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Are You Feeling "Burned Out" by SWTOR?


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I just went around killing everyone sociopathically in Skyrim for a while.


It was glorious. I was all "Ahahaha, *whack*, bahahahaha, *whack whack*; oh, lookee you trying to lookee mee there! FUS ROH DAH! *Whack*" and all the NPC's were all "Ahhhhhhhh, haaaaalp!" and "I can't believe this is happening!"


And then there was this dragon, and it started to rain, and I was shooting arrows at it (because it was alive and I was KILLING ALL THE THINGS!) and lightning flashed and I couldn't see for a split second and then it was beating on me, and I pulled out my sword and went WHACK WHACK WHACK and it died.


I imagined roasting a marshmallow over its disintegrating corpse.


And then there was this guy on the road with this noble dude on a horse, and they were all "Don't come any closer!" because they were scared, and I was all "Hey, I got this funny joke. WHy did the chicken cross the FUS ROH DAH!" and then they were all 'Argh!" and blown away, and then I fireballed them to death and they were dead and I took their things even though I didn't NEED their things.


I still took them. It's the law of being a player character.


So then I was in this town and I was repeatedly beating this immortal guy into the dirt and watching him flop around on one knee and then beating him into the dirt some more, and this lady I missed in the killing spree prior was all "Oh no!" and I was all "Hey lady, I got this joke to tell you!" but she ran away and so I chased her down an alley and was all "Why did the FUS ROH DAH!" and she went flying and screaming and hit a streetsign post and died.


And then I came here to tell all of you this wonderfully cheerful, not-psychopathic-at-all story, because I know you all care.


I know you do, deep down.


You might say 'cool story, bro' or 'why the hell do you think we care?', but I know the truth.


Speaking of which, I have



K, you got me to lol @ the "Why did the chicken cross thFUS ROH DA!!!!" part. Lol.

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The game is fun while leveling but my problem was that when I hit "end game", things started to fall apart.


There are 2 daily hubs to get daily commendations to gear my "orange" stuff, and worst of all to round out my gear, I have to get groups for the heroic quests. Then there are the hardmode flashpoints and a few ops. That's it. To me, thats a little too derivative of WoW. You get this great leveling epic experience different from other games, and then you hit a carbon copy of this other game I just left.


I am enjoying leveling up alts at the moment and getting all the crafting skills but when I have 8 50s and all that is left is dailies, ops and hard modes, I'm going to feel empty on the inside.

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It's not the game. It's you.


You're using the game to fill a void in your life. When you realize that the void is still not filled, you blame the game for not being what you expected. Look inward. Take the blame. Move on.


I... what?


This has no relevance to what I'm encouraging a discussion about. Seriously. There isn't anything wrong with me. :confused:

Edited by StrikeOfLight
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  • 2 months later...

Well... most class quests are great (story wise), but the planet quests tends to get repetitive so I mute the in-game volume and listen to podcasts while playing, helps the grind

That's when I'm soloing, grouping with guild mates for FPs/HCs etc. is always fun :)

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Well... most class quests are great (story wise), but the planet quests tends to get repetitive so I mute the in-game volume and listen to podcasts while playing, helps the grind

That's when I'm soloing, grouping with guild mates for FPs/HCs etc. is always fun :)


Necroing posts is a no no :p

Edited by faymar
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I have been playing this game a lot lately, but I feel like something is.... missing. Some kind of core element that sucks me into games and keeps me hooked is lacking, and I can't quite place my finger on what that thing is.


At the beginning of the game, I was blown away. Getting my first lightsaber was an incredible and memorable moment. But as time and levels wore on, I have slowly lost that "glow/interest/spark" which compelled me to play in the first place.


I THINK it is because of the lack of customization across the board. But there is something else, too, that I can't place.


Is anyone else experiencing this too? Express your feelings. Does anyone else feel this way?


i totally agree with you,at first i was having tons of fun,but that quickly faded.i dont know why but i dont play this game with the same enthusiasm as past mmos.i dont get that feeling of ,oh my god i gotta log on. maybee its because my server is dead and there is no sense of community.its more like playing a single player game on the xbox. sometime its more fun to play the forums,then the actual game.

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I think my main problem is that complete lack of freedom. The game feels like it is holding your hand, follow this corridor path to your next objective, the mountains all around you are there so you a) can't go wrong, b) can't go anywhere to explore. There is no sense of accomplishment....that you should feel anything except apathy towards the world around you.


First time I entered Duskwood in WoW I got this very creepy feeling when seeing spiders, zombies, skeletons and knowledge that NOW the game has started. No more holding hand zones like Westfall where I have to kill random boars.


In this game it's more like....welcome to Imperial hub number 54, we apparently have a few hundred humanoid mobs for you to kill that looks exactly the same as the ones in the starting area, but hey, this planet has snow, so everything should be different.




I totally see what you are saying concerning the difference in zones in WoW. Albeit, the game has been out for 11 years or so, even from day one, the change from zone to zone was easily felt whereas in SWTOR, the planets do have differences but they are pretty much the same thing like the poster I quoted states. It is a rigid linear path we take in this game. I'm now running through Dromund Kaas for the 10th time to raise my legacy level and utilize the buffs etc I get from my 50. I want to poke my eyes out.

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Was riding high until a few minutes ago, got slapped into a 2 v 10 warzone (no quitters, started this way), proceeded to still get mass damage output even though I couldn't really get anywhere on objectives. Little things like that just make me shake my head and wonder why they waited so long to pull ranked WZs if they were going to leave all the poorer elements of the update to PVP in place. (Love the new WZ, very fun large area a lot more open than alderaan, but they should never have removed the forced-balanced-team portion of PVP).


to clarify: I didn't get a countdown to end of WZ, had to play the whole match against em or quit. I'm not a quitter, so took my lumps.

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Well... most class quests are great (story wise), but the planet quests tends to get repetitive so I mute the in-game volume and listen to podcasts while playing, helps the grind

That's when I'm soloing, grouping with guild mates for FPs/HCs etc. is always fun :)


You sir have mighty powers of resurrection, please teach us your secrets ;p

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I think giving players greater access to more of the content would go a long way to making this game more enjoyable. For me, it's a question of wanting to pay to play a game that is more multiplayer than single, but I hate waiting long periods of time to find a group. LFG galaxy chat and group finder options are a must in my book. It turned games like WoW from boring grinds to something I couldn't wait to get into. I played WoW for years before the group finder, and then when it came on board, I was introduced to a whole new world. I remember saying to myself, "Yes! Now this is what the mmorpg experience should be like... Constant parties, group content, and FUN!" Granted, WoW has its pitfalls, but I only left that game because I am a greater fan of Starwars than Warcraft.


I admit, I am not one for social interaction when I play games. I couldn't care less if I made friends in mmo's or not. I am in it for the game play, and that's it; however, I do believe that making an mmo more accessible to my more social brethren lends to a certain atmostphere. I start to see games come alive with activity because I know I am not playing alone. Another addition that I would suggest is making space feel more like space, and therefore, connected to the rest of the galaxy. Moving from one system to the next through UI menus is only going to feel closterphobic. Making space traversable, and causing players to engage their own hyperdrives to escape enemy attacks would feel more like we are in the Starwars universe.


I think the spark that you guys are looking for is more accessability and more content to make the game fresh and alive. It is just a matter of time before BW becomes aware of these hiccups and addresses them. We just need to be the squeeky wheels, so we can get the grease.

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I have found the problem that you speak of. It is actually not what the game is missing, its what the game is based on. You want to know what that "thing" is? Its the dialogue. Think about it. Using WoW as a reference, you get to a town, you see questions marks and with quick text you grab them in 30 seconds and off you go. But in SWTOR its not like that. You meet a guy and you hear a minute of talking. What this does is it forces you into a mindset of not being in control of the game. Its the difference between watching a movie and playing a video game.


In a movie you have straight output (them talking to you and you hearing) and in video games it requires an input from you to your character. It's this stop and go that happens so frequently that subconsciously causes you to break from getting absorbed by the game. MMOs base themselves on immersion to get you sink hours and hours into the game, but the less you feel immersed the more you sense time go by, the more you are distracted by outside stimuli. And once you realize this, it's even worse because there isn't a speech bypass feature so you end up spacebarring through which only causes frustration rather then convenience.

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For me it's the closed feeling of the game in general. Entire planets feel small, and the bits that are there are mostly corridors. The 'hometown' areas, the fleets, just aren't very exciting. And while the voice acting does improve the questing, the actual quests themselves are 98% the same thing over and over (kill a bunch of stuff). Somehow, having these generic quests with voiceacting actually makes them seem even sillier. That said, there are some fun bits in some of the quests, but after a while it's tedious listening through another one to see if they have anything clever to say..


Personally I had great fun with the game for about 3 months and then suddenly it just became really boring. I've never burnt out on a game so quickly. It was great fun, though.

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Also, the game is lacking anything truly epic. There are no truly impressive vistas or buildings or just neat looking 'stuff'.


(this next bit is spoiler-y..)


I became the king of the pirates as a smuggler, and married a woman who basically owns an entire planet of pirate types. Yet I can never even talk to all my pirate pals, much less get loot from them or direct them to do anything.. once I hit 50 and complete my chapter 3 stuff, it's just 'more to come!' It's extremely anti-climactic..


But really this comes down to it being a MMOG, which apparently are not allowed to just 'end'. In a single player game, it could just end, and I could imagine myself doing whatever with my pirate pals or whoever depending on the class.


I reallllllly think this game would have been better as KOTOR3 than as a MMOG. And I do think it would have made money, although I suspect it would make less than a MMOG, overall..


But, as it is, I will remember SWTOR as a pretty good MMO rather than as an amazingly great single player RPG.

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All that said, it occurs to me now that they can release expansions, and my smuggler who's perhaps been encased in carbonite during the intervening months will now be able to hang out with his pirate pals and whatever else.


However, I won't be subscribing in the interim, because I have no reason to play the game until then..

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I have been playing this game a lot lately, but I feel like something is.... missing. Some kind of core element that sucks me into games and keeps me hooked is lacking, and I can't quite place my finger on what that thing is.


At the beginning of the game, I was blown away. Getting my first lightsaber was an incredible and memorable moment. But as time and levels wore on, I have slowly lost that "glow/interest/spark" which compelled me to play in the first place.


I THINK it is because of the lack of customization across the board. But there is something else, too, that I can't place.


Is anyone else experiencing this too? Express your feelings. Does anyone else feel this way?


I believe that missing core is an Achievement system.

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There's got to be a way to keep the cinimatic feeling while making the rest of the game open up in a way that feels like a true MMO. I just can't rationalize spending 15 bucks a month on this as it is right now.


I don't think the problem is necessarily with voice acting characters; I think the problem stems from the "sandbox" feeling I think we are all getting with the planets, space, and instances. If we could get BW to re-tool the way these places are implimented, I think we could get a very satisfying, loyal, and fun representation of the Star Wars expanded universe.


However, like I stated above, this is all going to take time to perfect, and all BW needs at this point is our dedication and constructive criticism.

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- Missions are all the same, kill X click Y, no variety, no puzzles involved


- You can´t interact with your environment, no interactivity with NPCs or objects "just for fun"


- NPCs are lifeless / static


- Space combat sucks


- Planets are not "open world" / too corridor-like / too small


- No swimming, no climbing, multi story buildings which are only decoration


- level design all plain, mostly horizontal - little to no vertical designs


- No Minigames, all you can do is kill mobs and grind stuff/credits


- Population concept makes it a multiplayer co-op game, no MMO

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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I have been playing this game a lot lately, but I feel like something is.... missing. Some kind of core element that sucks me into games and keeps me hooked is lacking, and I can't quite place my finger on what that thing is.


At the beginning of the game, I was blown away. Getting my first lightsaber was an incredible and memorable moment. But as time and levels wore on, I have slowly lost that "glow/interest/spark" which compelled me to play in the first place.


I THINK it is because of the lack of customization across the board. But there is something else, too, that I can't place.


Is anyone else experiencing this too? Express your feelings. Does anyone else feel this way?


You've been playing too much, take a break.


- Missions are all the same, kill X click Y, no variety, no puzzles involved


- You can´t interact with your environment, no interactivity with NPCs or objects "just for fun"


- NPCs are lifeless / static


- Space combat sucks


- Planets are not "open world" / too corridor-like / too small


- No swimming, no climbing, multi story buildings which are only decoration


- level design all plain, mostly horizontal - little to no vertical designs


- No Minigames, all you can do is kill mobs and grind stuff/credits


- Population concept makes it a multiplayer co-op game, no MMO


None of that is true.

Edited by terminova
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