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Re-releasing The Phantom Menace in 3D Theaters, coincidence??


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I'm thinking George Lucas planned this. It'll get people over the next couple of years or however long it takes to release all 6 episodes, thinking hard on Star Wars... And a lot of people might pick up SWTOR just because they've been watching the movies again.


(please feel free to flame Jar Jar Binks here. I can't stand that twit.)

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I think it's actually the reverse of your comment, OP.


I think Lucas had ALWAYS intended to bring the movies out in 3D once the technology made it to that level, and especially after the success he saw with Avatar.


I think the real story is that EA decided to move up the release timetable so that it launched before Christmas and would be up and running a month or so before the 3D movies hit theaters.


I'm noticing a lot more advertising during certain types of programming, such as during FX reruns of 2012 the past two days. I also saw a SWTOR commercial run in the middle of Friday night's FRINGE episode, which made me happy.


To have one of their full-length SWTOR commercials running before every showing of the 3D episodes coming out would be absolutely awesome.


Predictions of this game's demise are awfully early. Personally, I think they're just getting started...

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I'm thinking George Lucas planned this. It'll get people over the next couple of years or however long it takes to release all 6 episodes, thinking hard on Star Wars... And a lot of people might pick up SWTOR just because they've been watching the movies again.


(please feel free to flame Jar Jar Binks here. I can't stand that twit.)


Lucas has been talking about re-releasing the movies for years at least all the way back to 2009, I have no source but that is the earliest I remember hearing of it.

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I remember reading an interview with Lucas in TIME magazine in 2005 (when ROTS was released) and he talked about re-releasing all 6 films again in 3D. And they're only releasing one a year, (if they decide it will be worth it, there is no guarantee all of them will come back), so ROTJ won't be until 2017. By the way, this is in the wrong section.
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I remember reading an interview with Lucas in TIME magazine in 2005 (when ROTS was released) and he talked about re-releasing all 6 films again in 3D. And they're only releasing one a year, (if they decide it will be worth it, there is no guarantee all of them will come back), so ROTJ won't be until 2017. By the way, this is in the wrong section.


Jesus...2017? I'll be 29!


I remember the Remastered OT hit the theaters. My life has been a blur of Boba Fett and Millenium Falcons ever since.

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Lucas has no other way to change his franchise now... 3D was the only way he could make money out of the fans again without having to do something new.


Although hoooooray... You all just missed a comp on my site to see it before anyone else here in the UK :D

Edited by Satans_Puppet
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A whole new generation of Star Wars fans are about to be born with this re-release.


I lol at the trailers, I have seen two different ones. The one I see most often shows Qui-gon getting stabbed by Darth Maul, who in the hell shows the ending of a movie in a trailer? That is just stupid, it assumes that everyone has seen the movie before and ruins it for those that haven't.

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I thought he died or retired or something.


I thought we were going to be alright now.


PPL like you will never be "Alright", you'll be on the internet with the rest of the mouth breathing lemmings for years crying your eyes out over anything Lucas does.

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I still want a final trilogy...


3D is a gimmick and I can't wait til it goes away (again).


Gimmick or not,done well it can be amazing.


I personally am looking forward to the re-release. SW deserves big screen treatment and seeing it in a new format will be a great experiance imo.

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I still want a final trilogy...


3D is a gimmick and I can't wait til it goes away (again).


I don't see another Trilogy happening in GL's lifetime. And even after that, who knows who will own the copyrights when he's gone. His kids maybe, if so he might ask that no sequels be made, then again maybe he'll just leave it up to them (in which case, there's a chance it could happen). I've always been curious who he'd leave the copyrights to. I'd venture to guess even Spielberg or maybe a younger director/producer.


Then there's the big question: What would the new trilogy be about? The coolest thing I could think of would be the KOTOR era, fresh start with potentially epic stories.


What commercials? I haven't seen one commerical for the game!


They were on Spike TV non-stop for a good 4 weeks or so.

Edited by Odosept
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A whole new generation of Star Wars fans are about to be born with this re-release.


Thank god someone has sense. Yes 3d sucks (unless it's IMAX) but for the chance to see the movies again in the cinema, and rekindle the love for them (and bring in a whole new generation to see them in the cinema and experience what we all did) is fantastic. Ok if you think it's a money grabbing scheme don't go and see them, you are not being forced to. And can i also note stuff like "oh i thought he died" is pathetic and unjust. Without him there is no star wars, take your hate for the prequels to a "i hate the prequels" thread.


I'll willingly go and see them again to experience it, plus hell the 3d might be alright for star wars, you never know.

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A whole new generation of Star Wars fans are about to be born with this re-release.

Yes, Lucas' plan for indoctrination of the next generation has been set into motion. Fortunately, the older generations will be there to protect the youth from corruption.

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December 17th, 2037: From his oxygenated chamber deep in the recesses of his mansion-***-fortress, the reclusive George Lucas wheezed via vid-call to our reporter "I am re-releasing the Original Trilogy in "True HG" format. Also, to finally realize my true vision for the movies, all actors have been replaced with state-of-the-art holographic AI."
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December 17th, 2037: From his oxygenated chamber deep in the recesses of his mansion-***-fortress, the reclusive George Lucas wheezed via vid-call to our reporter "I am re-releasing the Original Trilogy in "True HG" format. Also, to finally realize my true vision for the movies, all actors have been replaced with state-of-the-art holographic AI."

This could make for some true sci-fi horror.

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