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I picked the wrong class


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Title says it all.


In the current state of pvp right now, melee classes are more frustrating then enjoyable to play. I don't consider myself a bad player, but honestly I just thought I was doing something wrong with my class till I realized that I'm not the only one having major issues in pvp.

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I could see myself getting less frustrated if I had gear to match everybody else. It's just not so much fun when you get knocked off of ledges, get bursted from places that you can't reach, only to be knocked away when you do finally reach someone. :(
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I could see myself getting less frustrated if I had gear to match everybody else. It's just not so much fun when you get knocked off of ledges, get bursted from places that you can't reach, only to be knocked away when you do finally reach someone. :(


Gear will come with time. It's actually a lot better for lower level players now that 50's are in their own bracket. Being a lower level player and going against a pre-made full of geared 50's was the definition of being steamrolled.


In any case, PVP can be really hectic, especially for a new Sentinel. After you've played for a while, the matches will slow down for you and you'll be more effective. You'll learn how to predict and minimize the effects of all the knock backs, etc.


Just have fun with it. Don't get too frustrated...

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Unlike these fools I am not ashamed to say i know where your coming from bro , first classes I played were gunslinger and mercenaries DUDE I would lose track of how many people I killed with those two classes. things just died within just a few shots even early on with a bad team . At level 30 with my sentinel and every pvp kill seems like a chore have to try like twice as hard for half the results. I know 50 sentinels who still say they are pulling out all stops just to compete, honestly unless you wanna play this game handicapped, I say go with a ranged class or at least go operative .
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love how most people pretend this class is perfectly fine...


I don't believe it's "fine", just not quite as broke as some people would like to believe.


This game has a lot of balance issues right now. Some classes are very OP and unfortunately we are on the UP side right now.

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I could see myself getting less frustrated if I had gear to match everybody else. It's just not so much fun when you get knocked off of ledges, get bursted from places that you can't reach, only to be knocked away when you do finally reach someone. :(


I don't know if you've seen this, but read Jbrunken's recently posted excellent thread




There is alot of truth to it and should provide you with answers to your basic troubles.

Edited by icbeodragon
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Title says it all.


In the current state of pvp right now, melee classes are more frustrating then enjoyable to play. I don't consider myself a bad player, but honestly I just thought I was doing something wrong with my class till I realized that I'm not the only one having major issues in pvp.


You might not consider yourself a bad player however you clearly are not good enough to play Sentinel, along with the rest of the players having "major issues"...

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love how most people pretend this class is perfectly fine...


The class actually is fine at the highest tiers. Like many MMOs, warriors are based around gear.


We're talking about a class that can solo bosses no other class can attempt. The fight in Eternity Vault against the Infernal Council on 16 man is a good example. In PVP, the sentinel is the last thing I want to see in my face. Think Operatives hitting for 10k were bad? A well-played Sentinel is an immortal god of war. Since they have almost no need to protect themselves or heal or even waste time playing stealth/control, they also do some of the highest burst periods you will see. A commando spamming Grav Rounds may be lethal, but he can be interrupted. There is almost no way to stop a rampaging Jedi Sentinel. If he wants you dead, you're dead.


Check youtube for videos of some of the better Sentinels or face them in real combat and learn how they play.


Similarly, in raids warrior/melee classes have often been required to stick it close. People complained about how hard it was to raid as melee in RIFT, all because the ranged classes could sit back nuking while you're dodging every bad thing the boss throws your way with split second timing. Definitely not going to say it's not hard, but it's certainly doable in both instances, and I had no trouble topping the DPS meters as the other melee struggled. There are ways to deal the damage if you are good at timing and dueling, PVP experience helps here. If you're not quick on your feet or fast to react, you are better off playing a ranged nuker and spamming fireball (or Grav Round as it were).


I wouldn't trade our raiding Sentinel for anything. Stacking melee in raids is still a bad idea just because of the logistics of getting everyone to avoid bad effects when clumped together, but a few of them well played will outshine the best ranged DPS on your team. There's a higher skill cap when you're doing more than just spamming one button.

Edited by LordSemaj
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