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If they wont listen


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Have you had experience with other games and customer service??? I ask because this, in my experience, is not the worst I have seen. I have experienced Ultima Online, Anarchy Online, Warhammer Online, Conan, WoW Online, and many others.... This is not the worst, at least not yet.


You need to do your research. All of the games I mentioned had problems on launch and many of them were far worse than SWTOR. WoW was not playable for weeks. Crashes, server's inaccesable, etc, etc....


Lemme guess, you are the person, that upon seeing the anouncement that a great new building is going up, you show up when they have layed the foundation, walk into the middle of it, and are dissapointed cause it's not as great as the building next to it.


This is the foundation. You got in on ground level. They will build on this great foundation and it will grow to be a great game or it will calapse.


If you were the bank that gave the builder a loan for the building, would you show up on the day after the foundation was poured and be disappointed and pull the loan?


er excuse me, my good fellow. you respond with logic and reasoning, this is all good in the real world. but this is a forum, and that is not how we operate here. we like to fame, rage or generally be a jerk. if some1 has a view that we don't agree with we like to call them a troll or a fanboi. we never talk to them like they are humans:D


+1 to your post

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The only thing I hate, is whoever is in charge of forum moderation. I swear we have Indian workforces moderating our forums. Because the mods just seem to be so out of touch with things. And constantly deleting threads is a bit annoying. Hell I fully expect this thread to be deleted by the time I finish this post.



For the most part I stopped posted because more then half the time the thread ends up deleted before I finish posting.

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Nice try Blizzard...


Please do boycott this game on your own and dont forget to include the forums. An ultimatum...really? To do what, give into everyones demands? That will work...


Do you REALLY think it is necessary to tell people to troll? Have you ever been to a gaming forum before?


Your ignorance is great, OP.

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The only thing I hate, is whoever is in charge of forum moderation. I swear we have Indian workforces moderating our forums. Because the mods just seem to be so out of touch with things. And constantly deleting threads is a bit annoying. Hell I fully expect this thread to be deleted by the time I finish this post.



For the most part I stopped posted because more then half the time the thread ends up deleted before I finish posting.


I think thats the first post of yours I actually agree with, the forum moderation is abit, draconian..

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OP... dont even bother. Bioware has a legion of Zealot fans who will never accept any faults. I mean I love bioware games too, and own all their games, I even enjoyed DA2 but I still accept TOR has some issues but there is many active members of the Bioware Defense Force that you dont want to rile up.
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OP... dont even bother. Bioware has a legion of Zealot fans who will never accept any faults. I mean I love bioware games too, and own all their games, I even enjoyed DA2 but I still accept TOR has some issues but there is many active members of the Bioware Defense Force that you dont want to rile up.


It's funny that because you disagree with someones opinion on something people like you assume that a person sees no faults in the game.


Well that's what ssuming does it makes you look like an ...............

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It's funny that because you disagree with someones opinion on something people like you assume that a person sees no faults in the game.


Well that's what ssuming does it makes you look like an ...............


People are welcome to opposing opinions, whats bad is when they insist theres nothing wrong at all and someone is just trolling. If you enjoy the game and acknowledge issues, thats cool its the folks who accept nothing is wrong that is the problem.

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People are welcome to opposing opinions, whats bad is when they insist theres nothing wrong at all and someone is just trolling. If you enjoy the game and acknowledge issues, thats cool its the folks who accept nothing is wrong that is the problem.


but maybe some ppl really don't think there is anything wrong. or nothing game breaking at least.


all the things i see wrong with the game. ability delay, FPS, high quality texture options. these are known issues that are being delt with. so i see no reason to make hate thread after hate thread and say i'm going to quit over these issues


things like LFD, combat logs, travel times, these are not big issues to me and i could care less if they get fixed or not.


so i will keep playing the game, and as far as i'm concerned there is little wrong with the game. its not WoW, and i don't want them to turn it into WoW in space, but then maybe that is why i'm enjoying the game

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People on this forum are really good at picking up on sarcasm.


I've had to start putting a disclaimer in my posts when i'm saying something in jest.


Some people around here wouldn't know humour if Jack Dee fell on their lap and started licking their ******s.

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I enjoy this game far too much to stop playing as a protest (to save my marriage yes...protest no).


With the exception of the heinous issue of pvp type gankpredators griefing people non consensually, on pve servers there really aren't any issues that bother me that much at all.


I enjoy the game as it is and the experience of an occasional bug doesn't really mess with my fun.

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Oppy.. You have got to be out of your Vulcan loving mind. :D


Op I see a lot of posts like your on the forum all the time. Your

asking players to boycott the game because there is something

about the game you are unhappy about. Your going to be on the

losing end by trying to give Bio-Ware an ultimatum.


Here is how it usually works if you are so uptight and unhappy

with the game go into your game listing find were SW:ToR is

listed and hit uninstall then take the game CD and throw it

in the trash. Problem solved.

Edited by AnnonSeek
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