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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

It finally happened!


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I dont understand why so many people even bother playing them really. They are good heals and average dps when specced. I stopped playing mine around level 24 over a month ago because it plays to close to a WoW shadow priest for my liking. Since then i have been killilng plenty of them on my sniper/merc/marauder. So while i will agree way to many of them now. They are pretty easy to kill for the most part.


The people who roll them thinking they are actually OP never learn to play them decently. Have seen some good ones though few and far between now.

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Those aren't 6 Sorcerers. At least one of them is an Assassin. I'll leave it to you to figure out why. Maybe you'll learn something.


5 of them have healing numbers outside the realm of an Assassin. Are you REALLY pretending like five sorcs is somehow okay, because it's not six?


There are routinely 4 sorcs per WZ match on Ajunta Pall.

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I have been in a few warzones against Republic where every one of their team members was either a consular or a commando. How many were healers? Hell, I couldn't say. Seems like they all throw heal spells around just so you can't tell who the true healers in the group are and focus on them.


It is only at the end of the match that you see 2 - 4 players with 300K healing and everyone else on the team did less than 60k.


When you end up with mixes like that, you know you are going to lose.

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I like how ppl crying abut soc. Soc bigest weapon is aoe (that how we do most damage). If team playing smart passing ball soc suck on damage, but most ppl like to carry ball with 6 other teammates. And after suprise o we get ripp buy soc. Learn to play smart.
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i'll leave this here :D


In that screenie 4/8 look to be Assassins.... just saying :D



Ya'll think thats bad....... Try a group of 6 Commandos 2 Sages. I actually couldn't stop laughing at how fast they rolled us!


Wish I had a screenshot for that

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I think your a trolling liar, but if it did happen it was on purpose. Two premades queueing together and hit the button together, or even 1 premade and a guild having their other sorc all queueing at the same time. Personally never seen more than 4 on 1 side and some of them were shadows.


I've been in WZ with six SI's or JC's.

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Me and other 5 friends re-rolled Sorcs, they are pretty much the best class in the game, and it will NEVER get nerfted...


Because is not a DMG/Surv issue, is a class than need a full re-work and Bioware cant even fix the problem of WZ not counting for the Daily you think they will fix Sorcs/Sages soon?...


So re-roll a Sorc and stop your stress, they can do everything too, DPS, Heal and Support in PVE you just need a tank and a OPS full of Sorc, no point of inviting another class...


I think that you haven't really rolled a sorc have you. Go on, admit it. We all know you're lying.

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I was in a war zone against 8 Sorcerers. Not a single other class was on the opposing team.

Oh what a grand sight it was. So much electricity/bubbles/healing/cc/knock back/force speed. Seriously can no one at Bioware see what is going on here? There is a reason so many people play Sorcerer's and sages. They have so many tools. There is no down side to playing one.


It is beyond ridiculous! I was attacking a sorcerer last night for literally 5-6 minutes straight and never killed him. He didn't even bother to try to fight back. He just healed through everything. I mean I popped ever lvl 50 champion relic I had, adrenal, force potency, and threw the kitchen sink at him. I was criting for 3-3.5K damage on shadow strike sometimes as well. This can no way be right. and yes I was CC him to crap. I mean it should be a little harder then a normal person since he can heal, but when your throw everything at him and he just heals through it and doesn't even attack you back...something is really wrong. One the plus side I got around 230K damage. Only like 4 kills though...haha

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In that screenie 4/8 look to be Assassins.... just saying :D



Ya'll think thats bad....... Try a group of 6 Commandos 2 Sages. I actually couldn't stop laughing at how fast they rolled us!


Wish I had a screenshot for that


maybe... or 8/8 were sorcs. i know one thing.. when i play a defender class i throw up the shield at least once in a match to get some easy medals... makes you wonder why any of the sins in that match didn't..


anyways not gonna argue that some could be sins.. but i am gonna say that this sort of thing happens a lot more then any other class. kindda makes you wonder why...

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It is beyond ridiculous! I was attacking a sorcerer last night for literally 5-6 minutes straight and never killed him. He didn't even bother to try to fight back. He just healed through everything. I mean I popped ever lvl 50 champion relic I had, adrenal, force potency, and threw the kitchen sink at him. I was criting for 3-3.5K damage on shadow strike sometimes as well. This can no way be right. and yes I was CC him to crap. I mean it should be a little harder then a normal person since he can heal, but when your throw everything at him and he just heals through it and doesn't even attack you back...something is really wrong. One the plus side I got around 230K damage. Only like 4 kills though...haha

You couldn't solo a geared healer in pvp?!?!?!?! What a shock!

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well you know... when i put 440k damage as a marauder, due to my almost 5k crits and I cant kill a lad whom is standing just there and healing.. then its something wrong with the balance... yeah, sorc btw...

What healing class can you solo in this game in pvp? This is not a sorcerer issue, its a healer issue.


If healers can be easily solo'd then there is no point to them in WZs. You need teamwork to put pressure on the healer to force them into make the hard decisions on who to heal and capitalize when they make the wrong one or work hard to drain their resources. But NO, you should not be able to solo a well played and geared one.

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