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Is Quinn my only romance option as a lady warrior?


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Hehe. I see it as not a mole, but sun damage along with all the other tiny skin blemishes he has all over his face. Herr Metro Super-Pale spent too much time out in the Balmorran sun without his SPF 2000.


Honestly though I've looked at him so much that I don't even see the spots and freckles now. His pre and post romance progression may be attractive for some women but for me it makes a great case in support of playing a Male warrior :) He's a far better bromance.

Edited by Reil
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A lesbian relationship with Jaesa or a homosexual relationoship with Quinn are the only one that really makes any sense given their personalities. I really don't get why BW would give warriors two very obviously gay companions (I doubt there's anyone who doesn't think Quinn is a huge flamer or that Jaesa - especially dark Jaesa - isn't a closet dominatrix), yet impose gender-normative relationships on them that don't even really feel right.
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(I doubt there's anyone who doesn't think Quinn is a huge flamer or that Jaesa - especially dark Jaesa - isn't a closet dominatrix)


I don't think that of Quinn. His personality comes across as a professional soldier instead of a "Hello Sailor!" type.


And I doubt that a dominatrix, closeted or otherwise, would go around calling someone "Master".

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(I doubt there's anyone who doesn't think Quinn is a huge flamer or that Jaesa - especially dark Jaesa - isn't a closet dominatrix).


Dark side male romancing Jasea...

Jasea is more of a submissive than a dominatrix.

Edited by Quiet
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