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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

A few suggestion nerfs to healing.


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Sorc and Sage bubbles are WAY OP, IMHO. Great absorb, fast recast and cool down.... yeah.



I've run into quite a few who (with bubble and heals) could easily out heal my DPS. (sniper)


Healing, by itself is not OP, but combine the good heals with the awesome bubble ability, they have a massive advantage in 1v1 fights. Add two, working together, and you will need to have a coordinated group to take them out.


Now I'm just a low-level Sage healer (level 28 at the moment), but my bubble puts a 20-second debuff on its target that makes him or her ineligible for more bubbles. The cooldown is shorter than that, but all I can do is spread the bubble around. I can't perpetually recast it on myself or any other target. Maybe higher-level Sages and Sorcerers can, but for me it's a once-per-combat ability.

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Tries to cast heal....stun....tries to cast heal....knockback.....tries to cast heal...Operative knocks you down for 3 seconds...6 k crit....3 k crit...2,5 k crit...30% life left...tries to cast heal...interrupted....tries to cast heal...omg dead...we need nerfs? L2p please.
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nerf is not needed just interrupts to work like they should (locking school)


So, can my interupt lock out melee abilities too then?


The fact that healers have to remain stationary to be effective is a huge difference, than being able to move continuously and be effective. If I remain still for too long, I become a bigger target as everything else moves around me.

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LOL OP managed to troll this to 8 pages. With the ammount of CC in this game it's actually mind boggling that threads like this exist.


"i got outplayed so i came here to qq for nerfs"


This card is so overplayed just stop... for the love of yoda.


Your group probably all cc'd him at the same time instantly filing his resolve, and he is free to heal cc free for a full resolve bar duration. Which was probably long enough for reinforcements to arrive and break you face, amirite?


L2 cordinate cc's if it's that big of a problem.

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I don't really have too much of a problem with healers, that are specced as healers able to heal through a good deal of damage.


What's really a problem is that every Ranged (edit sorry typed this too fast ;p) dps class gets heals, that are on par with heal oriented specs sub 50, I dunno haven't done much 50+ pvp, high end pvp is all the same crap in any game, people with the best gear/op class=wins.


You shouldn't be able to pull off mass damage and heal as well as a fully specced healer.


I went up yesterday against a group of dps sorcs, and a couple mercs, on the opposing side of huttball. You say focus one and kill/interrupt it... But it's irrelevant if all the dps on the same team can then stop dps'ing and fully heal the person the groups trying to focus down. There team consistently did this. To the point where it was quite literally impossible for our team of mixed classes to focus down anyone or anything. The only way mildly possible for us to remedy this would have required massive amounts of coordination with cc's and interrupts, which is only going to happen with a full premade, that's played together a lot before.


They should have a stance type bar for healers, and dps that can heal. That either buffs your healing and nerfs your damage or vice versa. It shouldn't be possible for the same person to top healing and damage charts. Which is what is possible of sorcs and sages and even some specs of merc/commandos, currently


The ranged dps specs are meant to be glass cannons (or should be meant to be), a glass cannon that can los around a corner, cc, or stun and heal most of there health up in a few seconds is not a glass cannon.

Edited by Selai
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Healing is fine in general... sorc/sage can get bigger numbers because of the aoe. Use CC on innervate, don't kick it unless you're about to kill them and have no cc left because it's on a cd. Save CC for innervate or until they're almost dead.


Only thing about sage/sorc that needs a nerf can be said for all roots, they need to give resolve, and you should be able to be immune.

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I don't really have too much of a problem with healers, that are specced as healers able to heal through a good deal of damage.


What's really a problem is that every dps class gets heals (minus warriors), that are on par with heal oriented specs.


You shouldn't be able to pull off mass damage and heal as well as a fully specced healer.


I went up yesterday against a group of dps sorcs, and a couple mercs, on the opposing side of huttball. You say focus one and kill/interrupt it... But it's irrelevant if all the dps on the same team can then stop dps'ing and fully heal the person the groups trying to focus down. There team consistently did this. To the point where it was quite literally impossible for our team of mixed classes to focus down anyone or anything. The only way mildly possible for us to remedy this would have required massive amounts of coordination with cc's and interrupts, which is only going to happen with a full premade, that's played together a lot before.


They should have a stance type bar for healers, and dps that can heal. That either buffs your healing and nerfs your damage or vice versa. It shouldn't be possible for the same person to top healing and damage charts. Which is what is possible of sorcs and sages and even some specs of merc/commandos, currently


The ranged dps specs are meant to be glass cannons (or should be meant to be), a glass cannon that can los around a corner, cc, or stun and heal most of there health up in a few seconds is not a glass cannon.


Flat out lies.

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I should have specified sub 50 :p, 50+ is all gear/numbers/class types anyways ;p


And pvp is rarely ever 1v1... it might start 1v1, then end 1v6, 3v2, or any combo, it's rarely ever 1v1

Edited by Selai
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So, can my interupt lock out melee abilities too then?


The fact that healers have to remain stationary to be effective is a huge difference, than being able to move continuously and be effective. If I remain still for too long, I become a bigger target as everything else moves around me.


fair enough but melee attacks are instant so gl

atm interrupt is far from what it have to be

also i dont want 10 sec lock i want 3 which is 1 less than now

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