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So why pick doc over Kira?


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I go with Kira pretty much everywhere on my tank Guardian. The only time I need Doc is for Darkness on Ilum quest wich I've stopped doing anyway.


Reusable healthkits, a large collection of defensive cooldowns, I plow through several encounters before even thinking of stopping to meditate. I'd never have to meditate with Doc out, but it'd also take significantly longer to kill stuff.

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It took me a few fights at first to get used to having Doc but can't live without him now (ok, so I married him too lol). It was more about changing my fighting style a bit than anything else.


I'm currently CL 37 Sentinal and heavily DPS spec'd. Trash mobs still go down pretty fast with his help and the obvious advantages during elite/boss fights have been stated by others.


I haven't really tried Rusk out yet though have had him for a couple days. I got Scourge late last night and plan to give him a try later. Both the Hoth and the Fortress class quest lines were fairly easy for me with Doc, especially the final boss battles, so I'll be surprised if he goes "on the shelf" anytime soon.

Edited by Onyx
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Just hit 50 and used Kira since the day I got her. I found Doc couldn't keep me up for the really tough fights and I didn't need him for the rest. I'm sure if I geared Doc up he would have been fine. But I agree with the comments others have made that the increased kill speed Kira gives you outweighs the downtime to rest up after fights.


I will say that I'm not thrilled with Kira's AI however. I always want her following my target, and for difficult spread out multi-target fights I have to micromanage her to do this or she'll die.


I'm a hybrid Defense/Vigilance build. It's mostly a tanking spec, but when I run around with Kira and Shien form on the mobs just melt away. I need to switch Soresu for the tougher fights, but things still drop fairly quick. If I was a Sentinel I would probably favor Doc over Kira, but man you really gotta gear him.

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If i'm worried about dying I will use the doc, especially if you are fighting multipe targets but if i'm tearing through stuff, I will switch to Kira. I use Lord Scourge for tanking stuff if I need that while I'm doing something else.
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I must have missed something here. I'm level 39 and don't have Doc. There was a Doc character on Balmorra. He doesn't join the group does he?


Where does Doc come in?


At the end of Balmorra obviously.


That is how all new companions join in for the most part. You meet them on a planet, you nearly finish the planet and they join you as a guest for the last bit of that planet and when you finish they join you officially and you can use them for missions for professions or crafting.

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it's not terribly hard to keep his gear somewhat up to date either- as i understand the game mechanics, most of his healing power comes from the tech power on his pistol and scattergun (they contribute about 50% of his tech power and healing). so keep his main and offhand slot somewhat up to date and he will be good enough to heal you through most elite and some champion encounters if you use your defensive cooldowns wisely.


Even easier for me as a Sentinel with Cybertech. I give him all the Orange gear I have that isn't Jedi Knight restricted and make Armouring and Mod bits for it all :)

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At the end of Balmorra obviously.


That is how all new companions join in for the most part. You meet them on a planet, you nearly finish the planet and they join you as a guest for the last bit of that planet and when you finish they join you officially and you can use them for missions for professions or crafting.


That's good to know.

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He's the far safer choice as Defense Guardian, and with DPS Guardian/Sentinel he actually is the better choice for Elite/Champion battles.


Against trash mobs though, it doesn't really matter, but I do find it to be faster with Kira. Spending a few seconds healing back to full is less time invested compared to a slower kill time.


I've got an Immortal Juggernaut and I rarely use Quinn because hey, things take long enough to die unless Vette/Jaesa are geared up. Why would you make a fight last even longer purely to save a few seconds from using that... non-channel hatred recharge power?

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I must have missed something here. I'm level 39 and don't have Doc. There was a Doc character on Balmorra. He doesn't join the group does he?


Where does Doc come in?


Sounds like you haven't finished the class quests on Balmorra. He joins you at the last part of of it although you have him as a "guest" companion for at least two parts of the quest before the end.

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As soon as I got Doc, he is all I used, he now has over +400 healing which is pretty high at level 47, I am basically unstoppable, no down time, no rest, just move from pack of mobs to pack.


I find it better with Doc, sure you may take out normal mobs faster with Kira, but with Doc, I guess you could say its a mini god mode.

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fights are faster because Kira is dps. Doc is a healer and if ur tanking it'll take longer to go through mobs. Doc is better because he ensures ur survival.....if u protect him.


So far, Doc has let me die twice against a strong mob 3 levels below me... <_< Even with upgraded gear. LoL. Well I guess ill just start collecting DEF gear as a sentinel *sigh*

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It depends on your spec.


As a Focused specced Guardian I was dealing the majority of DPS to any group, even with Kira out. I'd have killed 3 weak mobs before she was done with one.


After that, I'd have ~8 seconds downtime which Doc nullifies as he heals you up while looting.

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It clearly depends on the AC and spec.


As a defense spec'ed guardian I use Kira because I never take enough damage to make Doc really worth the extra time it takes to kill stuff.


I do not have to rest between every fight, I don't have to rest much at all. Doc just slows me down without any real advantage.


If I were a DPS spec'ed class however, especially a Sent, then I could see why he'd be more useful then Kira.

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