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best healer


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Who do you think is a best healer and why. I tried all 3 healers for empire and realised sorc is best heal by miles . My reasons : 1) bubble, 2) amazing heal starting from low levels , when for some classes you need to get high in a tree to heal effectivly(operative) 3)Personally i think sorc heal tree is the best from all tree and gives some sweet abilities, when others are preaty random. :)
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1. Sorc

2. Merc

3. Op



Sorcs output is just way ahead of the other healers, simple as that. Add in the bubble and you've got the strongest healer in the game.


Mercs and ops have pretty similar output, mercs is probably a little bit higher, but the main difference is that mercs are just way more survivable and have way better defensive cooldowns.


Operatives are in need of a buff in the healing department.

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I can keep almost the whole raid (8 man) up with any random bad healer on my Operative and never run out of energy, ever.


I then made a Sorc alt, and will try tomorrow and see if there is a difference. I hear a lot about how good they are and while I've cleared all Hm's in oranges, we'll see how I do with him a little decked out now in a raid.


In PVP my Operative is better but he's full champion while my Sorc has a mix of pvp and pve gear minus the chest. Healing in pvp is hard I think.

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Who do you think is a best healer and why. I tried all 3 healers for empire and realised sorc is best heal by miles . My reasons : 1) bubble, 2) amazing heal starting from low levels , when for some classes you need to get high in a tree to heal effectivly(operative) 3)Personally i think sorc heal tree is the best from all tree and gives some sweet abilities, when others are preaty random. :)


well operatives/smugglers seem to be the best heals for pvp for some reason, they also stay alive for longer themselves

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Sorcs for sure. My 44 Merc rarely gets the medal for a 2.5K heal, crits are around ~2200 and yet my 16 Sorc gets it with 2 or 3 casts, with 3K + crits regularly.


I tried healing in PvP on my Merc but hated it, seemed very ineffective. The Sorc is much better.

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Its before the brackets, but I have full champ gear now and I still heal for that much or more. Also, this screen shot was in a PUG with no deaths. Bracket or not, still good numbers.


With a guild premade we run 2 heals and 2 dps. Even though our Commando healer splits his heals with DPSin', I still top charts 99% of the time.

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Sorcs for sure. My 44 Merc rarely gets the medal for a 2.5K heal, crits are around ~2200 and yet my 16 Sorc gets it with 2 or 3 casts, with 3K + crits regularly.


I tried healing in PvP on my Merc but hated it, seemed very ineffective. The Sorc is much better.


That's your gear believe it or not. It does scale with your level. If you're 44 and wearing level 30 something gear that makes a big difference than a level 16 wearing level 15 or 16 gear. My 19 Commando gets 2.5k medal instantly. I pop an adrenal and I heal for ALMOST 4k in PvP combat (can't forget the Trauma debuff).


Check yer gear, probably will make a huge difference. I know when my Sage hit 50 I was disgusted at my heals until I got gear. Full Champ gear I can get 5k heals in combat with relic and adrenal.

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Depends on what type of healing you are talking about. I play republic exclusively and I have to say the Scoundrel is the one I am most proficient with. It all depends on your play style and what type of healing class you enjoy. I like a lot of hot's and instant heals, and no other class has the mobility speed of a scoundrel.
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Im sage healer and its always fine, i never actaully seen scoundrel healer, but it would be fun because hmm.. a healer with stealth ?


The stealth bit isn't that useful in pvp. Yeah you have vanish, but it's on a long cooldown... and you can remove dots but some delayed abilities will still just pull you out of stealth again.


However, scoundrels/ops can pretty much spam their instant heal if played well.

Edited by dannythefool
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1. Sorc

2. Merc

3. Op



Sorcs output is just way ahead of the other healers, simple as that. Add in the bubble and you've got the strongest healer in the game.


Mercs and ops have pretty similar output, mercs is probably a little bit higher, but the main difference is that mercs are just way more survivable and have way better defensive cooldowns.


Operatives are in need of a buff in the healing department.


I agree. The reason Operatives are not as useful is because we have no real instant or fast healing when joining a fight. Our two most useful PvP heals are Surgical probe and Kolto Infusion. The issue is that these both require "tactical advantages" to make use of. While I agree that forcing us to use Kolto injection and Kolto probe to gain these tactical advantages provides us with reason to use all our healing abilities, it does make it hard to save someone, or even to heal yourself. If you're kiting someone, often all you have is a energy unfriendly AoE Hot, a mild stacking Hot, and a 2 second cast, that's not the best survivable array of abilities.

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Sorc. There's only one non-Sorc on our server that can compete with the other Sorcs. Haven't seen a non-Sorc top 700k yet.


If they dont have an AoE heal that heals when casted and heals for a short while for those in the vicintity, you will never. If their AoE heal is disabled, others healers will put out the same amount of healing as a Sorc/Sage.

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