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Advanced Class Switching


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Choice before lore, theme and common sense makes for a poor game. I know that’s the way all games are going, your choice as a player is more important than anything else in the world but it makes games ridiculous shells of a genre where choices once counted.


Do you want us to able to switch between Republic and Empire at the click of a button next? You know I would like to be able to play a Dalek Sith, who looks like a Dalek but with Sith powers!!!!!!!!!!!


Hopefully I have shown that choice is not always a good thing and pandering to whatever players want will end up making any game a joke of its former self.

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I have no problem people re-speccing their AC as long as they go back to level 10 to start their new AC. it would be ridiculous if at level 40 you decided you didn't like healing and wanted to go tank and could switch over to a level 40 character by paying out.


Most ACs give you two mechanics to choose from anyway. Get over it.

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Choice before lore, theme and common sense makes for a poor game. I know that’s the way all games are going, your choice as a player is more important than anything else in the world but it makes games ridiculous shells of a genre where choices once counted.


Do you want us to able to switch between Republic and Empire at the click of a button next? You know I would like to be able to play a Dalek Sith, who looks like a Dalek but with Sith powers!!!!!!!!!!!


Hopefully I have shown that choice is not always a good thing and pandering to whatever players want will end up making any game a joke of its former self.


You have demonstrated that reductio ad absurdum produces absurdities. Which, I am fairly sure, is a tautological statement. You've done nothing to prove that choice is not a good thing. Though I am curious: How, exactly, would allowing for changing Advanced Classes violate "lore, theme or common sense[,]" or is otherwise contrary to them? Every Advanced Class is framed as supplemental training to promote specialization: Retraining hardly seems beyond the pale, especially in a setting where we take space wizard-monks wielding laser swords for granted, don't bat an eye at there being a planet-destroying doomsday device buried somewhere in seemingly every zone, and would be crushed if there wasn't space combat that made no sense when objectively looked at.


I have no problem people re-speccing their AC as long as they go back to level 10 to start their new AC. it would be ridiculous if at level 40 you decided you didn't like healing and wanted to go tank and could switch over to a level 40 character by paying out.


Most ACs give you two mechanics to choose from anyway. Get over it.


That succeeds in being even worse than forced rerolling, because at least when you reroll you have the opportunity to play around with character's visual aesthetics and how they interact with their story quest and/or companions.

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Picking an AC needs to mean something people! What the &$%# do you think this is, a game?! :mad:


People, if you think gaming needs consequences to prevent other people from breaking your sense of immersion, you need to back away from the keyboard and spend time outdoors.


I have RL friends in the military who have changed their specialization several times over a career. Sometimes they weren't suited to their initial choice, sometimes their field was full and other roles needed to be filled. Not once did their superiors complain it was unrealistic because "if you wanted to be a rogue you shouldn't have rolled a mage".


I know using real-life analogies might be a weaker argument than pointing out that SWTOR CAN'T do something because that's not how other MMOs do it, but I'll risk it.

Edited by Vaishevik
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Why do you care if others can switch their AC? If you feel like it's such an "important" choice then you can just not take advantage of it...the stories are identical, ACs for each class are nearly identical, the only reason they're leaving it out is because bioware wants the appearance of 8 classes.


Advance Class is NOT a spec, it is a class of its own, despite the name.


It is a totally different class basically, the story is not the main point here.


What you are asking is basically same as asking can "I switch from a rogue to a warrior at will if I didn't like my choice and keep all the progress" here, you know that right?

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The problem with the system is that you haven't really got any chance to try your spec before choosing it. It is very likely that you'll opt for something that you later find out just isn't you. After all, when you choose, you haven't even scratched the surface of the game.


If there is to be no way of switching, I think a much better model would be to let people switch between specs until, say, level 30 or 40, at which point your master or whatever would force you to CHOOSE YOUR PATH YOUNG SOMETHING at which point you have to choose.


Just the way I see it.

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The problem with the system is that you haven't really got any chance to try your spec before choosing it. It is very likely that you'll opt for something that you later find out just isn't you. After all, when you choose, you haven't even scratched the surface of the game.


If there is to be no way of switching, I think a much better model would be to let people switch between specs until, say, level 30 or 40, at which point your master or whatever would force you to CHOOSE YOUR PATH YOUNG SOMETHING at which point you have to choose.


Just the way I see it.


Again, it is advanced class is confused with specs here.


It is not a spec. Specs implies minor differences that you choose within a role (for example within a tank/dps role, whether you choose to be more tank or more dps oriented).


Advance classes are fundementally different roles. There is nothing similar between a sith sorcerer (a range class and a healer) vs a sith assassin (a melee stealther).


With the decision of advance claas you in reality are picking between 2 different classes.


That is why it shouldn't be possible to switch. Otherwise class choice becomes really pointless, since you can switch over to different roles at will.



To simply even further, there is in reality 8 classes each faction. The 4 base class just defines which category of class they are. This is the basic concept that needs to be understood.

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Should not be able to switch AC.


Now it would be nice to have an item that lets you swap between two tree specs, ie your solo one and your group one, but within the same AC


this is exactly what mmo's should be avoiding, if you can do all three roles with one advanced class then it defeats the purpose of classes in the first place. WoW already screwed it up with druids, lawl @ range dps melee dps tank and dps, all with the flick of a switch.

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Why do you care if others can switch their AC? If you feel like it's such an "important" choice then you can just not take advantage of it...the stories are identical, ACs for each class are nearly identical, the only reason they're leaving it out is because bioware wants the appearance of 8 classes.


Because a game with only 4 classes (plus their mirrors) would suck?


and the ACs are definitely not identical, for instance Marauder and Juggernaut are different, by a longshot, same to Sniper and Operative.

Edited by Uvirith
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  • 8 months later...
Bump. Want a Barbershop and AC switching so I don't have to reroll/delete characters.


Thread necromancy ftw?


I'd agree with you on the barbershop (especially since we can switch out companion customization mods and change how our comps look as we see fit) and potentially a plastic surgeon to boot (such that you can change any detail about your character except the race), but I have to disagree with AC switching. Each AC is distinctly different from the other from its base class. They're completely different classes, for all intents and purposes, that just so happen to share a small number of abilities with another class (which, honestly, generally tend to only be used by one AC or the other).


The only possible way I could see allowing AC switching would be to have it take place as a part of a long quest string (probably soloable) that could only be completed once. Tie the story in to alternate dimensions or time travel or something of the kind to explain why your character all of the sudden forgot how to use 2 guns at once and decided to pick up a shotgun and stealth belt. The quest provides logical story-based explanation as well as preventing the AC switching from being done haphazardly.


Of course, I could just as easily see the developers forcing players to pay real money every time they want to AC switch a character. The real money transaction would act as a deterrent for too much swapping while generating additional revenue (and, for story purposes, could just as easily be explained as a Hutt Cartel mind rewiring device that your character paid to go through). This is probably the most likely path the developers will go with since it's something some players have wanted for a while that the developers have regularly stated they don't want to allow players to have, and the prospect of money has a habit of loosening morals a bit.


I don't ever plan on AC swapping characters since I've got one of each anyways, and I don't really see going through the same story a second time as necessarily being a waste (especially if you use different companions and/or LS/DS options to check out more of the dialogue and reactions) so, even if it's added, I don't plan on using it ever. As such, I just not as invested in the desire to see it happen as others are.

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