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How do you guys handle vs interupts ?


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Powershot, use it... Hey, it's better than staying still for the duration of interrupt.


This ^


Also you have alot of other instant cast skills that you could use as well. I keep up 3 bars of skills JUST in case something in my rotation gets interrupted so i am atleast still doing something.

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My experience is low on the Merc ATM being that I am only 21 but I got to 21 by pvping first as healer up to 20 then went arsenal at 21 due to not enough bulk in healing to feel to useful in pvp whereas in Arsenal I can eliminate the person harassing the ball carrier faster than healing through their damage. Also I have a 50 Juggernaut that I pvp on which could be disputed as a high control player in pvp.


Generally if I am trying to eliminate someone from the field and they are a class with a lot of control or an interrupt and they close the gap on me I will start with power shot to bait their interrupt and if that doesn't then I will flame thrower them. That ability will usually get you the goods, follow that up with a knockback/electroshot and start unloading on them again with tracer.


Granted I don't have a vast tool set at 21 but I feel that we have enough channeled abilities to bait the average player, and up against a more competent one you can always fake cast. But that being said in Huttball at low levels I have realized my place in the warzone, and while I can run the ball, without proper defensive CD's and other tools I find I am much more adept at controlling the number of people harassing my ball carrier or team.

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Juking is really only good against someone you know for a fact is interrupting you repeatedly. Also you have to memorize most of the interrupt rates, for example a Warrior/Knight's interrupts are on a 8s cool down with a 4s lockout while an Inquisitor is on a 12s cool down and 4s lockout. In addition, most of the interrupts aren't readily noticeable except the Agent one (which is a dust cloud on you) so you can't even tell if they really used it. This is not to say it's impossible to juke, only that the game mechanics certainly make it much harder than other games.


I'm heal spec'd but when people interrupt my Power Shot Barrages I usually just turtle up then really punish them by by completely healing anything they've done to me during those 4 seconds. That said a lot of people save their interrupts expecting us to try to just heal when we get low so I find I rarely get interrupted while casting my nukes.

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Heal yourself.


It's amazing how many people complain about a lack of survivability when they refuse to put points into medtech for .6 seconds off rapid scan and reduced cooldown on healing scan. Also, worth noting that baiting people into using an interupt by casting a heal once you take a bit of damage is always worth doing. Enjoy your free pew pew afterwards.

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Pyro brutalizes Arsenal in pvp. There isn't a WZ we don't shine in, nor one we don't top damage and kill ratio in.


And if you know how to manage your heat, and take venting talents - you're not nearly as gimped in pve as people like to tell you. As an experienced endgame raider in other games, I can tell you the ability to do 85% of your damage on the run in tough encounters can be absolutely priceless. When actual hard content starts coming out in the next year, and all the classes that have to remain stationary to deal their damage start dying in fire or pools of acid, etc. Pyro the red-nosed-Mercenary will look like a beacon of immortality.

Edited by Stranded_Law
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Heal yourself.


It's amazing how many people complain about a lack of survivability when they refuse to put points into medtech for .6 seconds off rapid scan and reduced cooldown on healing scan. Also, worth noting that baiting people into using an interupt by casting a heal once you take a bit of damage is always worth doing. Enjoy your free pew pew afterwards.


Trying to heal yourself while under fire will only prolong the inevitable, but won't kill your opponent, nor will it save you. Besides without of going deeper into Bodyguard tree, your heals are ineffective and it's enough just to sneeze at you to push back your heals.

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Trying to heal yourself while under fire will only prolong the inevitable, but won't kill your opponent, nor will it save you. Besides without of going deeper into Bodyguard tree, your heals are ineffective and it's enough just to sneeze at you to push back your heals.


That a joke?

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No...Unless you're a full fledged healer or a hybrid healer. Because otherwise you're lacking skills to make your healing effective enough to outheal the incoming dps and not to overheat in the process.


That's ridiculous. If you're getting focused by multiple players or have nowhere to LOS then maybe. But otherwise, that's completely untrue, especially if you use your knockbacks well. You don't need to outheal the incoming dps completely, all you need to do is give yourself an extra few globals worth of HP to burst when your lockout ends (though again, if you use your surroundings effectively, you can easily get away for a quick heal or two). And if you didn't spec into med tech for shorter cast times then you have no one to blame but yourself for your inability to heal effectively.

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In every WZ there are tons of spots to duck behind or around to LOS your opponents and safely heal, even without Med Tech. Only full-fledged healers should stand there like a pylon eating shots while attempting to heal. If it's successful, it probably means your opponents are terrible.
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pyro has weak dots that only win voidstar. they top charts, but it's not effective damage.


So much wrong in one small post. Effective damage is 100% controlled by the player's choice of target. If you found Pyro to be bad, all that means is you're bad at playing Pyro.

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That's ridiculous. If you're getting focused by multiple players or have nowhere to LOS then maybe. But otherwise, that's completely untrue, especially if you use your knockbacks well. You don't need to outheal the incoming dps completely, all you need to do is give yourself an extra few globals worth of HP to burst when your lockout ends (though again, if you use your surroundings effectively, you can easily get away for a quick heal or two). And if you didn't spec into med tech for shorter cast times then you have no one to blame but yourself for your inability to heal effectively.


If you have ranged class on you than yes, it can give you a moment of breathing room. However those classes are merc(arsenal) and sniper. The rest will be back onto you before you even know it.

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If you have ranged class on you than yes, it can give you a moment of breathing room. However those classes are merc(arsenal) and sniper. The rest will be back onto you before you even know it.


Looks like somebody hasn't learned to manage charge distances, manage charge cooldown timers, LOS after a knockback so melee can't charge/pull, etc. Just because you haven't figured out how to heal in combat doesn't mean that others haven't either.

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Uh-huh, you're missing a simple fact: if you need to heal yourself, that means you're taking damage.


If it's sniper/merc you're taking damage from, than that means you have a range between the two of you, which means you can freely abuse los. However if you're taking damage from warrior/shadow/PT that pretty much means that they're onto you or pretty much at in-your-face range. Which also means that there's very little point in turning back and running for cover, coz they're still right behind you. Heck, even if it's sorc you're running from, you can't run far if he uses force speed.


So yeah, LoS is only good against ranged/stationary classes.

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pyro has weak dots that only win voidstar. they top charts, but it's not effective damage.

Yeah, people often talk about topping damage as pyro in WZ's, yet decline to talk about how much is dot/aoe damage. In real PvP scenarios where a target such as a healer needs to die quickly, pyro fails in every aspect. Mobility is laughable, considering we're walking tanks regardless of spec -- it's only players who refuse to learn proper playstyle for the class who love being able to run n' gun. Regardless, I have yet to see a pyro spec beat me in damage on any warzone as arsenal; even the ones who claim to be good.


As for handling interrupts, do whatever the situation calls for. The important thing is that you do something.

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Agreed with op.


interrupts are a pain in the *** for arsenal.


you may be able to do something else... aka powershot or go into second half of my rotation...


but it still doesnt make you effective.


even throwing a stun and death from above barely keeps you ahead if they eat the whole thing.


if you cant get your tracer off you just arent going to be doing any damage.


everything in the class is built around that same damn move.



trying pyro next log on. (if i dont keep leveling my alt)

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As for handling interrupts, do whatever the situation calls for. The important thing is that you do something.


Best response to this thread yet. Just do SOMETHING. So you might not be firing a tracer missile, we have other options, whatever the situation might call for. Unless you've got 3 or 4 guys on you all waiting to interrupt one after another, 4 seconds shouldn't break you. And if you do have 3 or 4 guys on you, well, you're better off trying to get the flunk out of dodge than you are trying to take them all on 4v1.

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Best response to this thread yet. Just do SOMETHING. So you might not be firing a tracer missile, we have other options, whatever the situation might call for. Unless you've got 3 or 4 guys on you all waiting to interrupt one after another, 4 seconds shouldn't break you. And if you do have 3 or 4 guys on you, well, you're better off trying to get the flunk out of dodge than you are trying to take them all on 4v1.


if there are 3 or 4 people on you just try to live as long as possible, your team should win if half their team is going after you! :)

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