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Voidstar just a copy of Strand of the Ancients


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And Huttball can be considered similar to Warsong Gultch ... and Alderaan is similar to Arathi Basin ....



Whats your point?


That they copied?


Taking capture the flag, and capture the base concepts is forgiveable, lots of other games had them, but the Strand of the Ancients concept is something very distinct.


Dear Nindoriel,


By this logic, we could say that each PvP fight is a poor copy of chess.





A very abstract copy then. The similarities between the two battlegrounds are huge.

Edited by Artthen
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Did anyone else notice that the Voidstar warzone is just a copy of the World of Warcraft battleground Strand of the Ancients, just without vehicles?


So it's liek SotA...


Except there are no vehicles...


And you can't capture graveyards...


And you cannot attack the doors from range...


And only the defenders have a respawn timer...


And there are no defense cannons...


So what are the similarities again? You have to blow up doors to reach an objective, but there are no vehicles, the method of assault is completely different, and the encounter favors the assault team instead of the defense team?


Do you know that World of Warcraft is a game where you run around killing people? It's a complete rip-off of Call of Duty!



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So it's liek SotA...


Except there are no vehicles...


And you can't capture graveyards...


And you cannot attack the doors from range...


And only the defenders have a respawn timer...


And there are no defense cannons...


So what are the similarities again? You have to blow up doors to reach an objective, but there are no vehicles, the method of assault is completely different, and the encounter favors the assault team instead of the defense team?


Do you know that World of Warcraft is a game where you run around killing people? It's a complete rip-off of Call of Duty!




The principle in essence is the same. Of course they changed it a bit. They couldn't copy it 100%. Even if all those differences you listed would not be there, you could still just say "hey the map looks different - SotA is a beach, Voidstar is indoors". There is no such thing as a 1:1 copy. Because it would just be too obvious. I thought that was apparent. However, the point still stands, the whole basic idea, the whole skeleton is basically the same. They just changed it a bit, so it looks different enough for people to accept it.


I'm not here to hate this game, I like it. I'm not here to hate Bioware, either. But if you look at WoW and SWTOR, you can't oversee the huge similarities. I know that WoW did take things from other MMOs too, but it was never as close to other MMOs as a lot of WoW copies are to WoW.

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So it's liek SotA...


Except there are no vehicles...


And you can't capture graveyards...


And you cannot attack the doors from range...


And only the defenders have a respawn timer...


And there are no defense cannons...


So what are the similarities again? You have to blow up doors to reach an objective, but there are no vehicles, the method of assault is completely different, and the encounter favors the assault team instead of the defense team?


Do you know that World of Warcraft is a game where you run around killing people? It's a complete rip-off of Call of Duty!




Which makes Voidstar a lesser copy of SotA.


Instead of vehicles, you have endless zerging.


Instead of graveyards, you have forced changes of spawn points


Instead of allowing doors to be attacked via multiple means, you have a huge zergfest of bomb planting.


Instead of having respawn timers for attackers, you constantly spawn and run to zerg the door.


Instead of defense cannons, you have endless aoeings and tunnelvisioning of DPS.


In short, Voidstar is just SotA with less strategy involved.

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Wow, an MMO that shares similar features / gameplay elements with other MMOs.


Surely no one saw this coming. It seemed so obvious that questing / dungeons / raids / pvp would be so much different and unique in this game, as compared to previous games in which one is either questing / running a dungeon or raid / pvping.


I was blindsided.

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I know that WoW did take things from other MMOs too, but it was never as close to other MMOs as a lot of WoW copies are to WoW.


WoW didn't steal much? It's UI at launch was a carbon copy of Everquest, as was its skill and level progression... Hell, they even stole the name of the first "evil" quest hub (Crossroads) with a lot of the quests being exact copies except pasting WoW lore over it.


I agree that WoW has gone its own direction since but they certainly weren't the innovators that people seem to think they were.


Not that it's a bad thing as such, it's good business sense to take a game model that works and then build on it later.

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Wow, an MMO that shares similar features / gameplay elements with other MMOs.


Surely no one saw this coming. It seemed so obvious that questing / dungeons / raids / pvp would be so much different and unique in this game, as compared to previous games in which one is either questing / running a dungeon or raid / pvping.


I was blindsided.


Questing, dungeons, raids, pvp. That is not copying. That is the genre of MMOs.

But taking specific content - a certain raid, a certain battleground - and changing it just a little bit so it looks different is copying.


It's the question whether SWTOR took those features specifically from WoW, which I think is most likely, or if they took them from those shooter games. If they did that, how come there's so many other stuff similar to WoW. Just a coincidence?


They deliberately went and looked at WoW and asked themselves - how can we take this and make an SWTOR MMO. WoW is the most popular MMO, it's not a crime to do that. It's actually really clever. But to do deny that this didn't happen is naive.


WoW didn't steal much? It's UI at launch was a carbon copy of Everquest, as was its skill and level progression... Hell, they even stole the name of the first "evil" quest hub (Crossroads) with a lot of the quests being exact copies except pasting WoW lore over it.


I agree that WoW has gone its own direction since but they certainly weren't the innovators that people seem to think they were.


Not that it's a bad thing as such, it's good business sense to take a game model that works and then build on it later.


I don't get your point. I already said, they took things from other MMOs. But I don't see where it is an almost exact copy of any other game. You only listed a few things. And I also think that something like "Crossroads" is more of a hommage kind of thing, because some of the developers of WoW played Everquest themselves.

Edited by Nindoriel
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WoW stole sota from the original unreal tournament. And WoW was the first MMO.


What WoW did was take something and put it into another context. What SWTOR did was take something from another MMO and put it in their MMO, changing it only a little bit.

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I only listed a few thing because WoW launched years ago and to be honest I can't remember everything about it, what I do remember is thinking "this is Everquest re-skinned". Just like any new game nowadays is considered "WoW reskinned".


Ok, hold up. I played EQ from just before Kunark was released until WoW's open beta in 2004, then played WoW until right around 4.0. WoW felt NOTHING like EQ at launch. Hell, just the quest system alone made WoW feel entirely different than EQ. Because, you know, you actually got XP for quests in WoW.


Leveling in WoW: Pick up quest, go kill 30 mobs, turn in quest, get xp.


Leveling in EQ: Sit in a corner with a group and chain-pull the area, wait for it to respawn, and repeat... forever.

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No. I take it you never played strands.


I did. And it's the exact same concept. One team attempts to break through a series of gates to get to an endpoint, then the other team does the same with a time-limit set by the first team.


Seriously, anybody who tries to say they aren't similar is just trying to rationalize enjoying this game without the threat of admitting something about WoW didn't suck.


And Alderaan is EXACTLY Arathi Basin.

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I did. And it's the exact same concept. One team attempts to break through a series of gates to get to an endpoint, then the other team does the same with a time-limit set by the first team.


Seriously, anybody who tries to say they aren't similar is just trying to rationalize enjoying this game without the threat of admitting something about WoW didn't suck.

And Alderaan is EXACTLY Arathi Basin.


You mean you actually enjoyed sota with all the stupid vehicles?

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That they copied?


Taking capture the flag, and capture the base concepts is forgiveable, lots of other games had them, but the Strand of the Ancients concept is something very distinct.




A very abstract copy then. The similarities between the two battlegrounds are huge.


That you seem to think that wow invented these concepts is pretty darn hilarious.

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