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The FUTURE of this game.


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FFXI revolved around a full group of people fighting a sheep. Over. And Over. And Over.


Granted the world in FFXI was gigantic, but ill never forget standing in town for up to 4 hours asking if anyone needed a Samurai. Real fun times there.


But the class you played was important in FFXI. You played a role. You felt like a part of the group. You were interacting with others. It didn't matter if you had to defeat 50 sheep in order to level up. The interactions with other people made it fun. You met people because you'd be off with them for hours fighting those sheep. You appreciated people who were good at tanking, good at healing. You got to know their names and became friends with them. You got to know the people that were friendly and helpful within the community.

After 47 levels of SWTOR I can't even name one other person on the shard outside of the people in my guild. I don't even know if I'm good or bad at my own profession because PVP is borked so I don't do it, and I have no frame of reference to whether I'm even good at my class or not.

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I agree with you.


It's a solid single player game - but as an MMORPG, it fails pretty bad.


You eventually have to play with others. Unfortunately the vast majority of the forum whiners are obviously level 30 or lower.


You cannot get the Tionese, Columni, or Rakata gear alone, you have to Run hard mode flashpoints or Operations which are extremely easy, but definitely not solo-able.


The get PVP gear you will inevitably have to complete the dailys and weeklies which require a group effort.


It does not make the game single player just because I'm not strong armed into associating myself with the scum and villainry of the internet.

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I never said FFXI was a perfect game. It had many flaws.


You just wanted examples of games where grouping was a nessassary compotent to the gameplay so I give them to you.


But I can tell you this. I played Final Fantasy 11 for probably close to 5 years, I've been on SWTOR for a month and I'm already bored of it. I think that speaks for itself.


Same genre (FFXI, SWTOR), yet two very different flavors (sub-genre if you will). FFXI alongside EQOA, were my first MMO's. I loved them, and played for years. I like that style and wish this game had it alongside its story aspect. However, for what its worth, I am enjoying this game. That being said, in its current state, I could not play it for an extended amount of time (years). Provided they Bio-Ware / EA have a consistent content schedule with SWTOR, I will hang around for awhile. That being said, I will of course try other games too and perhaps re-kindle old memories with old-school mmo's. Regardless, it seems all mainstream MMO's are moving in this direction and abandoning the sand-box style... It would be nice to see at least one new title maintain the origins of this genre, but it's hard to see that happening as in the end, its a business (it would only be a niche market at this point).

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But the class you played was important in FFXI. You played a role. You felt like a part of the group. You were interacting with others. It didn't matter if you had to defeat 50 sheep in order to level up. The interactions with other people made it fun. You met people because you'd be off with them for hours fighting those sheep. You appreciated people who were good at tanking, good at healing. You got to know their names and became friends with them. You got to know the people that were friendly and helpful within the community.

After 47 levels of SWTOR I can't even name one other person on the shard outside of the people in my guild. I don't even know if I'm good or bad at my own profession because PVP is borked so I don't do it, and I have no frame of reference to whether I'm even good at my class or not.


In FFXI you had Tanks, DDs, and Healers.


In SWTOR you have GASP Tanks, DDs and Healers.


Only in SWTOR you dont need a full party to play at all times, forcing you to interact with people you arent interested in. They are still there, its still multiplayer, they just cant bother you.

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I was bored of FFXI the first time i stood around in the level 30 or whatever jumgle area when i got my samurai, and realized the only character anyone wanted or needed was Red Mage.


Meanwhile big Papa beastmaster was out soloing.


FFXI endgame contains raids that can take up to 4 hours per boss fight. Americans cannot sustain gameplay for that long, and its comical to expect them to.


As for Everquest, you can still play Everquest today, its Called World of Warcraft.


Well as an American I am happy to prove you wrong, and it isn't unusual for me to spend 4 hours a day on a video game. You have already spent over four hours on this forum I should point out....


As I said, Final Fantasy 11 wasn't a perfect game. It had plenty of flaws - but it was a real MMORPG that could keep players busy for years to come if they wanted.

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Well as an American I am happy to prove you wrong, and it isn't unusual for me to spend 4 hours a day on a video game. You have already spent over four hours on this forum I should point out....


As I said, Final Fantasy 11 wasn't a perfect game. It had plenty of flaws - but it was a real MMORPG that could keep players busy for years to come if they wanted.


No dude, a single boss taking 4 hours of combat.

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Let me predict the future by release dates. Sounds odd doesn't it?



3/6/2012. Mass Effect 3.

-You will lose half your pve fanbase if not more. ANY pve goodies in this game are already dwarfed by ME 1 and 2. 3 now has co-op. GOODBYE PVE.



Summer/Fall 2012.

-You will lose all your PVP. That is, if people don't get fed up with the horrible statis of it as is. Guild Wars 2 will, of course, destroy this game's pvp in every way from graphics to gameplay to sound. Though i doubt many people will stick to this game's pvp when its pretty bad as is.




That is, if its not F2P in the next 6 months.



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You've left out a critical trend that we have observed on a 1 for 1 basis:

New patch = New massive problem


There's a new patch coming. I wouldent be surprised if this game is F2P in two weeks.


Two weeks.. seriously? You actually believe that? After all the cash they dropped into making this game and how Bioware have committed themselves to this game you actually think itll be f2p in 2 weeks? Thats astonishingly naive.


Even war refused to go f2p after people jumped that ship.


I dont get what the problem is really. This game was billed as mainly a PvE and its lived up to that for me so far. Ive lvled 2 toons so far into the 30s and with both of them I havnt played more than an hour with either of them solo.

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Well as an American I am happy to prove you wrong, and it isn't unusual for me to spend 4 hours a day on a video game. You have already spent over four hours on this forum I should point out....


As I said, Final Fantasy 11 wasn't a perfect game. It had plenty of flaws - but it was a real MMORPG that could keep players busy for years to come if they wanted.


Oh snap my bad, i meant that one boss in FFXI that takes 18 hours of combat.


How fun.



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No dude, a single boss taking 4 hours of combat.


That was extremely rare, and deffinitely not something you ever expereinced if you only made it to the jungle and level 30....


But in any case, you have spent over 4 hours on this forum already, so I fail to see why it would be so unproductive for you to spend four hours fighting a boss instead.

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Two weeks.. seriously? You actually believe that? After all the cash they dropped into making this game and how Bioware have committed themselves to this game you actually think itll be f2p in 2 weeks? Thats astonishingly naive.


Even war refused to go f2p after people jumped that ship.


I dont get what the problem is really. This game was billed as mainly a PvE and its lived up to that for me so far. Ive lvled 2 toons so far into the 30s and with both of them I havnt played more than an hour with either of them solo.


He doesn't believe it himself, he is just saying because trolls haven't got anymore ammo, game is doing fine, first month came and passed and population is ok if not even higher, millions play the game and are happy so what they have left? Post nonsense, the more absurd the better, then login with their forum alts and post support. I would just ignore them all till they are left talking to themselves...

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In FFXI you had Tanks, DDs, and Healers.


In SWTOR you have GASP Tanks, DDs and Healers.


Only in SWTOR you dont need a full party to play at all times, forcing you to interact with people you arent interested in. They are still there, its still multiplayer, they just cant bother you.


Why do you equate online gaming as having to play with people you don't like?

Honestly, we're all gamers and enjoy playing games. We have a lot in common. We play MMO's to play with others that share our passion for the genre. If I wanted to play alone I'd be off playing Skyrim. All this is, is Skyrim pretending to be an MMO to justify subscriptions.

I actually WANT to play with others. But everything about this game is anti-MMO.

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Same genre (FFXI, SWTOR), yet two very different flavors (sub-genre if you will). FFXI alongside EQOA, were my first MMO's. I loved them, and played for years. I like that style and wish this game had it alongside its story aspect. However, for what its worth, I am enjoying this game. That being said, in its current state, I could not play it for an extended amount of time (years). Provided they Bio-Ware / EA have a consistent content schedule with SWTOR, I will hang around for awhile. That being said, I will of course try other games too and perhaps re-kindle old memories with old-school mmo's. Regardless, it seems all mainstream MMO's are moving in this direction and abandoning the sand-box style... It would be nice to see at least one new title maintain the origins of this genre, but it's hard to see that happening as in the end, its a business (it would only be a niche market at this point).


I hope you're wrong but sadly you probably aren't :(

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Future? This game has none.


My entire guild has quit playing because they finally realized that this is a sub-par game, developed by kids who don't know what a MMO is.


I'm so disappointed by Bioware that I will NEVER buy another game from them again, this is pathetic.

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That was extremely rare, and deffinitely not something you ever expereinced if you only made it to the jungle and level 30....


But in any case, you have spent over 4 hours on this forum already, so I fail to see why it would be so unproductive for you to spend four hours fighting a boss instead.


Did you see my link the the two bosses in FFXI that take 18 hours of combat?




Dont get me wrong dude i like my games hard, but thats just stupid.


Ill take my repetitive "kill 20 jedi" quests plz.

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Well as an American I am happy to prove you wrong, and it isn't unusual for me to spend 4 hours a day on a video game. You have already spent over four hours on this forum I should point out....


As I said, Final Fantasy 11 wasn't a perfect game. It had plenty of flaws - but it was a real MMORPG that could keep players busy for years to come if they wanted.


I loved FFXI, and played it for years myself. However, the reason people played that game for "years" was because it was a grind... While I share the view point that certain grinds found within FFXI (using that game as a reference) are good to have in order to have a sense of accomplishment, I believe they can be over-done and ultimately are thrown in to 'dangle the carrot' above your head so you keep playing. I had fun pursuing a goal in older mmo's, but after doing so for years, have since taken a step back and wondered why. There is a happy medium between a grind-fest and the WoW-quest-til-you-drop theme park style. Unfortunately, I have not played any mainstream mmo that had found that medium.

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Future? This game has none.


My entire guild has quit playing because they finally realized that this is a sub-par game, developed by kids who don't know what a MMO is.


I'm so disappointed by Bioware that I will NEVER buy another game from them again, this is pathetic.


Okay, so why are you here on the forums crying about it? There are several other mainstream mmo's that may be more suited to your personal taste... Go have fun.

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Let me predict the future by release dates. Sounds odd doesn't it?



3/6/2012. Mass Effect 3.

-You will lose half your pve fanbase if not more. ANY pve goodies in this game are already dwarfed by ME 1 and 2. 3 now has co-op. GOODBYE PVE.



Summer/Fall 2012.

-You will lose all your PVP. That is, if people don't get fed up with the horrible statis of it as is. Guild Wars 2 will, of course, destroy this game's pvp in every way from graphics to gameplay to sound. Though i doubt many people will stick to this game's pvp when its pretty bad as is.




That is, if its not F2P in the next 6 months.



Rofl, you are optimistic. You seriously believe people will be still subscribing until summer and fall?


I waited for this game for years, I was hyped like never before. It's not even mediocre. It's below that. 2 months and I'm fed up/burned out totally -_-


Only a massive overhaul patch with core changes will bring me back, and from the looks of it the people calling the shots and running the game don't even care of they think they've done an incredible job.


Servers are shrinking and it's only second month from release. BW did a terrible terrible job in SWTOR's endgame, from both PVP and PVE perspectives.

I'm disappointed and disheartened beyond words.


In conclusion I pic the third options: F2P in 6 months.

Edited by anasa
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Future? This game has none.


My entire guild has quit playing because they finally realized that this is a sub-par game, developed by kids who don't know what a MMO is.


I'm so disappointed by Bioware that I will NEVER buy another game from them again, this is pathetic.


It took you a month and a half? Wow

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Let me predict the future by release dates. Sounds odd doesn't it?



3/6/2012. Mass Effect 3.

-You will lose half your pve fanbase if not more. ANY pve goodies in this game are already dwarfed by ME 1 and 2. 3 now has co-op. GOODBYE PVE.



Summer/Fall 2012.

-You will lose all your PVP. That is, if people don't get fed up with the horrible statis of it as is. Guild Wars 2 will, of course, destroy this game's pvp in every way from graphics to gameplay to sound. Though i doubt many people will stick to this game's pvp when its pretty bad as is.




That is, if its not F2P in the next 6 months.


oh, some QQ and crystal-gazing for a change...this is totally new and warrants a new thread... :rolleyes:

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