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Those calling "worst launch ever", probably never played any other mmo`s at launch


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This launch has gone damn smooth.


Just because your not getting your SWTOR fix fast enough does not mean this launch has gone bad.


All i have to say is "Star Wars Galaxies", If you played that at launch you can only laugh at the "worst launch" comments / threads.


Not to mention, Asherons Call 2 (they actually closed the forums for a while to stop the folks from yelling that they should not release the game), Anarchy Online (so much lag it made the game unplayable except for 50 miles outside of the big cities), and others i don't remember.


Ive played AoC, Aion, Ao, Ac1, Ac2, Coh, Cov, Daoc, DA, Dcuo, D&Do, E&B, Eve, Eq1, Eq2, GW1, Lotro, Pobs, Rag, Swg, UO, Warh, and Wow, and this has been the smoothest Beta, and Launch ive ever seen in a mmo.

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I remember SWG launch, damn that makes me feel old :(

Also more recently Star Trek online was a pretty messy launch with loads of bugs, crashes and terrible lag.

This is looking like a great launch so far, all im seeing is crying kids rather than server issues and gameplay issues so BW must be doing something right.

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This launch has gone damn smooth.


Just because your not getting your SWTOR fix fast enough does not mean this launch has gone bad.


All i have to say is "Star Wars Galaxies", If you played that at launch you can only laugh at the "worst launch" comments / threads.


Not to mention, Asherons Call 2 (they actually closed the forums for a while to stop the folks from yelling that they should not release the game), Anarchy Online (so much lag it made the game unplayable except for 50 miles outside of the big cities), and others i don't remember.


Ive played AoC, Aion, Ao, Ac1, Ac2, Coh, Cov, Daoc, DA, Dcuo, D&Do, E&B, Eve, Eq1, Eq2, GW1, Lotro, Pobs, Rag, Swg, UO, Warh, and Wow, and this has been the smoothest Beta, and Launch ive ever seen in a mmo.



I've played AO, Ac2, CoH, CoV, DaoC, DDO, EvE, EQ1, EQ2, GW1, UO, WoW, Rift, Shadowbane, Horizons.


Out of all of the launches I've seen and been in, this ones gone better then any of them. Rifts was "Smoothish".


I really miss Shadowbane though :(.

Edited by Tharenisis
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Let me guess, OP has access already. No suprises there then. BTW why do people keep going on about queues? OFC theres no queues the game hasnt officially launched yet. Wait til you see it on the 20th, idiot


You say the game hasn't officially launched yet, but in another thread you're complaining that you won't be able to play with your friends because they are staggering invites for EARLY GAME ACCESS.

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While you are basically right that everything went smooth so far and that a lot of games had great problems at launch (I also play since UO and played most of the games you also played, typical MMo hopper) you forget one important fact:


It is not yet launch date. We will see if the launch went smooth after 20th of December, when not only all the preorders want to play but also the "last minute" buyers - and there will be quite a lot of these I guess. (from my friends nobody preordered, just my wife and me - but I think 5+ might start playing in the next week because I am so happy with SWTOR, lol)


So I personally will wait until something like 22th before calling the launch smooth or best launch ever. What I have to say is that the stress test weekend was the best/most impressive quasi-open beta I ever attended and that there really are very little bugs around for a MMO on launch. But still I see queues for server logins ahead and maybe there might even be worse problems when the "big wave" hits on 20th like I think it will.


So yes, everybody that complains atm has forgot or never experienced any MMO launch. And maybe they get everything right (I hope so) and we will be able to play for the whole time without servers crashing left and right, but this we will see in some days...

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This launch has gone damn smooth.


Go and kiss the feet of Bioware's develpments.


Oh my god,.. if you had seen Rift Launch then you would known what is a smooth and good launch.



By the way you will whine when at 20 dec or later at 25 dec after christmas a large number of gamers will join the game and then you will wait a long time for the queue!

Edited by McJohny
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i did play other mmo launches , difference is ... in those i had some lag , server downtime abit or things like that ...


but hey .. i accualy got to play ... allot ...


but yeah ... i bet it's smooth for you , congrats :)


but as much i realy wanna get on with it and play , trying to be patient .. killing my time trolling , like evryone else XD

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This launch has gone damn smooth.


Just because your not getting your SWTOR fix fast enough does not mean this launch has gone bad.


All i have to say is "Star Wars Galaxies", If you played that at launch you can only laugh at the "worst launch" comments / threads.


Not to mention, Asherons Call 2 (they actually closed the forums for a while to stop the folks from yelling that they should not release the game), Anarchy Online (so much lag it made the game unplayable except for 50 miles outside of the big cities), and others i don't remember.


Ive played AoC, Aion, Ao, Ac1, Ac2, Coh, Cov, Daoc, DA, Dcuo, D&Do, E&B, Eve, Eq1, Eq2, GW1, Lotro, Pobs, Rag, Swg, UO, Warh, and Wow, and this has been the smoothest Beta, and Launch ive ever seen in a mmo.


Really i played half those games and i dont remember any of them being down for me the first 2 or 3 days. I also remember having a blast in vent with friends during aion's launch.

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This launch has gone damn smooth.


Just because your not getting your SWTOR fix fast enough does not mean this launch has gone bad.


All i have to say is "Star Wars Galaxies", If you played that at launch you can only laugh at the "worst launch" comments / threads.


Not to mention, Asherons Call 2 (they actually closed the forums for a while to stop the folks from yelling that they should not release the game), Anarchy Online (so much lag it made the game unplayable except for 50 miles outside of the big cities), and others i don't remember.


Ive played AoC, Aion, Ao, Ac1, Ac2, Coh, Cov, Daoc, DA, Dcuo, D&Do, E&B, Eve, Eq1, Eq2, GW1, Lotro, Pobs, Rag, Swg, UO, Warh, and Wow, and this has been the smoothest Beta, and Launch ive ever seen in a mmo.


I'd say most haven't even played this one.

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there are pro's and contra's to this method of launching




**the starting zones are not overpopulated

**the servers aren't stressed to the max

** no hours of queu

** higher levels in your guild can help you out when ur stuck on a quest




**waiting for your activation while 75% of your guild is playing is VERY frustrating even more when u have the CE edition.

**unfair to players (a preorder is a preorder, no matter what date u got it)

** more clarity on who will be invited when would be appreciated, this would stop people from watching their email all the time and hoping they are invited at every wave.

** a huge level difference in players in guild. Some of our guildmembers havent been invited while others are almost max level. This would stop us from progressing to end game as people have to wait for one another.


i like the launch method, but it could have been worked out better if there was a better communication. Or i have missed an important post... wich i think i havent.

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Lolz...all you guys complaining about "Launch" and it hasn't even happened yet...it's early access and it did state " UP TO 5 days early"....seems to me the 5 days aint over yet...




...and no, I havent gotten my invite yet either but jesus, its only another 5 days to play anyways...get over it!

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Never played an MMO from launch, but this is quite smooth. Got in yesterday evening and was under 100ms on my EU server - at all times.


All whiners should seriously just be patient and wait for their turn. There are more important things they could be doing. And seriously, if they think they have it bad, they should think of the poor red-zoners...


Call me a fanboi if you like, yeah I am loving this game. But I'm not gonna moan about something as trivial not being able to access a video game a few days before some others. I wouldn't be whining if I started on the 20th, and neither should anyone.

Edited by archifikoss
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pre-realese is not the realese. use you're brain.


K list me a pre release title that 1/2 their player base couldn't get into after 48hrs? Also please your self read the forums because bioware them selves refer to this as a release.

Edited by salemz
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