what it is. Less linear than Kotor but more linear than SWG. People just need to figure out whether they like this type of game or not and make a decision instead of hating on forums!



This. Don't see how people didn't get that out of the information out there.


Quite honestly if you don't take your time to do the research before sinking $60 or more into a game then you shouldn't be complaining that you aren't getting your $60 worth.

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I can see GW2 taking pvp people away. I mean GW1 pvp is loads better as is let alone a whole new and this time actual MMO. I get the pvp wasnt the focus but it isnt in a lot of mmos, that are a ton better all around. Myself I only find the class quest interesting. THe others are just the same old same old kill 10 of this find 10 of these. Voice acting does not help make it "fun". As bad as the pvp can be though (my last team was 8 mercs me on my sniper and a jugger) its the funnest part of the game.
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