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Can´t we get a knockback in Smash?


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No. If we get ANYTHING we should get Force Pull and heavy armor back (since we had it in beta to begin with) and I, personally, would like to see Disruption a school-wide lockout and Savage Kick turned into a knockdown/stun. And to be honest that's being a tad greedy.






I need to see this /popcorn


Omg, do want all of that. I'd be unfrickin stoppable.


Though i'd just settle for Heavy Armor and Force Yoink tbh

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Being able to knock back people can be useful sometimes, like when you are surrounded by 3- 8 guys just hammering on you.

Force cloak.


As a melee dps, I'd rather not have an ability that would assist my opponent in kiting me.


A force pull would be amazing though.

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Still no PM. I wont hold my breath :eek:


I don't sit on forums most of the day hoping for a response from people. If it matters that much to you roll on vulkar highway and ask about me in general chat.

Edited by Kricys
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I don't sit on forums most of the day hoping for a response from people. If it matters that much to you roll on vulkar highway and ask about me in general chat.


Yes, cause i care enough about some random kid.


Make Smash Knock Down, not Knock Back.


We've got one Intimidating roar, it just breaks on damage ;)

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Currently we marauders have zero CC while even inquisitors do. They and just about every other class have a knockback.

We have smash that looks like a knockback but simply just damages like the other attacks.

I can´t be the only one who think it would be nice if Smash actually smashed them away a bit so we don´t get owned in a group of 4-7 mobs surrounding us.


Yes I´m one of those who think mara is underpowered...


why in gods name would a melee want a knockback... if anything how about a knockdown? jesus ppl think about what u ask for before we get stuck with something that we dont need like kick

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0-20 range for obliterate = rage will fix marauders ;)..

So far with our dmg ... if BW will give us some kind of stun with free hands to dps, we will be too OP, but with 1 more gapcloser with good range(not 30, but atleast 20) everything will be fine, for me atleast :))

Edited by bomenstarw
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OK maybe upgrading smash is too much to ask for, but atleast something like force pull would be nice. The point I was trying to make was that I don´t want to have to run after everybody all the time when other classes have an ability where they pull me to them while I´m stuck with force charge and it´s 30 sec cooldown.


Can´t anyone relate to this or am I alone?

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OK maybe upgrading smash is too much to ask for, but atleast something like force pull would be nice. The point I was trying to make was that I don´t want to have to run after everybody all the time when other classes have an ability where they pull me to them while I´m stuck with force charge and it´s 30 sec cooldown.


Can´t anyone relate to this or am I alone?


Afaik only tanks have a pull ability, and charge is 15 sec. 13 with anni.

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why cant every class have the same abbilites like in wow! no more QQ...why cant Sins have Charge!....?!?!...




Almost every class has a stun. Same 4 second stun.


In WoW there's:

Throwdown - not dispellable and can't trinket for first 1 second while you're standing up (you can but you're still CCed), you need to spec for it.

Paladins - dispellable and spell reflectable.

Rogue - requires 5 combo points, you trade damage for it.

Mage 1 - requires target to be frozen, you need to spec for it.

Mage 2 - proc based and 2 seconds, you need to spec for it.

Druid - you need to go into bear form and get rage.

Warlock - AoE, you need to spec for it.


And you're being sarcastic about homogenization in swtor, where almost every class has an instant cast 4 second stun? :DEvery class except Marauders and maybe 1 other.



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On topic:


No. If we get ANYTHING we should get Force Pull and heavy armor back (since we had it in beta to begin with) and I, personally, would like to see Disruption a school-wide lockout and Savage Kick turned into a knockdown/stun. And to be honest that's being a tad greedy.




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Almost every class has a stun. Same 4 second stun.




Every class except Sith Warriors / Jedi Knights.


Agents/Smugglers requires them to be in mellee while Inquisitors/Consulars and BH/Troopers are 30m range, but yep, effectivelly the same stun for everybody.


Juggernauts and Guardians can spec for it though on tank spec, it's called Back Hand / Hilt Strike, so effectivelly Marauders and Sentinels are the only classes without that 4 sec stun.

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Personally I think the stun effects of all classes should be broken in PvP by damage... it'd balance PvP better and would mean we have our ability on that level which is AoE and 6 second... stun locking should be avoided as it makes PvP lame and becomes little more then a single class ganging everybody else with stealth stuns and trying to finish them off before the stun has finished... oh wait... IA's/smugglers....


Tho I've suggested else where to make disable droid, disable target and to allow that in PvP as a sleep type effect on a reduced duration.


Anyway back to smash, why would any marauder in their sane minds want push backs? the only reason would be force charge but even then that'd take away from Annihilator's skill for a 0 meter range force charge... I just don't think this idea is well thought out. A force pull on the other hand would be nice.

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I know but in different threads. Didn´t really pay attention about who was reading so I posted in 2 threads for more responses.

Btw I don´t feel like whining anymore. I´m gonna get pvp gear and see how my chances change.(anyone else having problem saying the last 2 words quickly?)

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Yeah, sure. Make the highest damage ability we have, as a melee class, blast people away from us. Just what a melee class needs.

Face meet palm. Stop asking for abilities we do not need.


And its OKAY for a SI to have an AoE knockback that also snares? On a class that already has a TON of CC's with range, heals, shields,.....





But yeah anyway... don't really need something to push them away.... I'd be happy with ONE REAL STUN!!!!!!!! Ravage = never works. Force Joke = CC's the marauder while its channeled... so you get owned while u use it. Force Charge = not a really cc since it lasts for so little of time.

Edited by Blaaine
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And its OKAY for a SI to have an AoE knockback that also snares? On a class that already has a TON of CC's with range, heals, shields,.....





If you're talking about sorcs they'd be damn near useless without it. If you mean assassins well... they need something. They're like an op without the burst. Think the out of stealth knockdown they get hits for about 500.

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