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What the Inquisitor Armor *Should* Look Like


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I'm level 46 and just have basic black robes with a hood that I modded out to be as good/better than current level stuff. I dread the moment when I hit 50 and have to start buying battlemaster gear.


At least Juggernauts can look like Darth Marr! What is my Powertech gonna look like? Bug-headed crap is what!

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I for one find Sorcerer's gear to Look like Horus guard (from Egypt) and stargate:p


I'm close to agreement on this. I saw the raid gear Inquisitor helm and was like "oh hey, it's Darth Baras with a witch hat!"


And then I turned it sideways and noticed the helm's (would "hood" be a better noun for this? It's not armor in the traditional sense, after all) design was reminiscent of the double crown of unified Upper and Lower Egypt. Which makes sense... the Sith Inquisitor, from a lore perspective at least, is more or less a living god within the Sith Empire.

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You know, the best way to fix this crap, aside from making orange pieces viable, would be to add an appearance option, like in DCUO. I can wear that ugly-*** gear with awesome stats and still look awesome due to having worn a set that actually looked nice.
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Hell YA! the 2nd option for my female sith... LOVE IT !


That's the look I wanted as well on my female assassin. I am close with the Imperial Dancer set but need those thigh-high high-heeled boots and a longer dropdown below the belt area. Google Darth Talon for what I mean. Arm-length gloves would be nice too. All in black.







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I would also very much like to see Satele's outfit in the videos as well as in game for the Shadow and maybe darker-colored version for us as opposed to skirts for everyone. Don't get me wrong, I'm not one of those "I don't want my toon wearing a skirt" types, I think it looks fine, I just don't think it fits Assassins.
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At some point in the Beta they decided that people needed to look ugly.

Bioware changed equipment drastically.. it hated it.. They took awesome gear out and changed in ugly gear (for whatever reason) in one patch.


Below on a Juggernaut (40ish) postpatch and prepatch:



I somehow liked the gearset in which my Sorc hit 50 it felt on par with the story.. beeing the mighty sithlord who doesnt give a **** about what other people feel, but now its Starfish-Plane-Clone...




But we had it coming.. somehow -.-



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I don't think any Sith is happy with the outfitting.


Especially the Marauders, they got shafted bad. I think only Juggs have a 'Dark Jedi' look (see the heavy level 40 pvp armor at the warrior vendor)


I really think they need to create some decent gear for the rest of us.

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hello there


the reall problem,is that armor sets in all classes do not have the proper "texture"

heavy does not look like "plate" and cloth does not look like "clothy".

all of them have a feeling of plastic or "leather" ( i cant describe it more accurate ).

the boots, helmets, facials ALWAYS confict with other piece of gear.

Edited by stevaras
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Yeah idk about this whole need classic SW wardrobe thing but i honestly think the gear looks amazing. I love the whole robe thing and think it works well with the inquisitor class. I just don't see any reason to complain the inquisitor gear is so BAD A** looking. As for the Boba Fett/trooper look... Well apparently you haven't seen much of the BH gear cuz not all of it looks that way. Actually none of the High end PvP OR PvE gear looks that way. It actually looks drastically different than Classic SW bounty hunter gear. They could add a boring bland shirt and pants like the ones linked in the 1st post but personally i'd rather have the bad a**, sinister robes with equipment, pouches, lights and other trinkets on them cuz it brings a lot of character and detail to the wardrobe. I rather not see 1000000000000000 inquisitors running around in black shirts and pants. That would be God aweful.
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Yeah idk about this whole need classic SW wardrobe thing but i honestly think the gear looks amazing. I love the whole robe thing and think it works well with the inquisitor class. I just don't see any reason to complain the inquisitor gear is so BAD A** looking. As for the Boba Fett/trooper look... Well apparently you haven't seen much of the BH gear cuz not all of it looks that way. Actually none of the High end PvP OR PvE gear looks that way. It actually looks drastically different than Classic SW bounty hunter gear. They could add a boring bland shirt and pants like the ones linked in the 1st post but personally i'd rather have the bad a**, sinister robes with equipment, pouches, lights and other trinkets on them cuz it brings a lot of character and detail to the wardrobe. I rather not see 1000000000000000 inquisitors running around in black shirts and pants. That would be God aweful.


It definitely doesn't look bad*** at all to me, just spiky and manga over-stylized, like those "suped up" civics with five thousand body mods that all the boy racers seem to favor.

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One of the most frustrating things about playing an Inquisitor is PvE endgame. I really like the PvP set, but now that I am putting together my Rakata/Columi sets... I look like the jester of the court. Seriously, the issues isn't so much that it isn't Star Wars, it's the fact that I step into a raid and I see an Imperial Agent decked out with an awesome rifle, high tech headgear and very slick, class-appropriate gear. The Bounty Hunter gear makes them look awesome, from the headpiece to the feet, they look like a SW Bounty Hunter. The Sith Warriors as well look very Sith-like; intimidating, aggressive and terrifying. Then you look at me wearing a pointy dunce cap in brightly colored robes that make me look ridiculous. Even if I switch to the Columi chest, I go from a brightly colored dunce to a steel colored dunce. None of these things inspire fear or ******... ness. Please give us some armor that makes us look evil or scary or something ffs.
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  • 2 months later...
I don't think any Sith is happy with the outfitting.


Especially the Marauders, they got shafted bad. I think only Juggs have a 'Dark Jedi' look (see the heavy level 40 pvp armor at the warrior vendor)


I really think they need to create some decent gear for the rest of us.


i saw some marauder the other day, in some sorta super duper robot armor, it looked so cool!!! but i think it was pve gear or something?

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I would LOVE dark colored force-user robes a la the movies/SWG. We have robes now...but the texturing just doesn't feel right on any of them. They all look...plastic?


Simple, black robes that look cloth-like would be so much better than this weird *** mermaid costume that we have for WH gear >.>

Edited by Goldenstar
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I'd kill for a set of regular, black robes. Like what darth maul wore..


here here, but better yet... like Palpatine wore, considering he is the inspiration for the class. However, I do really like the Dreadmaster pvp armor

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It's not true that there isn't "iconic" sith armor in the game for inquisitors. It's just bloody hard to come by.


Both the supreme and grand inquisitor sets match what the TC's looking for (the first set is farmable on hoth--expect it to take as long as a few months if you can't pick that up on GTN, though not easily...good luck finding the second set. I have 2 pieces, both from 340 TH missions, and I've been looking for it since launch). So do the "Elder" sets, sort of. Put an Elder battlemind's top together with Shadow Striker's leggings (rare drop from first boss on foundry) and you'll have your look. Also some of the low-level orange synthweaving gear looks quite iconic. Also, the legacy 20 gear is pretty awesome looking, if incredibly expensive.


What sucks is some of the better-looking chestpieces (shadow striker's robe, dark adept's vestments) seem to have been removed from the game.


Your "military" gear is more or less acquirable as social armor.

Edited by Larry_Dallas
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It's not true that there isn't "iconic" sith armor in the game for inquisitors. It's just bloody hard to come by.


Both the supreme and grand inquisitor sets match what the TC's looking for (the first set is farmable on hoth--expect it to take as long as a month if you can't pick that up on GTN, though not easily...good luck finding the second set. I have 2 pieces, both from 340 TH missions, and I've been looking for it since launch). So do the "Elder" sets, sort of. Put an Elder battlemind's top together with Shadow Striker's leggings (rare drop from first boss on foundry) and you'll have your look. Also some of the low-level orange synthweaving gear looks quite iconic. Also, the legacy 20 gear is pretty awesome looking, if incredibly expensive.


What sucks is some of the better-looking chestpieces (shadow striker's robe, dark adept's vestments) seem to have been removed from the game. I would have to spend the next year or two grinding blackhole so I could get the actually movable setbonuses of BH gear..


Your "military" gear is more or less acquirable as social armor.


Even if I would find the sets you mention now, I wouldnt wear them anymore thanks to Bioware screwing up the "set bonus in armoring" issue..


I dont know about legacy armor being awesomelooking for inquisitors, I admit I havent tried that one. The marauder legacy armor looks great, though. The inquisitor armor.. looks too much of the same look that we already have and dont want.


I cant describe how much it depresses me that devs just hate inquisitors.


the reall problem,is that armor sets in all classes do not have the proper "texture"

heavy does not look like "plate" and cloth does not look like "clothy".

all of them have a feeling of plastic or "leather" ( i cant describe it more accurate ).

the boots, helmets, facials ALWAYS confict with other piece of gear.


I think the game system has something to do with that. Some of the concept art look ok to me. Then came the game and the shoulderpads suddenly twice as wide as in concept art etc..

Edited by Karkais
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You see.. even in-game inquisitor sets have shading and color display problems. I've been trying to keep a thread about Rakata chest piece appearance bug alive for 2 weeks. I reported my problem ( which is a bug ) 3 weeks ago, and nobody cares.


What I am saying is, I believe BW already decided on other tier sets considering I've seen pvp tier 1 set here on this very website in 2010. I agree with what people say about the look of sith / jedi armors in general, because they look more like futuristic "Forgotten Realms" mage robes than siths and jedis.

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