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Snipers need some love


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ya definitly another annoying one. switched to Lethality after 50, its awesome, but still easily countered


Considering that is about the only reliable spec to deal some decent dmg/bursts to everything that is not mirror. And its still unreliable. Definitely, love needed.

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Just a few of the issues:


1. Cover is a hindrance with little benefit to outweigh how much of an obstacle it is.


2. Long cast times and restrictive cover mechanic required on biggest attacks, the damage dealt is in no way commensurate with the hassle to set up said attacks.


3. What little benefit cover provides is conical so a side step and an attack negates it


4. long cast times allow attackees to simply run out of range when the tell tale giant ambush symbol appears on them. Or they can simply step behind a wall and save themselves any damage at all.


5. Sniper damage does not scale well against player defensive progression


6. While snipers may say they have little trouble staying alive (though snipers are easy to kill) it is very very easy to negate a sniper's attacks and render his offensive measures much less effective.


7. Range is similar to pistol wielding players...


I'm sure there is more.


How do you fix these issues? I really don't know seem like fundamental design issues.


I like my classes hardmode though so it's okay.

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Simple solution: role a better class, its not very hard to level in this game.


Major issues of Gunslinger/Sniper:


1)Our damage sucks.


2)Our mitigation sucks.


Just role Sage/Sorc or Merc/Commando, same exact role just higher dps, mitigation, and heal spells. Oh and my favorite, the RANGED stun.


PS- Whirlwind, Force Speed, Shield, knockback, ranged snare, do I need to continue?

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Snipers have by far worst community at forums, since they cant play their class and dont realize how awesome it is.


In the end, such community could be only negative for the class because if they whine loud enough it will be dumbed down.


Are there snipers that do EXTREMELY well? Yes. Why are you not one of them? Pick one:


1) Class is bad

2) You are bad

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Snipers have by far worst community at forums, since they cant play their class and dont realize how awesome it is.


In the end, such community could be only negative for the class because if they whine loud enough it will be dumbed down.


Are there snipers that do EXTREMELY well? Yes. Why are you not one of them? Pick one:


1) Class is bad

2) You are bad


LOL kind of funny that you go one about how awful the sniper community is and follow it up with a bunch of vitriolic personal attacks....LOL.

Edited by Doxxs
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are u freaking insane... sniper is one of the most high dps classes... You dont even need to stay mobile for long as marksmanship.... Instant snipe with cover, followtrough, 1.5 second ambush, sit down again another instant sniper, followthrough takedown....


The damage they can do is very good and arent rly imobile... Only problem is their squishiness else they are fine

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are u freaking insane... sniper is one of the most high dps classes... You dont even need to stay mobile for long as marksmanship.... Instant snipe with cover, followtrough, 1.5 second ambush, sit down again another instant sniper, followthrough takedown....


The damage they can do is very good and arent rly imobile... Only problem is their squishiness else they are fine


The damage doesn't scale real well as players progress defensively...the "big money" attack ambush really can't be used in PvP because of the heavy cast time.


It really can't be compared to a channeled ability either because the damage is not delivered until the end of the cast unlike other channeled abilities where if somehow counteracted mid way would still deliver 50% damage.

Whereas if someone simply steps out of LOS during an ambush cast they save themselves any damage at all.

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I notice a lot of Snipers seem to forgo accuracy even though their class is one of the most dependent on accuracy, and wonder why they're not doing well when 20% of their attacks miss.


Snipers may need some help but I'm not going to say they need help as long as people are still pulling out accuracy mods on one of the most accuracy-dependent class in the game.

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I notice a lot of Snipers seem to forgo accuracy even though their class is one of the most dependent on accuracy, and wonder why they're not doing well when 20% of their attacks miss.


Snipers may need some help but I'm not going to say they need help as long as people are still pulling out accuracy mods on one of the most accuracy-dependent class in the game.


That's the problem. Other classes can stack up to stats they want to, we have to go for accuracy. Even that doesn't help against all the damage mitigation there is.

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That's the problem. Other classes can stack up to stats they want to, we have to go for accuracy. Even that doesn't help against all the damage mitigation there is.


Only Merc and Ops gets to ignore accuracy since their tech attacks dominate their ranged attacks. Note that Sorc don't get to ignore accuracy since none of their gear have accuracy to begin with, so they don't derive any benefit from ignoring it (because they never had it). That may be why these two classes appear to be top of the food chain right now since they're losing nothing for ignoring a stat that's supposed to be important to the class and getting extra stats elsewhere. It's basically like having a second mod slot in all your gear for these classes.

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Snipers have by far worst community at forums, since they cant play their class and dont realize how awesome it is.


In the end, such community could be only negative for the class because if they whine loud enough it will be dumbed down.


Are there snipers that do EXTREMELY well? Yes. Why are you not one of them? Pick one:


1) Class is bad

2) You are bad


What this man said, basically... Really, there is so much BS going on about how Snipers are weak/useless/do no damage/immobile/squishy, that it is almost pathetic.


I won't really try to convince anyone here, since the people have made up their mind already, so they are free to reroll and stop plaguing my AC with their fail.



For the record, we don't need to stack accuracy at all - it is just a very idiotic thing to do really, it won't do any good against targets with high defense cooldowns anyway, while at the same time it will make your damage crap on everyone else... Stack crit and surge, as a bonus - attack that crits dies not trigger shield generator for tanks.

Edited by Gaidax
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Tonight I attacked a sniper 1 v 1. I'm Jedi Shadow.



I actually felt sorry for the poor bastich as I advanced on him, his shots bouncing off my cloak.


I beat him down to his last HP. Then, instead of applying the finishing blow, I force waved him off the bridge in Voidstar.


Sorry, nameless sniper dude. :confused:



He needs love. Definitely.

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Tonight I attacked a sniper 1 v 1. I'm Jedi Shadow.



I actually felt sorry for the poor bastich as I advanced on him, his shots bouncing off my cloak.


I beat him down to his last HP. Then, instead of applying the finishing blow, I force waved him off the bridge in Voidstar.


Sorry, nameless sniper dude. :confused:



He needs love. Definitely.


Harsh dude.


But then again, if I were him, I'd have hit shield probe at 1 hp and then blasted you off the bridge :cool:

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