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I can't take the pointless travelling between planets...


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Ya the number of load screens between switching planets is a little much. The first little while walking into your doc to see your ship is cool but after that it gets old fast. Also no mounts in space ports? Really? Coruscant space port is just big and nothing to see. I dont mind travel time to get places but its gota be worth seeing and going between planets is just not a fun process.
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You have an instant travel, a fleet pass, and many very short taxi rides to get you into an area quickly, even if you haven't got your speeder yet. I've certainly walked more for less in other mmo's. I expected walking and load screens when I purchased the game. I can guarantee, with four kids and a 50 hour a week job, there's nobody that gets to play this game less than me... I just don't find travel to be an issue.


AKA "you're no one compared to your slacker *** and therefore your argument is invalid." Pft.


It is annoying though. I'm one of those people that hates doing the exact some thing over and over pointlessly so when I have to run to and fro and fight the same god damn mobs for no other reason then I have to travel a certain path gets under my skin from time to time. It's on thing the grind for the bonus missions because you're on a mission but to put packs of mobs on a main route time and time again for no other reason than to slow players down makes me go "KHAAAAAAAAAAN!" from time to time.

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You have an instant travel, a fleet pass, and many very short taxi rides to get you into an area quickly, even if you haven't got your speeder yet. I've certainly walked more for less in other mmo's. I expected walking and load screens when I purchased the game. I can guarantee, with four kids and a 50 hour a week job, there's nobody that gets to play this game less than me... I just don't find travel to be an issue.


Fleet pass in security vendor only (it shouldn't be, as that would help).


Emergency Fleet Pass is on far too long a CD to be anything but an occasion option.


Fast travel is fine, but doesn't cut out the space port run (it should).





There's plenty of ways to fix this issue, the only strange thing is why you wouldn't want to do so.

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You have an instant travel, a fleet pass, and many very short taxi rides to get you into an area quickly, even if you haven't got your speeder yet. I've certainly walked more for less in other mmo's. I expected walking and load screens when I purchased the game. I can guarantee, with four kids and a 50 hour a week job, there's nobody that gets to play this game less than me... I just don't find travel to be an issue.


No offense, but this is BECAUSE you haven't played enough yet. After being asked to run back and forth through the same redundant, boring spaceport, where you know nothing interesting will ever ever happen there, will you realize they're wasted spaces.


Wasted spaces. That's honestly what they are, but rather than ask these to be filled with interesting things and reasons to port through them, we just ask for them to be removed.


They just feel awkward in a game where everything else is instant gratification. I've certainly played other games with much more arduous travel patterns, and even enjoyed their constraints immenseley, but this isn't a game model that promotes or stimulates that type of a design in any other way. I guess this is a fancy way of saying it's a theme park, not sandbox and this is one of the ramifications of strict adherence to one with little of the other in the mix.


It just feels out of place.

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You have an instant travel, a fleet pass, and many very short taxi rides to get you into an area quickly, even if you haven't got your speeder yet. I've certainly walked more for less in other mmo's. I expected walking and load screens when I purchased the game. I can guarantee, with four kids and a 50 hour a week job, there's nobody that gets to play this game less than me... I just don't find travel to be an issue.


I agree. It's not a major issue for me either. It's certainly not a game-breaker (for me). But there is definitely room for improvement, and if it can be streamlined to be better, I would be appreciative.


To clarify, I don't think most people are asking for instant travel from location to location on individual planets.


I think most people just find it unnecessary to have to load onto your ship for 30 seconds, sandwiched between two loading screens, just to go from one planet to the next. I think most people would be satisfied if they simply added the option (but NOT a requirement), to select your ship from a starport, choose the next planet, and just load to that starport. Straight starport to starport loading. It would just be a scene transition.


I think that one simple change would satisfy most of the people here.


An issue doesn't have to be game-breaking or even frustrating to warrant improvement. I mean, if they added that, would you use it? I know I would.


I'm not going to quit or even be annoyed if they never add it, but if they did, I would certainly appreciate it.

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I agree. It's not a major issue for me either. It's certainly not a game-breaker (for me). But there is definitely room for improvement, and if it can be streamlined to be better, I would be appreciative.


To clarify, I don't think most people are asking for instant travel from location to location on individual planets.


I think most people just find it unnecessary to have to load onto your ship for 30 seconds, sandwiched between two loading screens, just to go from one planet to the next. I think most people would be satisfied if they simply added the option (but NOT a requirement), to select your ship from a starport, choose the next planet, and just load to that starport. Straight starport to starport loading. It would just be a scene transition.


I think that one simple change would satisfy most of the people here.


An issue doesn't have to be game-breaking or even frustrating to warrant improvement. I mean, if they added that, would you use it? I know I would.


I'm not going to quit or even be annoyed if they never add it, but if they did, I would certainly appreciate it.





Yup they could fix it one of a couple of ways I think.




- Allow you to skip your ship entirely as you said (although it's not really the bit on the ships that is so mind-numbing, as you are taking physical choice actions on there).


- Allow you to speeder straight on to your ship (as it hits the speeder point closest to the space port you just load on to your ship maybe with quick cut scene or whatever).


- Allow you to quick travel straight onto your ship (probably the one with the most potential issues and exploits).





All of these would improve the current situation to some degree or other.

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Fleet pass in security vendor only (it shouldn't be, as that would help).


Emergency Fleet Pass is on far too long a CD to be anything but an occasion option.


Fast travel is fine, but doesn't cut out the space port run (it should).





There's plenty of ways to fix this issue, the only strange thing is why you wouldn't want to do so.


I just think there are other things to which they should devote their time.

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The only travel system I've seen in a mmo that even comes close to the convienence you get in this game for travel is Anarchy Online's grid.


It puzzles me why people who likely came from windriders and boat/zeppelin waits would ever complain about this game's travel.

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How about a system where you call to your useless droid and say "Hey, I need to get to Tatooine, set coordinates and come pick me up!" "Ok sir, after I finish applying this coat of paint to your cabin I will be on my way!" *5 minute countdown timer starts while you check mail, or set crafting missions or chat with friends, or go afk to get something to drink, or whatever* Menu pops up on screen "Are you ready to board?" Yes I am... then you loading screen right to the next effin planet.


Time sink - check

Not having to see 8 loading screens - check

Other people can still use the old clunky way - check

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you seem to be missing the reason those stations are there. There are Missions in them and shuttles to the Flash Points. Then on your ship you have access to your Cargo hold, a rest point to speak with companions to get more Missions as well as Flight Missions. So no, none of it is a waste for those of us who are not bypassing content to get to the top.
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They should have made it like SWG when traveling in between planets. Just go to a starport terminal at any starport click then chose where to go and be done with it. Impossible to go help someone Pvp on some planet when it's going to take 2-3 minutes just to get to the planet.


For the record, I preferred SWG before they changed to that system. There were longer shuttle waits (a bit too long) and specific travel lanes between certain planets. The galaxy had a sense of scale to it. I don't think you should be able to help everyone in every corner of the galaxy with their PvP in 2 mins.


I think SWTOR has their travel times about right. Were they going to fix anything, I could see them shifting the balance of the wait times to a space travel countdown on the ship which would let you take a bio break or what ever and still retain that sense of distance..

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you seem to be missing the reason those stations are there. There are Missions in them and shuttles to the Flash Points. Then on your ship you have access to your Cargo hold, a rest point to speak with companions to get more Missions as well as Flight Missions. So no, none of it is a waste for those of us who are not bypassing content to get to the top.




And if you're going from 1 planet you've been to plenty of times to another planet you've been to plenty of times to help a guildmate, then back to the original planet afterwards.......... why do you need to go through all that?


There's no "content" to bypass at that point just artefact (of once used content) loading screens to look at for the nth time.

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you seem to be missing the reason those stations are there. There are Missions in them and shuttles to the Flash Points. Then on your ship you have access to your Cargo hold, a rest point to speak with companions to get more Missions as well as Flight Missions. So no, none of it is a waste for those of us who are not bypassing content to get to the top.


I do find it a nice change a pace on the few occasions you jumped in the airlock by some of the plot encounters.

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For the record, I preferred SWG before they changed to that system. There were longer shuttle waits (a bit too long) and specific travel lanes between certain planets. The galaxy had a sense of scale to it. I don't think you should be able to help everyone in every corner of the galaxy with their PvP in 2 mins.


I think SWTOR has their travel times about right. Were they going to fix anything, I could see them shifting the balance of the wait times to a space travel countdown on the ship which would let you take a bio break or what ever and still retain that sense of distance..




And if you could speeder straight onto your ship, would losing the time to run through the space port and loading screens really do anything to any sense of distance?


You still get from 1 planet to another in seconds once you fly your ship.


Personally I find it plain bizarre that it takes longer to get through a space port than it does to get from a planet on one side of the galaxy to a planet on the other side.


The loading screens and pointless repetitive running don't do anything at all for immersion, they are just artefacts of story content.

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Ya the number of load screens between switching planets is a little much. The first little while walking into your doc to see your ship is cool but after that it gets old fast. Also no mounts in space ports? Really? Coruscant space port is just big and nothing to see. I dont mind travel time to get places but its gota be worth seeing and going between planets is just not a fun process.


Loading screens? Fades? Or cut scenes? What number of 'loading screens' are you tallking about?

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Personally I think it is too easy to change planets, the ride between planets should take 5 minutes or so in order to reinforce how much distance is being covered in the journey.


A lot of people would be fine with that as long as you eliminated having to click boxes constantly to start the trip.

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And if you're going from 1 planet you've been to plenty of times to another planet you've been to plenty of times to help a guildmate, then back to the original planet afterwards.......... why do you need to go through all that?


There's no "content" to bypass at that point just artefact (of once used content) loading screens to look at for the nth time.


Read words, does help sometimes: because - there - is - no - instant - helping - other - people - your - character - is - not - physically - close - to - in - SWTOR.


Please try to understand this...


Or it could (should?) be argued that 'why can't I heal my team mate that is on the other side of the map?' I've been on that side of the map before! or 'why can't I just jump past all those little pests to the end boss? I've been here before!' is of course also 'bad game design' :rolleyes:

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considering with about 1 minute of moving, another minute of loading and you can get to any planet you want to, and quick travel to any place that you're bound to, that beats the heck out of flying somewhere for 5 minutes on a transport
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Loading screens? Fades? Or cut scenes? What number of 'loading screens' are you tallking about?


One to load to the space port, one elevator ride to your docking bay, one to load onto your ship, one to load your map, one to leave your ship to the docking bay, one to take the elevator to the space port, one to load down to the planet. Thats 7 loading screens!!!!! You know how much lag they could remove from the game if they made it from planet to ship to planet.

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Guess you wasnt areound when you waited 10 mins for a shuttle was you


God yes, I had forgotten that... the first 2 weeks I played, waiting 10 minutes for the shuttle. Just missed it, so I knew I had a 10 minute wait. Alt+tab to check out some web sites to see if I could get some clues about how to play the game, then I hear the shuttle arriving so I alt+tab back into game, my crappy CP takes a while to load up... so by the time I have control again, the shuttle is just taking off :(


A while later, once I had figured out the basics of the game, I joined a guild and was telling the guys in Guild Chat about the time I spent almost 2 hours doing that - miss shuttle, read about the game, miss shuttle, rinse repeat. One guy sent me a million credits because he said he wet himself laughing. We then spent a week ragging on him about his incontinence problem... it was that kind of Guild. Fun times :)

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Read words, does help sometimes: because - there - is - no - instant - helping - other - people - your - character - is - not - physically - close - to - in - SWTOR.


Please try to understand this...


Or it could (should?) be argued that 'why can't I heal my team mate that is on the other side of the map?' I've been on that side of the map before! or 'why can't I just jump past all those little pests to the end boss? I've been here before!' is of course also 'bad game design' :rolleyes:


wow your ability to exaggerate other peoples views is amazing!


Does the idea of an option to skip the space stations/airlocks terrify you so much?

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Read words, does help sometimes: because - there - is - no - instant - helping - other - people - your - character - is - not - physically - close - to - in - SWTOR.


Please try to understand this...


Or it could (should?) be argued that 'why can't I heal my team mate that is on the other side of the map?' I've been on that side of the map before! or 'why can't I just jump past all those little pests to the end boss? I've been here before!' is of course also 'bad game design' :rolleyes:




Who said instant?


Not me, nor anyone else but you.


I think it is you that needs the help with reading here (really you're coming out with nothing but utterly ridiculous strawman arguments that have nothing to do with what is being discussed).




But not being "instant" doesn't mean therefore having daft annoying artefacts of once used story content bunging up the travel system every time you use it (and only actually being used the once for "story").


Annoying and pointless (once the story is done) artefacts shouldn't be in the space travel system (or at least should be avoidable if you choose to do so) as this is bad game design.


And as I have mention is easily fixable.

Edited by Goretzu
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