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Are You Feeling "Burned Out" by SWTOR?


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It's an MMO. The reason to log in is the community you build with people. If you play solo, of course you're gonna get burnt out. Also, this game is a little over month from launch. New content galore will come out for this game.


Meh, I prefer playing solo. I don't feel too comfy socializing online... Though a good community can go a long way in player retention for those so inclined, no doubting that.

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Used to be a staunch defender for this game and in many ways I still am. But yeah, I've noticed that I sometimes log in, sit there, look at the screen and just close it out. I've been toying more and more with the idea of cancelling my account and I'm not sure why.
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I felt burnt out too.. almost to the point where i'd not listen to quest givers..


Now I'm level 46, I just did a 4 man Heroic quest with just my GF..


It was very hard and we had to use tactics and wiped on occasion.. it was very challenging, but we managed to complete the quest, hardest quest i have come across.


..and it was epic fun!



Now im looking forward to hardmode level 50 FPs if they're anything like what i just encountered.. lets just hope this game doesnt go down the WoW path..

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As I posted in another thread, I think what's "missing" is ambience: No epic music, lack of sound effects (alien birds chirping, droids bleeping, lack of population and conversations going on at the space ports, mobs and beasts practically silent as you fight them, etc.). The "silence" is deafening. What made you feel like you were walking into an epic story in WoW? How about the anthems you heard when entering/exploring a major city or region? And when the music wasn't playing, the environmental sounds carried the immersion effect.


*** game are you playing?!? If there is one area this game excels in, it is the music department.

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I'm not sure if I'm feeling the same way yet... some days I log in and have a blast; and other days I log in, sit in the fleet for a little bit and log out. But, ya, it is definitely hard to express what exactly it is that is missing.


I for one think its a couple things:


  • Getting to 50 is way too fast
  • Lack of customization options, everyone is starting to look more and more alike and I don't feel very unique because of it
  • No really, really hard raid content. My guild is 5/5 KP Nightmare and 4/5 EV Nightmare. SOA Nightmare is pretty much the only decent challenge, and even then it's nothing like "No Light" in WoW. I just hope the next raid content that is added will require a lot more strategy and challenge... none of this full clear, first day out stuff.



This is just a couple things I thought of off the top of my head.

Edited by Lyynk
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I think my main problem is that complete lack of freedom. The game feels like it is holding your hand, follow this corridor path to your next objective, the mountains all around you are there so you a) can't go wrong, b) can't go anywhere to explore. There is no sense of accomplishment....that you should feel anything except apathy towards the world around you.


First time I entered Duskwood in WoW I got this very creepy feeling when seeing spiders, zombies, skeletons and knowledge that NOW the game has started. No more holding hand zones like Westfall where I have to kill random boars.


In this game it's more like....welcome to Imperial hub number 54, we apparently have a few hundred humanoid mobs for you to kill that looks exactly the same as the ones in the starting area, but hey, this planet has snow, so everything should be different.

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One of the problems I found while leveling an alt is that I'm doing the exact same quests, minus the class quests, which don't give much XP by themselves. I suppose more content (so I could do different quests on different characters), or increasing the amount of XP that class quests give would fix that.


Our guild has gone from running in groups, to playing different characters solo or in pairs. We tried grouping up for class quests, but with the scaling it's just stupid. Gotta love when every mob you attack has 2 or 3 strong or elite mobs that pop out of stealth around it. It doesn't make it more fun, it just makes it take longer.


I thought I would enjoy crafting, but with the amount of commendations that drop everywhere, I just buy everything from the commendation vendors. I can never find anything on the auction house anyways.


Speaking of commendations, I've had this problem in other games. One of my favorite things in older games was getting a rare drop off of a world mob. People complain about grinds and whatnot, so the barter system was put in place and is now the standard. I hate the barter system, it takes away the whole winning the lottery feeling of finding some rare item.


Overall, I'm still enjoying this game, but I'm finding myself running solo a lot more often.

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imo this game is meant to be played casually. First I played several hours each day, now it's 2-4 each day and I'm enjoying it much more. But I do however agree something is lacking.


You're probably right.


But I also think that means it's not worth the current asking price for a subscription either.


The leveling up story jazz was worth the box price, but what's left to do after isn't worth 15 bucks a month in my opinion.

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I agree with the sentiment that playing or even doing too much of one thing can get boring. For me running my business, taking care or my one year old, and being a good husband leaves only a moderate amount of time to play. So therefore the burnt feeling isn't there, its actually the opposite I look forward to when I can drone out in the SW universe.


I can however see how the hardcore gamers feel, just 6-7 years ago I was spending much more time gaming than nowadays and may be getting slightly bored, but that goes with saying for any game.


I never played WOW or any other MMO for that fact, which I feel is a blessing, I don't have to sit here and constantly compare it like others seem to do. I came from the Final Fantasy RPG background of loving a story so even when I play a lot of solo its fun. But then I have the benefit of having a decent group of friends/family who also play so I can fully enjoy grouping, however I have had frustrations trying to find a group when I'm the only one on and see where people are coming from with that. issue


At the end of the day though the game is rather new, and will get better, bugs will be worked out, new content for end game will routinely be added and given that its the SW universe they basically have an unlimited number of planets/races/species to choose from to continue adding to it. And I also have faith that Bio is listening to its customer base and will continue to tailor the game so that players don't want to leave. Remember they did this to make money and keeping subs is the only way to make money, so if they have any kind of smart business sense they will make their customers happy.


Which they seem to be trying to do, the last video talking about all the coming updates the guy did say that this is "the players" game and they want to give us what we want.


So for those of you burning out you have a few options:


1. Quit playing so darn much and take a break, I've had to take days off and then get excited when I can play.


2. Exercise a bit of patience, for the game is just over a month old. Ive heard the saying that the first 6 months of MMO's are pretty much paid beta anyway. Bug fixes, and all the other issues will be addressed but anyone who has had an ounce of experience in the business world knows things take some time, especially when they need to be done right.


3. Or simply just QUIT! No one is forcing you to play the game, and if the measly $15 a month is too much for you then stop paying and go back to WOW or whatever MMO you played before.

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This is my first MMO, but as a Star Wars nut I think it's the best game to come down the pipeline in ages and I fully plan on supporting this product for years; the real interesting stuff won't happen right out the gate anyways. I play roughly 4 hours a day and do not feel burned out and look forward to playing it for a long time to come.
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Yes, after a month of playing I became extremely bored and generally had no interest in playing the game anymore. My sub runs out the 20th of feb and will not be resubbing after that. The problem for me is the same as a lot of people's. There is basically no end game content right now. I play mmo's to play them at max level, not to keep leveling alts.


After I reached 50 I pvped a lot to get the chamIons gear, but now I have it and don't want to do the same grind for battlemaster gear. So, what am I supposed to do. Run FP? Haha that's a joke, I play republic side with a guild that most people have quit already. Finding groups is almost impossible and can take hours of spamming chat at the fleet with a total of 20 level 50s on it.


I have returned to playing rift. It is such a better game with much more stuff to do and occupy my time with. I am never bored playing rift and definitely have never reached a point in that game where there was literally nothing I could do with my character. On swtor, if I don't want to pvp them I am stuck with nothing to do. Atleast give me a LFG tool so I can run FPs

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I wasnt a heavy end game player in wow but I would do the occasional raid, LFG finder runs, etc.

Now with smaller groups, theres only more request for tanks and healers, making them even more needed.

Now you have to manually find people.


And dont get me started on the convoluted commendation system. I'm ashamed to say I had to check a faq online to know *** was going on.

And the PVP daily? get 3 wins? When you say 3 wins, do you mean win 3 pvp matches or win 6 and hope 3 gave credit?


Then the HM, I figured kool, get some gear. Run BT a few times. Then I realized hmmm, I always get the same bracer token. I check online, yup, kinda forced to run certain ones for the tokens.


Also yes the customization. Marauders WILL HAVE 2 sabers. warriors will have 1 saber. Assassing WILL have a double saber, etc.


Yes you could technically equip something else but the stat difference is not practical.


In wow yea you could have an awesome sword, then later a mace, then an axe.


Here it's as if you arent picking just your class, but the way you will be forever, so early on.

Orange gear seemed great, customizable, keep the look you like. Later on it wont compare to the stats of other gear so wahwah.


Made a few alts and not counting the class quests, same thing. same planet order, same quests, zzz. And now less xp from pvp, so i cant just do pvp for a day to skip a planet.



And pleease implement something legacy related. preferably sprint at lvl 1 and speeders at 10 or some crap. bad enough speeder costs are insane for 10% increments.


Only reason I haven't cancelled is my friends just hit 47 and maybe, just maybe having a set group might make the end a little more pleasurable.

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I have been off with the game for a while now. I talked to another player I know and here are my thoughts,


1) The game is too much on the "rails" . Everything is very driven towards a specific point. You go quest hub to quest hub and never really explore. With the odd invisbile wall mechanic its even worse. Wow allowed and reward exploration as did a few other MMORPG this is very go to point A then B.


2) The travel/load times are too long when its either the planet your on to level or fleet. There needs to be a quicker way not just to get to fleet but to get back to where you were. Or fleet should not be required to do/turn in quest.


3) As other have stated the game feels stale. The NPCs and mobs are just standing around for no real reason what so ever it makes the game feel odd.


4) While the main story is good the side quest are poor. You are normal sent out to be the hero, you kill stuff come back "Yippy you saved us" yet oddly the world doesn't change at all.


5) Final for me playing with my Wife this game is not multi player friendly. The ships, story instances some times even quest mechanics don't work well with pairs or more. Flashpoints which could be the saviors of multi player activites are off in fleet. With no looking for group. I don't want cross server just a simple in server chat or lfg tool.


This, plus lack of customization of environments and such is pretty much how I feel.

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One of the problems I found while leveling an alt is that I'm doing the exact same quests, minus the class quests, which don't give much XP by themselves. I suppose more content (so I could do different quests on different characters), or increasing the amount of XP that class quests give would fix that.


Our guild has gone from running in groups, to playing different characters solo or in pairs. We tried grouping up for class quests, but with the scaling it's just stupid. Gotta love when every mob you attack has 2 or 3 strong or elite mobs that pop out of stealth around it. It doesn't make it more fun, it just makes it take longer.


I thought I would enjoy crafting, but with the amount of commendations that drop everywhere, I just buy everything from the commendation vendors. I can never find anything on the auction house anyways.


Speaking of commendations, I've had this problem in other games. One of my favorite things in older games was getting a rare drop off of a world mob. People complain about grinds and whatnot, so the barter system was put in place and is now the standard. I hate the barter system, it takes away the whole winning the lottery feeling of finding some rare item.


Overall, I'm still enjoying this game, but I'm finding myself running solo a lot more often.


And this.


Developers, take note before it's too late. :^(

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Ah that sucks, bad times. Personally for me I'm getting more hooked than I was at release. I have both the privilege and curse of having limited play time and so the game still feels extremely fresh to me.


This is the first mmo that I've stayed subscribed for more than a month after starting the game since daoc in 2004.


Maybe you should take a week off the game and come back after?


It all boils down to a bunch of post 50s ADDs finding out all that rushing to the end means they missed the meat and potatoes of the game and now their crying about it.


Let them cry/quit.


either way I get to enjoy seeing them ruin the game for themselves. It amuses me.

Edited by Kinguard
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