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The FUTURE of this game.


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A 600lb gorilla with bad breath is tough to ignore. :)


Well I have no problem ignoring it.


WoW had some of the most shallow empty combat I've ever experienced on a game. The PvE was so boring I would literally strip down and auto attack monsters my own level to death while I was afk in the RR just for kicks.

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For WoW:

- UI customization wasn't added until patch 1.8.1 (11 months after release)

- Global trade wasn't added until patch 1.9 (14 months after release)

- LFG wasn't added until patch 3.3 (5 years + 1 month after release)


Unless Blizzard hands the code over to BioWare, adding "WoW-level" stuff is not going to happen right away. But considering that BW has all but fixed the game's login crashes and queueing issues in less than a month, I'd say things will work out just fine. Especially considering it took Blizz a whole year and a complete new launcher redesign to fix theirs.



-WoW allowed addons and mods from day 1. By the end of the first month there were all sorts of UI's you could do, like the old nurf'ed UI. You didn't have a game that disallowed addons and then also gave you zero options hardcoded to fix it.



-Global trade wasn't needed because everyone hung out in IF/Org. SWTOR, @ 50 you generally don't hang out at the fleet.



-LFG was the best addition to the MMO genre since auction houses. There is no excuse to not have it.

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This game is the spiritual successor of the original KOTOR indeed. I think it would've saved a lot of time, headaches, etc if it were made a single player RPG instead of an MMO.


I just don't see the point in it.


But I've been trying to enjoy the game for what it's worth heh. Oh well...

Edited by Akabeth
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-WoW allowed addons and mods from day 1. By the end of the first month there were all sorts of UI's you could do, like the old nurf'ed UI. You didn't have a game that disallowed addons and then also gave you zero options hardcoded to fix it.



-Global trade wasn't needed because everyone hung out in IF/Org. SWTOR, @ 50 you generally don't hang out at the fleet.



-LFG was the best addition to the MMO genre since auction houses. There is no excuse to not have it.

But they didn't stop causing crashes until the patches. 11 months is 11 months regardless of how it's spun. :) Edited by GalacticKegger
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But they didn't stop causing crashes until the patches. 11 months is 11 months regardless of how it's spun. :)


I never had a crash from a UI addon in WoW.



And if I did why would I cry to Blizzard about it since its a 3 party program?

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I never had a crash from a UI addon in WoW.



And if I did why would I cry to Blizzard about it since its a 3 party program?


I haven't been in a car accident, therefore they don't happen. ;)

Edited by Surakis
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This game is the spiritual successor of the original KOTOR indeed. I think it would've saved a lot of time, headaches, etc if it were made a single player RPG instead of an MMO.


I just don't see the point in it.


But I've been trying to enjoy the game for what it's worth heh. Oh well...


I couldn't agree more.

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This game is the spiritual successor of the original KOTOR indeed. I think it would've saved a lot of time, headaches, etc if it were made a single player RPG instead of an MMO.


I just don't see the point in it.



The point in it is to experience KOTOR type storyline content with other people.


This game was never, ever going to be anything other than "KOTOR with mates". Anybody who ever expected anything else - well, I want what they're smoking :)


The absolutely best and most unique part of this game, for me, is being in dialogues with other people and seeing what choices the winner makes. I love doing the group content generally, as I love group content in all MMOs - but almost the best part of the group content in this MMO is that moment where you "Join Conversation". No other MMO can give you that moment.


If that doesn't tickle one's fancy, if one doesn't "get" that, then this is probably the wrong MMO to play. It's probably the closest a computer game has come to the "feel" of tabletop gaming since BioWare's NWN and its PWs run by enthusiastic GMs - albeit only in a very narrow sense (obviously it's not GM-led so can't give you that full experience of a living story that you're co-creating, but just that overall general sense of being in a group and going through a story, is very reminiscent, and nostalgic in a way).


The rest of the MMO stuff is bog standard, better done than some, not quite as well done as others, but (judging by BW's responsiveness), likely to improve.

Edited by gurugeorge
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This game is the spiritual successor of the original KOTOR indeed. I think it would've saved a lot of time, headaches, etc if it were made a single player RPG instead of an MMO.


I just don't see the point in it.


But I've been trying to enjoy the game for what it's worth heh. Oh well...


The point is simple.


A publisher can charge $15 a month for an MMO subscription. They can't do that with a SPRPG.


Publishers look at WoW making profits of $500 million a year, and it makes them salivate. They forget that you have to execute if you're going to get those members.


Bioware decided to make an MMO which goes totally against their specialty. Why? Because LA wanted an MMO to generate steady licensing revenue, SWG had failed to be that game, and they convinced Bioware they were the ones who could pull it off. EA then bought Bioware largely due to having the licensing rights to a Star Wars MMO. They envisioned WoW in space, with WoW-type subscription numbers. And that is why you make an MMO instead of a SPRPG.


Ironically, I think if BW had invested the same money and energy into a KOTOR 3 SPRPG for cross-platform support, they might have sold 10 million units and paid for development twice over already, plus they could sell DLC's and probably make a crap-load more money from those. Now, they are into it deep with an MMORPG that better pull no less than half a million subscribers for the next year or it will be one of the biggest money sinks in history.

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Honestly, I think this is one of the best games I've ever played and I have played a lot of games but that being said, the PvP and grouping isn't really all that good. Although, I will say that WoW pvp/Rift pvp aren't any better than this PvP. In an MMO like this, the PvP just isn't that much fun imo. But this game has great soloing and story, it honestly is probably more like a single player game with Multiplayer aspects but, so what? That doesn't mean it isn't a great game.
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Honestly, I think this is one of the best games I've ever played and I have played a lot of games but that being said, the PvP and grouping isn't really all that good. Although, I will say that WoW pvp/Rift pvp aren't any better than this PvP. In an MMO like this, the PvP just isn't that much fun imo. But this game has great soloing and story, it honestly is probably more like a single player game with Multiplayer aspects but, so what? That doesn't mean it isn't a great game.


ya, awesome solo'ing...

Go kill 10 droids in a cave on balmorra...

Go kill 10 droids in a room on Nar Shadaa...

Go kill 10 droids in a cave On Alderaan...

Go kill 10 droids in a cave on Taris...

Go kill 10 droids in a cave on Quesh...



The worst part is that the droids all look the same. If you put them all next to each other you wouldn't even notice the difference.

maybe the solo'ing on Hoth will be better...

Go kill 10 droids in a cave on Hoth...

Go kill 10 droids in a cabe on Belsavis...

Go kill 10 droids in a cave on Voss...


I mean at least if it was challenging it would be ok. They sit around in groups of 3 waiting to get facerolled by my OP IA.


So no, i don't find the solo'ing good, or even engaging. The entire game is subpar. I even hate the story. it wouldn't even be so bad if they didn't play it up like your decisions matter. But pretending it does, and then having the same outcome no matter what, just seems obnoxious to me.

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The point is simple.


A publisher can charge $15 a month for an MMO subscription. They can't do that with a SPRPG.


Publishers look at WoW making profits of $500 million a year, and it makes them salivate. They forget that you have to execute if you're going to get those members.


Bioware decided to make an MMO which goes totally against their specialty. Why? Because LA wanted an MMO to generate steady licensing revenue, SWG had failed to be that game, and they convinced Bioware they were the ones who could pull it off. EA then bought Bioware largely due to having the licensing rights to a Star Wars MMO. They envisioned WoW in space, with WoW-type subscription numbers. And that is why you make an MMO instead of a SPRPG.


Ironically, I think if BW had invested the same money and energy into a KOTOR 3 SPRPG for cross-platform support, they might have sold 10 million units and paid for development twice over already, plus they could sell DLC's and probably make a crap-load more money from those. Now, they are into it deep with an MMORPG that better pull no less than half a million subscribers for the next year or it will be one of the biggest money sinks in history.


And this is Bioware/EA's descent into failure, because of their selfish and stupid decisions.

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One of the BIGGEST things in an MMO are the guilds. There are absolutely zero guild features. Why would anyone even want to be in a guild in this game? MMO players like features, they like numbers, they like to see their character important in the world they live in. AND NOT BY NPC's. They want to be viewed as important by their peers. Is there anything one person can do in SWTOR that would be seen as cool by the rest of the playerbase? I mean, a person can't even go off in the middle of the night and grind guild xp for their guild. What the hell?? This is 2012. I could care less if my companions think I'm the coolest thing since toast. I'm in an MMO with other real players! or at least I'm supposed to be!
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It's not massive. I was level 50 within a month and had already seen every planet.


It's not really multiplayer either. It is ridiculously easy to solo on this game - and grouping up is almost enitirely optional.


It's just like the other guy said. It's a single player action/adventure game with a co op mode if you choose.


This game isn't changing anything. It's just pretending to be something it isn't.


the massively part refers to the amount of people involved........nice try though.

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oh Crap, its the same guys that hate and despise games like ME2, DA2, and are trying to say Bioware is a failure for not making KOTOR3 with fanwank Revan as the protagonist.


thinly disguised as saying TOR is a poor MMO, but be honest.. you just wanted something else.


the jokes on you who hate it and just paid for a month. Ouch.

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I skimmed your post since you directed at me and just let me say I'm kind of worn out with the semantic debate over rather this a real MMORPG or not. I explained my reasoning in a very long 3 paragraph post earlier of why I personally do not think it feels like a real MMORPG, and there is no point in me repeating myself.


It's obvious everyone has their own ideas about what makes a game an MMORPG and what doesn't - and i'm content to leave it at that.


But to your point, yeah - you can group up if you want, but the game itself, at least 1-50 - is designed almost entirely around a solo-play experience. That's just a fact. Rather it is bad or good isnt' my point, it's just an unusual design for an MMORPG, least compared to the older ones which had more emphasis on group-oriented content, especially to advance the plot.


I'll admit the genere is changing though, and I'm old-school on these matters.


Quite a bit less, though, than the most common comparison of an MMO. WoW is designed around 1-cap as a solo game, and only then do you start becoming multiplayer. At least TOR attempts to offer you regular multiplayer opportunities thoughout leveling. The fact that many players don't take advantage of them doesn't mean it's not there....only that they are more interested in the solo playing aspect of it. As for comparisons to other MMO's....again, the opportunities are there, if you choose to take advantage of them. The only part it lacks, is a solid sandbox experience.....which is to be expected as it's not a sandbox, but a themepark MMO.



-WoW allowed addons and mods from day 1. By the end of the first month there were all sorts of UI's you could do, like the old nurf'ed UI. You didn't have a game that disallowed addons and then also gave you zero options hardcoded to fix it.

WoW also had massive problems with their addons and mods from day 1. Which conveniently caused almost as many problems as Blizzard did, and made fixing their game exceptionally difficult...possibly why it took almost a year, instead of a month.


Possibly also why they've stated numerous times that they're adding customization options to the game?



-Global trade wasn't needed because everyone hung out in IF/Org. SWTOR, @ 50 you generally don't hang out at the fleet.

The Fleet, Ilum, or in an instance. It's still not necessary.



-LFG was the best addition to the MMO genre since auction houses. There is no excuse to not have it.

Absolutely not. I'd rather argue that it was one of the worst, given my own experiences.


As for no excuse to not have it.....TOR does have it. The only difference is that it requires the players to utilize it, rather than clicking a button and forgetting about it. Amazingly enough, I've been able to successfully utilize it numerous times.


Possibly because they're not used to playing with others during that leveling up process? And yes, it's completely possible to level from 1-50 in a group. Including the class stuff. Which can be very interesting, actually.

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One of the BIGGEST things in an MMO are the guilds. There are absolutely zero guild features. Why would anyone even want to be in a guild in this game? MMO players like features, they like numbers, they like to see their character important in the world they live in. AND NOT BY NPC's. They want to be viewed as important by their peers.


You clearly didn't watch the video that came out awhile back about what Bioware is planning to put into the game in the future. Along with this people need to Chill out we are only getting into the 3 month mark of the game being out and we are not Rift where everything comes out super fast and also Bioware is known to be somewhat a Blizzard mindset in there thinking and Im sure Bioware is also working diligently to get us new content.


As I stated before in this thread people need to let Bioware get their stuff out before the madness of " I hate Bioware I just going to rage quit SWTOR because they don't have the stuff i want super bad" starts and you jump ship too early.

Edited by Tothjowii
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lol. ME3 = not an MMORPG. i'll beat it in one weekend and then go back to swtor.


Swtor an MMORPG.. you're funny.


The only reotely multiplayer I have seen in this game, is when I leveled one of my characters with a friend. Technically, making Swtor a co-op.


Had this game since the beginning of january - have done a total of 4 flashpoints. And I have really been trying to find groups for flashpoints suited my level on a normal-active server.


And that you call an MMORPG - you should be a comedian.

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