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Everything posted by stevecn

  1. Republic Sergeant can be found in Mission Instance: "Shoring Up Defenses - Destroy the ELX-25" Jedi Blademaster can be found in the next mission called "A New Order" as soon as you enter the instance to secure the 3 crystals, he will be in the middle of the room. You of course have to do the imperial quest line to get to these.
  2. I played SWG for 8 years and I think one of the things that made random world PVP a lot better was that we could quick travel to any base at any time. Sometimes we would have some pretty big random battles after the word got out where the combat was. Yesterday I was doing some legacy achievements on Alderaan and got numerous reports of 55's attacking the low guys, so figured I could get some battle in but the planet is so huge that I couldn't get anywhere easily so I just didn't bother. I have all the upgrades to get QT down to a 10 cool down but I don't think it should be there at all. Thoughts?
  3. It is fixed, the lore object is a datapad laying on a med bed next to a kolto tank on the 2nd level of the hospital (above ground)
  4. I just found it, it is on the 2nd level of the hospital laying on a med bed next to a kolto tank. It completed the Loremaster of Taris, so it works
  5. How about adding this as a Cartel market item? Legacy Banks that each member of your legacy can store stuff in that would be available to anyone in the legacy. This would obviously include non-bound items. I have 8 characters and it would be a great time saving if I could store crafting resources and companion gifts in a legacy bank.
  6. I think it just comes down to parts. DOC and KIRA can use your hand-me-downs as well as the other companions. T7 gets equipment from missions. C2 you pretty much have to fork over cash to make him any good and it really doesn't make sense to fork over much cash until you are level 50. No need to waste money on equipment you won't be using for very long. Then by Level 50 you can start putting, centurian, champion, etc. gear on your companions, except T7 and C2, so again, C2 is useless compared to DOC.
  7. I'm just curious of what the purpose is for these new crystals after the last patch yet none of the PVP gear will let you change out the crystal. Is this just how it is? Once you have even a centurian light saber, there is no use for a custom one as it will be underpowered for the most part.
  8. If i'm worried about dying I will use the doc, especially if you are fighting multipe targets but if i'm tearing through stuff, I will switch to Kira. I use Lord Scourge for tanking stuff if I need that while I'm doing something else.
  9. Can you RE a purple to to something better? i've never seen anything but I haven't looked around extensively. Figured I would check before I start shooting for it.
  10. What flashpoints have options for light side points?
  11. I understand the bad look. I'm more thinking of averages, It just seems that after the patch the average rate is lower. But then, I could still be in a bad luck streak. I have RE'd a couple since patch so I know it still works now.
  12. What do you think the best enhancement for DOC is? I'm thinking the Adebt for Power and Surge but how often does he have a critical heal that surge will help with? Adept Enhancement is 13 End, 19 pwr, 28 surge before RE'ing up, LVL 22, then there is Quick Savant which is 13 End, 19 pwr, 28 Alacrity. Which do you think is best? none have cunning on them.
  13. I noticed too that the adds don't do any damage worth noting. I think they are just to add to confusion. If you just turn off the name plates for enemy NPC's you can focus your efforts on making sure you are on the emperor the whole time giving constant damage. If you can take keep the emperor on you and the adds on T7 then T7 and you will last the fight. Takes about 20 seconds. The only problem i know of is that you are going to have to be able to move constantly while doing all your attacks. I have that Razor 17 button mouse so that helps out.
  14. I was able to complete this as sentinel with all out DPS as fast as possible. I tried about 10 times but then took the advice to turn off the name plates for enemy npc's so I could always tell where the real emperor was and I was all over him and ignored everything else. As long as you know your attacks and have your "order" of attacks that you should have developed by now, he will drop pretty quickly
  15. Has anyone been able to RE a green to a blue since the 1.1 patch? I know sometimes you have bad luck with these but i've RE'd numeous items from green to blue and to purple before the patch, usually in 5-10 tries. Now in the last 100 or so.. nothing. I'm Artifice by the way. If anyone else has done it then I'll keep trying.
  16. I haven't been able to RE anything from green to blue either since the patch. I've RE'd numerous stuff before the patch and never had to go this long without getting a blue from a green. I think something is wrong.
  17. I concur, the remaing 2 are on Corellia for some reason. They are entries 61 and 62. You won't be able to get them until you are about level 45 or so. I'm finishing up Corellia now and was wondering why there are 7 datacrons in the guide below. Then I put 2 and 2 together and remembered this post from when I was on Quesh trying to find the last 2 http://www.swtorstrategies.com/2012/01/corellia-datacron-locations.html
  18. I agree, it was nice at first because it looked nice, colorful but then once I went into PVP I found the real down fall of it. My primary focus is on the gameplay when playing. To know if an ability was ready I could use peripheral vision to see if the icon was lit. Now I find myself having to actually focus my eyes directly on the icon to see if the ability is ready. Then of course, I'm dead pretty quickly. I found myself punching buttons over and over only to see nothing happen. And what happened to Rebuke? I find it really hard to activate it now.
  19. I like the idea of everything just being modded to begin with and then whatever skill you are, you can make stuff for your clothes. You need at least 2 different crafting professions to completely outfit something so the people that make the stuff that you can't will still be able to profit. And then also have someone with the ability to make the modded clothes but also allow for differenent color combinations
  20. all your companions use the same skills that you pick, you can't have different skills for each companion. If you want more skills then you have to create another character. You can create multiple characters. I have my main toon that is maxed out on all 3 of the skills I have but I would like to be able to make some more stuff for myself so I created another character with other skills.
  21. I just had a wild hair about an hour ago to RE a blue Might Hilt 22 and it came back with the purple schematic on the 1st try but I've also RE'd about 15 so far in the last week trying to get it. If I remember correctly I went from green earlier this week after about 3 tries in the same day. On a side note, it took about 20 Treasure hunts to get the level 6 gemstones needed to make the hilt. That is about 30,000k credits worth
  22. I kind of found out on my own from organizing my inventory. Here is the break down of what each of the things you find is so you know how much you want to hang on to it when you find it. Red, blue, green crystals come from Nodes you harvest (Level 1-6) (icon is outlined in green - non rare) Yellow can only come from Treasure hunting Gemstones (1-6) since you have to treasure hunt them instead of harvesting, they are more rare and have better stats than their red,blue, green counterparts. (blue outlined icons, blue name schematic) Orange I've only seen level 6 gemstones, not sure if there are others (blue outline on the icon and blue name for schematic) Then there are a set of gemstones (1-6) These are used in prototype schematics (blue name, blue outlined icons) They are the most common in treasure hunts. Then you have a set of gemstones (1-6) which are used to craft artifcact items. These are really rare, they have a purple outline on the icon and the schematic has a purple name. You will want to hold onto these when you find them and you start RE'd items for Artifact schematics. So when you do a treasure hunt for Gemstones you are going to get the Blue outlined set the most, used for Prototype Schematics. Then you will occassionally get the Yellow Gemstones and then the Orange at level 6. Then on rare occassions, you will get the Purple outlined gemstones. People were confused at first thinking the purple outlined Gemstones were for purple lightsaber crystals but in reality, they are just what is used for Artifact Schematics. Power crystals have 2 sets (1-6) each. They have Green outlines on the icon, which means they aren't rare, harvested from Nodes on planets. The only thing that seems to make 1 set more rare than the other is the level of the planet you are on. 1 set seems to come along on planets that are a little higher than the other set. For example, the Eralam Grade 2 gemstone I ran into first on lower planets then I started finding Nextor Grade 2 Gemstones on the next higher up planet I was on. Abundance seemed to be the same though. Artifacts work the same as the power crystals, 2 sets, scrolls and tablets. Scrolls come first on lower level planets than the tablets. I'm actually writing this while my game is up with 4 companions on treasure hunts trying to get level 6 Artifact gemstones so I can craft an Advanced might hilt 22, which requires 4 of them. Out of about 20 runs so far I've gotten about 3 runs back with yellow gemstones (Perfect Yelow Crystal), 1 orange (Pefect Orange Crystal) and no Purples yet (Corusca Gem), The rest have all been the Lorrdian Gemstone.
  23. I thought the same thing at first too. That if I can get email on my smartphone now, then why not in this game? at least on your ship. But then I realized that since you can send money and attachments (physical items) in email then like the above mentioned saying it is like a "mailbox" is a more accurate description of what it is. Just like today, if you mail someone something, you have to physically pick it up. Plus the game calls it "Mail" and "Mailbox".. Not "email" Although, The fact that you can get your "Mail" at any mailbox is just a technicallity, lol
  24. DOH, Thanks, totally forgot about being able to send attachments.
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