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I can't take the pointless travelling between planets...


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I think they should at least remove the hangar. It is not needed.


Yes, huge and totaly empty building with static NPC is totaly useless. I really miss SWG whre you selected a ship from terminal (yes, you can have more ships, imagine that) and flew. Or you bought a ticket (yes, because there are money in Star Wars, yet in SWTOR somehow all shuttles are free) and made a small walk to the shuttle and flew.

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After playing EVE Online for several years, I don't even notice what you guys are whining about.




For those who don't know, there are thousands of planets, systems, space stations, etc in Eve.


If you choose the automatic travel, you will warp 20KM away, which then takes like 5 minutes to close that gap, then you take the warp gate. If you do it manually, you warp ontop of the gate, so you have to manually warp to each location.


Not bad for 4-5 jumps, but often Eve players have to travel 25-75 jumps, which can take 30 minutes to over an hour.


Overall, its just based on experience.


But back on topic; They should remove the orbital station, without that one step I think travel would be more fluid. Probably the most annoying part is the 1-2 minute walk from your physical ship, to the elevator inside of the hanger. So I guess add an option to toggle the hanger and orbital station. As an RPer myself, I do enjoy the various travel locations they have.


Oh I still play eve. the nice thing about eve is you can stick your ship on AP and go make coffee or minimize the game and browse the web while you fly. Unless your not in empire. then its just warp to 0 jump warp to 0 jump warp to 0 jump. yea it can take awhile.

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There should be an option to auto skip all the hangar bays etc.I can see still leaving some shuttle ports because some of them have quests. It was kind of neat visually the first couple of times I did it, I appreciated the level of detail that went into where they house my ship, where I take off and land at. After that though it was tedious. My husband and I play this together, we're always grouped and it's annoying enough to get places to do things. "Honey are you almost here?" "Nope, I'm past the 2nd loading screen, I'm almost on my ship." And if it's annoying to us who could not possibly be more patient with each other...


That's is imo, one reason some people have trouble getting groups for things. Even in my Guild, if someone says let's do a world boss tour, it takes people forever to get together because we all have to deal with many loading screens and tedious walks to get in one place. I have (on the alts I don't lay with my husband) even been removed from groups before for taking too long to get there. Well sorry, I'm a whole planet and shuttle and starport away but I'm loading as fast as I can.


I am one of the stop and smell the roses type of people but this even got to me after a while. I have in the options menu A box to autoskip movies if I choose. I'd dearly love another option next to that to auto skip space travel loading screens if there are no quest givers in the area.

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Oh I still play eve. the nice thing about eve is you can stick your ship on AP and go make coffee or minimize the game and browse the web while you fly. Unless your not in empire. then its just warp to 0 jump warp to 0 jump warp to 0 jump. yea it can take awhile.


And that's why there are jump bridges. If you're not in Highsec you ought be in an alliance that has some.


So even EvE has less tedious travel than TOR.

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There should be an option to auto skip all the hangar bays etc.I can see still leaving some shuttle ports because some of them have quests. It was kind of neat visually the first couple of times I did it, I appreciated the level of detail that went into where they house my ship, where I take off and land at. After that though it was tedious. My husband and I play this together, we're always grouped and it's annoying enough to get places to do things. "Honey are you almost here?" "Nope, I'm past the 2nd loading screen, I'm almost on my ship." And if it's annoying to us who could not possibly be more patient with each other...


That's is imo, one reason some people have trouble getting groups for things. Even in my Guild, if someone says let's do a world boss tour, it takes people forever to get together because we all have to deal with many loading screens and tedious walks to get in one place. I have (on the alts I don't lay with my husband) even been removed from groups before for taking too long to get there. Well sorry, I'm a whole planet and shuttle and starport away but I'm loading as fast as I can.


I am one of the stop and smell the roses type of people but this even got to me after a while. I have in the options menu A box to autoskip movies if I choose. I'd dearly love another option next to that to auto skip space travel loading screens if there are no quest givers in the area.





That's it, and the longer you play the worse it will get.


Personally I think they probably need one of both of these:



1. A fast travel point to right outside your ship (if not to inside your ship - might be some issues with this, maybe)



2. A speeder point to and from right outside your ship that unlocks like the rest (or again perhaps that takes you inside your ship - just reaches the one nearest spaceport than loads ship straight from there).



Because as it is.... well it's just plain annoying.

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I only made it a few pages into this thread before my eyes glazed over, so I apologize in advance if anything I'm saying here has already been said.


Point #1: I'm almost done with Act 1, and one of the things I have noticed about Tatooine (and my forays into Alderaan) is that there's no "Imperial Shuttle" drop point. See, on Balmorra and Nar Shaddaa there were these wonderful shuttles that would take you straight to the drop-hanger on the imperial fleet. Adding something like that to every planet (twice if we want to be nice to the repubs) goes a long way towards improving quality of life. I don't care if I'm a 5 minute speeder ride away from the outpost, I'll go take a bio break and make a sandwich if I know that when I get back I can just shuttle straight to fleet.


Point #2: The fleet passes need to be sold in more locations, and their cost shouldn't be prohibitive to use. Limit them to level whatever-you-want, lower the price, sell them at the cantinas.


Point #3: There is no reason that I should not be able to mount in the spaceport. Yeah, I understand that there are buildings and palaces where I have to just suck it up. But seriously, you fly starships in and out of the building and my speeder is verboten? That's just silly.

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I agree that travel is a heinous waste of time. It's actually a barrier in my mind whenever I make decisions. Oh I need something from the fleet? Ugh...I'll have to go through all those loading screens, then do the same thing on the way back...forget it. On my questing journey, I'd only go to the fleet after I finished the planet I was on and never in between.


I think having your own ship was a good idea, but the implementation meant a huge barrier to travel, and that's a bad thing. Something needs to give somewhere as this is a massive issue.

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I only made it a few pages into this thread before my eyes glazed over, so I apologize in advance if anything I'm saying here has already been said.


Point #1: I'm almost done with Act 1, and one of the things I have noticed about Tatooine (and my forays into Alderaan) is that there's no "Imperial Shuttle" drop point. See, on Balmorra and Nar Shaddaa there were these wonderful shuttles that would take you straight to the drop-hanger on the imperial fleet. Adding something like that to every planet (twice if we want to be nice to the repubs) goes a long way towards improving quality of life. I don't care if I'm a 5 minute speeder ride away from the outpost, I'll go take a bio break and make a sandwich if I know that when I get back I can just shuttle straight to fleet.



Go back cause there are the Flashpoint Shuttles. You just failed to find them. As for the travel system, they want the feel of Star Wars. No where in any movie was there instant transportation. You either got in a shuttle, speeder, or a ship.

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...snip... I start off on planet A... I have to run through the pointless space station that for some reason looks the exact same on every planet...


I think I then have to zone into the hangar of my class... then I have to run all the way to shuttle or whatever...


Then for whatever reason I'm now on a pointless orbital station... god dammit! So I have to run to the next point where I have to zone... now I'm in a gosh darn airlock??? jesus Christ when will I get to my Spaceship... snip...


Actually not true.


Either it's quest zone - orbital station - airlock - ship

OR it's quest zone - space station - hangar - ship


It's never both.

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They should have made it like SWG when traveling in between planets. Just go to a starport terminal at any starport click then chose where to go and be done with it. Impossible to go help someone Pvp on some planet when it's going to take 2-3 minutes just to get to the planet.


This made me laugh. 2 -3 minutes...really?


I agree with others. The system is fine as it is.

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If this had been Said before I sincerely apologize.



For those of us who played SWG from launch or was there in the beginning. It was quite the "trek" (forgive the term) to walk forever to your mission. There were no mounts nor speeders. The only travel was at either the space or shuttle ports. Once Mounts and the like, along with JTL came about. It made things much easier. However folks still complained about how long it took to get to the space port from out in the wilderness.


Finally, the ability to call a shuttle to you when out in the world was granted. and I actually liked this. It was a choice I could make if I needed to get to the space port quickly or If I chose not to, then I rode.


I think when outside a city or far from a "Speeded/taxi stand" You should be able to have something resembling that.


Sure the graphic may not be easily implemented but the ability to get back to the space port only would be nice. Perhaps a quest or something to obtain this ability.


I know we have the 30 minute "warp globe" which is good. But there may be a situation where you warp to another area and then need to get back to the spaceport.


I dunno, just a suggestion that would make it feel more Starwarsy

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Go back cause there are the Flashpoint Shuttles. You just failed to find them. As for the travel system, they want the feel of Star Wars. No where in any movie was there instant transportation. You either got in a shuttle, speeder, or a ship.



Yup Star Wars they were always facing a loading screen, a 50 m run, followed by another loading screen


Yoda even has that famous delete scene eulogising about it. :D

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Travelling between planets is one of my favourite aspects of this game it really gives it a star wars feel.


Nothing in this game feels like Star Wars to me.


It could really be simple -- make faster travel an option. That way the whiners that want the boring run, click, run etc can do that and the ones, and the whiner like me, that want it faster, can choose that. My game experience is mine and I could play like I wanted to and you could as well.


I could care less if someone wants to go through the zillion steps to travel from one place to another. Do it. But also give people the option to travel faster if they choose to. My option to take the faster travel won't in any way affect the game play of the person that wants the slow travel.


That is the biggest let down in this game. Lack of options!! Not just in travel either.

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I wish the instant gratification generation people would all quit this game and go find some other game to complain about.


But then that's the point.



EQ1 originally had EVIL journeys of 45-180 mins to get from Qeynos to Freeport, they were things you really thought about back then.


Genuinely spending hours or even days planning the run (especially if low level).





The problems in SWTOR aren't mirroring that "epic" journey, they are simply an artefact of them using your ship for storyline missions.


It's got nothing to do with "instant gratification", and everything to do with pointlessly wasting time.


It is bad design, that's all.

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Love how people are pulling the RP realism card.


Like someone said before, If you're going to say that then we should be waiting hours if not days for interstellar travel, Hell it can even take weeks in the Star Wars universe.


Personally though I hate the unbelievable amount of loading screens. ugh.

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Strangely enough it was the long walk times (or better loading times) that made me stop playing the game for now. It does have other issues (dead worlds, extreme themepark - go there and never come back to that place after all quests are done, lack of content apart from raiding and 3 Battlegrounds) but the ridiculous, mindnumbingly large amount of time I wasted in the level 30s by simply going from one NPC to another for a single quest taking around at least 30 minutes just for one meagre dialogue... phew ahhh grrrgh!


Bioware please! Either create a themepark with rails that run smooth or create an open world but dont make a themepark where I spend half my playtime in a spacestation, hangar, spaceport which has only one use "running through it from one loading screen to the other"






thank you

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I'd like to see more options. Add a faster travel option for people who want to use it and people who want to /walk and use the current system are more than welcome. It's not like you see anyone else when you're traveling so I don't really see why people would be against this unless they just want to be contrary. I know- this system is relatively painless compared to other titles (FFXI, EQ2 at launch; I've been there) but we can do better.
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They should have made it like SWG when traveling in between planets. Just go to a starport terminal at any starport click then chose where to go and be done with it. Impossible to go help someone Pvp on some planet when it's going to take 2-3 minutes just to get to the planet.


Right, here we go - again!


Many people that are complaining about travel seem to point to 'extensively long loading screens'...


well, it's weird that there are actually people that don't have to sit for hours looking at a loading screen...


wonder why? Because their system is able to load the required information faster!


Let me guess: you want BW to give each person who bought a sub for SWTOR an new, uniform AND high-end PC just so that you have the best experience possible?


Go play console!


Many people here are complaining about all the required steps to get to the hangar, into the ship, to the next planet, off the ship, into the spaceport...


Gosh, it's not a game where you are instantly teleported to where you want to go (for most parts) :eek:


Frankly, if you want that, why don't you play an online FPS?


Guess what: you spawn close to the battlefield, you run, you start PvP with your mates. Woohoo!


Oh, wait, SWTOR is not an Online FPS, is it?


You are actually loading a bit more than just 1 map, different places on a planet, a different planet overall... oh heck, let's just load the whole galaxy... because BW is already giving ever subscriber a uniform power PC anyways... :rolleyes:


Many people here are complaining about long distance they have to travel thru buildings/the ship when travelling to a different planet...


Jeeez, aren't you playing online FPS yet? Oh, wait... ever played classics like Starsiege: Tribes and Tribes2? Guess what: you were running/skating for minutes to get to the enemy base! Because the maps were friggin huge compared to anything else FPS offered at that time.


Now SWTOR is actually supposed to be an (MMO)RPG... well, BW did figure for you to play your role you don't teleport into your ship, you actually have walk thru a spaceport... an - ENORMOUS - spaceport.! (*swallows comment regarding male perception of part of their anatomy*)


Anybody who takes longer than 1 min running thru any spaceport (from entrance to hanger, not counting transition/loading screens) need to toggle from walking to running!


And dear Obi-Shinobi, do yourself a favor: watch Ep2 again... you know the bit about Obi Wan, Geonosis, message, Anakin to the rescue?


Let's see if maybe George Lucas has update that movie next year so that Anakin and Padme just teleport to his side? Just because SWTOR player can't take their time... :rolleyes:


You are not supposed to instantly be at a buddy's side if he needs help in PvP! Not even in online FPS that's the case!

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+1. You should be able to hearth to another planet, pure and simple.


Yeah....jusssssst like in the Star Wars films!


Man....hearthing would have made Luke Skywalker's escape from the Death Star sooooo much easier.


Yeah...and I want spells and wands and potions and....

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