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The FUTURE of this game.


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The future of this game doesnt look good IMO.


What it looks like is WoW with lightsabers.


Really was hoping that they would of made it more like SWG. The things I dont like about the game the way it is.


1 Space is a joke, its just plain boring that you cant fly your ship but its instead a just target and shoot things game.


2 Crafting is worthless, by the time you can get the stuff to make something for yourself you most likely will have outleveled its usefullness.


3. Having phased planets for rebs and imps? The only way to find PVP is warzones, I think out of all my time leveling I have encountered a total of 10 rebels.


4. Combat levels. Always hated them, all it does is keep people from playing together. Nope cant group with him because hes to high a level I will lose XP.


5. Letting people have 8 toons per server just makes it so they can avoid playing with others.


Its still early but if they keep trying to just copy WOW with a Star Wars theme I will probable be quitting. You will not be as successfull as WOW by copying them.

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Ditto. When I heard of TOR years ago,I immediately created this forum account to register for beta but EVERYTHING I heard from then put me off completely, I changed my mind whyen I played the stress tests at the end of november and decided to buy it.


My story too. I wouldn't have bought it if I didn't get into the stress test. All the whining about it being wow in space and how it wasn't wow enough and so on. But the fact is, it's just plain old fun, which wow never was for me. Not to this extent.


Ed: And ditto on the sandbox games. They're just more fun on the long run IMO.

Edited by Truga
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The balance is ok, but PvP here is a laggy, clunky mess.


i pull 60+ frames on pvp..no lagg..nothing..so idk..notice a few things server side..like when i try to cast force statis..but no biggie..its only been out a month.

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Why is everyone so hyped about GW2. I truely don't know very much about it other than a lot of people seem to think it's the next comming of christ. I think we've all seen games hyped like this and when they come out they can't possibly live up to what our imagination made them to be. I suspect with what everyone thinks GW2 is going to be that alone will cause it to be the biggest let down of almost any game to date. Besides, GW1 was nothing but ok for it's time and NCSoft's reputation for making games in the last 8 years isn't great.QUOTE]


Since these are the ToR boards I won’t get into details, but GW2 is nothing like GW1 other then lore, story and professions. The main reason many are excited is the lack of trinity and options beyond raiding and daily grinds for an end game. Many players, me included are sick to death of both the trinity system and raid or die end game.

Edited by VladMorbius
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Ditto. When I heard of TOR years ago,I immediately created this forum account to register for beta but EVERYTHING I heard from then put me off completely, I changed my mind whyen I played the stress tests at the end of november and decided to buy it.

i imagine that people who have been auto-hyping it inside their heads are between the greatest haters and most upset. But to me it's fun, it's as you said sort of KOTOR 3 and that for me is fine. i don't play for 'endgame', as I usually prefer sandbox style games and hate to repeat over and over the same boring instance run or raid. And TOR is a good product, you say it's not innovative but I am ready to bet many of the features it introduced (or made popular) will be in other games soon.


Funny thing is most people who say they quit because TOR isn't innovative, they will go back to wow or rift... the sadness....


Yea Im not going back to WOW I left in 2007 and never looked back and I skipped Rift because it looked like they just copy pasted wow entirely. At least Bioware gave us a great story.


I've played Bioware games since Baldurs Gate so I'm familiar with their formula. I've never been overly impressed with their gameplay mechanics but they have always had a mastery of story and character development. I don't do the end game raiding either and truth be told I think the game has a really good amount of content for a launch mmo title.

It was pretty obvious the gameplay aspect wouldn't be revolutionary when the Devs were talking abotu how great WoW is and that all mmos should copy them.


I was always more interested in GW2 then this one. I had always planned Swtor to be a stopping point on my way to GW2. I tend to like mmos that try to be different. The most time Iv ever spent in mos were in EVE (subbed on and off since damn near its launch) and FFXI. I tried out AOC, STO, FF14 and DCUO. Out of them all the only one I had a lot of fun in was Dcuo. That game was incredibly fun. It was just way too short. Not nearly enough to keep me hooked on it. I played it for about 3 months and got bored doing the same raids and HMA's I had the full t2 set etc.


I'll have fun with this games stories and exploring the different romance options for awhile. But I still wish they had tried to break the mold with the core gameplay mechanics. Even tho I knew they wouldn't

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I predict 3/6/12 we will both still be here. Ill be having fun in the game and you will still be filled with hate telling everyone how sad you are.



I predict 2013 we will both still be here. Ill be having fun in the game and you will still be filled with hate telling everyone how sad you are.


Oh, and just because many choose to play the game solo does not mean its a single player game. Most people solo in MMORPGs.

Edited by Derfmiolleh
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My story too. I wouldn't have bought it if I didn't get into the stress test. All the whining about it being wow in space and how it wasn't wow enough and so on. But the fact is, it's just plain old fun, which wow never was for me. Not to this extent.


Ed: And ditto on the sandbox games. They're just more fun on the long run IMO.


yeah you gotta love how TOR is simultaneously "too much like WoW" and "not enough like WoW"....


anyway, 8 stories to enjoy and they will last me quite a bit and I am not interested in PVP (at least not instanced PVP) or raiding so...

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yeah you gotta love how TOR is simultaneously "too much like WoW" and "not enough like WoW"....

Well you have the people who wanted SWG2 they think its too much like wow. And me. I think its too much like wow as well. Luckily theres enough kotor here for me for now.


Then you have the actual wow players. Who come here and they don't have their LFD tool and their Dual spec and their 3 tiers of raid gear and 6 raids and arena and cross server stuff. Can't please everyone.


Yea there's a lot of stories. Not doing all 8 but Ill do a few of them. I Really like the Inquisitor Smuggler and Bh stories. <3 Mako

Edited by mezlabor
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I don't see how people who are only here to play pvp would be here at all, so I don't see the overlap that anyone is claiming gw2 to have with this game.


GW franchise is a bald ripoff of every asian pvp game out there, right down to the annoying "shout in town to sell junk" and "make sure every X looks identical" that the asians love so much.


SWtor on the other hand doesn't even really know what it is. It's a game with a very richly acted storyline that matters only so long as you're dragging out the grind from 1-49, and then it never mattered, along with most of your craft skills.


It seems like SWTOR had two design ideals, and they didn't like one another.

Edited by Darth_Nox
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Let me predict the future by release dates. Sounds odd doesn't it?



3/6/2012. Mass Effect 3.

-You will lose half your pve fanbase if not more. ANY pve goodies in this game are already dwarfed by ME 1 and 2. 3 now has co-op. GOODBYE PVE.



Summer/Fall 2012.

-You will lose all your PVP. That is, if people don't get fed up with the horrible statis of it as is. Guild Wars 2 will, of course, destroy this game's pvp in every way from graphics to gameplay to sound. Though i doubt many people will stick to this game's pvp when its pretty bad as is.




That is, if its not F2P in the next 6 months.


Troll on.

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Well allow me to educate you.


How often on this game do you spend your time in groups or "multiplaying"? I doubt very often before you reach max level, considering it is painfully easy to rapidly solo most of the content on this game. So even by your own odd standards the term doesn't apply.


This game is cleary aimed toward solo play. Hell, you can't even complete the main story quests together....as if two jedi consulars for example attempt to do their story lines as a group one has to enter "spectator mode" and it doesn't even count for them lol


You are just wrong.


This is no Massive game, not in either respect. Not in world size, nor in multiplayer experience.


I usually don't chime in, but what do you think RPG is? Role - "Single" playing game. Ok, now that we got that definition out of the way. Now we look at MMO "Massively mutliplayer "you know, more than one player" Online "somewhere where we collaborate". I think a lot of people forgot the whole definition. This game certainly fits the bill.


You forgot about social points that you can gather if you choose to team up with people. Also apparently forgot that you can solo from 1 to 50 because it does happen to be a single player game. So what is wrong with choose a class, going to 50, but yet, having to play another class with a different storyline and experiencing something different? I don't get you people who complain about this. It makes absolutely no sense. Or choosing to group up with people. All they did was take out the absolutely necessary grouping, made it soloable or to team up if you want to. Nothing is stopping you from saying "hey buddy, wanna group up for a heroic on this planet?". I've teamed up with quite a few people from time to time.


Replayability apparently a lot of people forgot the definition to. I shouldn't have to define it, as it speaks for itself. Is guild wars going to be replayable? Are they going to have a big set of storylines for each character? Or is it also going to be complete set of scripts that repeat itself over and over again? You say dynamics, but how much dynamics can you really throw into a game without seeing it more than once? I bet you'll be bored of it after a year. Rift tried something like that, and apparently, I started seeing the same thing, over and over again. Got bored of it after six months of play. Oh well. Life moves on right?

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Gotcha, the model is the same yes, you are absolutly right. And comparing a mmo at launch state in 2004 to one in 2011 is not what i meant at all as the expectations are not the same now as they were back in 2004.


I do hope the put some more in that is harder and get some gear that is for the few that want to do the extra mile and get the bonus. Not just the CE bonus.


But as long as I have the story on more chars I am gonna play, need to try them alle to figure out if any story is weeker then other. For now the Sith in. is better then BH. More Epic.


But lets see what they do, they need to do something :)

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GW franchise is a bald ripoff of every asian pvp game out there, right down to the annoying "shout in town to sell junk" and "make sure every X looks identical" that the asians love so much.


Uhh, have you even seen the amount of different armours one can make in GW, per class? And then there's dyes, which further make me think you've never even played that game. I had a white dervish, a red elementalist, a black necro and a ****** mesmer. None of them looked like other capped characters.


Here? Here we don't even have dyes. Now I'm loving the game and I'll stay for a while, but your post is just saying you know nothing about guild wars because it has nothing in common with Asian MMOs, apart from NCsoft owning arenanet. There are a lot of things they did right. See the quests in this game? The "revolutionary" story telling and all? Guild wars was identical in this matter. All missions were voice acted and the entire world has this cool story going on.


TL;DR: You are bad and you should feel bad. Spewing fallacies does not a good argument make.

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So back earlier in the thread someone said


"SWTOR got better Reviews that rift, lawl lawl lawl" and I thought this seemed strange, so I did research..






IGN gave it the best mmo award. I somehow see SWTOR not getting that honor this year. MMORPG also gave it best of the year.


But what em I talking about? Gamespot is the bible of truth right?





Same score


Also go back to the first two months of posts in the Rift general threads; there are no hate posts like here. No "theres nothing to do" posts or "this game is crap" posts. There are posts arguing about class balance, sure, but thats as deep as it goes. Meanwhile posts here are attacking the fundamentals of this game which is an entirely different level of angry.

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Also go back to the first two months of posts in the Rift general threads; there are no hate posts like here. No "theres nothing to do" posts or "this game is crap" posts. There are posts arguing about class balance, sure, but thats as deep as it goes. Meanwhile posts here are attacking the fundamentals of this game which is an entirely different level of angry.


Going to have to call BS on that one. There may not be any posts left NOW after the mods got through with them, but there were plenty when RIFT first went live. There were lots in the beta forums too.

Edited by Merrinset
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Then why are there so many threads whining that there's too much group content?


This is either sarcastic or id like you to point me to one of the threads complaining that there is "too much" content. Our guild cleared out the end game content within 4 days of us hitting max level. It does not take a rocket scientist or a hardcore guild to understand tank/spank mechanics, which is all the game offers.

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GW2 pvp is not an MMO pvp ... let me get this straight everyone here is all about getting their pvp gear and complain when they don't. yet they are going to go to a game that not only bolsters your stats, but gives you skills you don't yet possess and EVERYONE the same gear?


Really, that's what's fun? Go play an FPS if that's the kind of pvp you want.

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So back earlier in the thread someone said


"SWTOR got better Reviews that rift, lawl lawl lawl" and I thought this seemed strange, so I did research..






IGN gave it the best mmo award. I somehow see SWTOR not getting that honor this year. MMORPG also gave it best of the year.



Might I point you to http://www.swtor.com/awards you know, so your research is more complete.

Edited by Apocalypsezero
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lol. ME3 = not an MMORPG. i'll beat it in one weekend and then go back to swtor.


Agreed. I just happened to pick up Assassin's Creed: Revelations on sale this weekend so I'm playing that now and not SWTOR. I assure you, OP, like SunwindIon states, as soon as I'm done with AC:R, I'll be right back on SWTOR...until ME3...when I'll take a break and beat that before returning again.


And guess what happens to the revenue I'm generating for Bioware/EA? Oh yeah, it continues on whether I take a weekend break for another game or not.


So it's hardly the END OF much of anything. :)

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