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Server population is dropping...


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I would say just a few. over 300,000 have left within 10 days of being able too. There are also many like me that payed and extra month in hope that something would be changed for the better but instead they are just adding in more features to make it less of an MMO and giving reasons to nerf the already easy content.


I can see the reports already. SWTOR added 400,000 subs in the year 2012 so far and box sales have reach over 2.3 million in total. So you can think they have 2.1 million when it will actually be 800,000.


Im glad you can predict the future.


I personally like the features they are adding in and think its a step int he right direction. Im sorry you dont like the game but this game is going to be around a LONG time if it is able to keep the 800k people. If it does, I will still play and be very happy. Im glad it didnt reach wow's numbers.

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I would say just a few. over 300,000 have left within 10 days of being able too. There are also many like me that payed and extra month in hope that something would be changed for the better but instead they are just adding in more features to make it less of an MMO and giving reasons to nerf the already easy content.


I can see the reports already. SWTOR added 400,000 subs in the year 2012 so far and box sales have reach over 2.3 million in total. So you can think they have 2.1 million when it will actually be 800,000.


Yea. I'm one of them, who bought 3 months sub. Ends in mid march i think. But i bought 3 months in hope they would change something, special about the social stuff. Instead they add a new flashpoint. When my sub runs out, then i'm outa here... this game is such a disappointment

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Im glad you can predict the future.


I personally like the features they are adding in and think its a step int he right direction. Im sorry you dont like the game but this game is going to be around a LONG time if it is able to keep the 800k people. If it does, I will still play and be very happy. Im glad it didnt reach wow's numbers.


More and more people are saying that, specialy when the game losing a lot of players. Why would you want less players?

Edited by Thodra
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Im glad you can predict the future.


I personally like the features they are adding in and think its a step int he right direction. Im sorry you dont like the game but this game is going to be around a LONG time if it is able to keep the 800k people. If it does, I will still play and be very happy. Im glad it didnt reach wow's numbers.


Who said they would be able to keep that. Every month more and more people will be leaving than people are joining and at the end of the year it will be under 300,000

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Not much, but hes also a very good player and a previously hardcore raider. But now hes whiped by his girlfriend :p


Actually we're 2 veteran MMO players, and don't linger but also do not spacebar through. Your friend must PvP alot which we don't do, only the PvE content.

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Who said they would be able to keep that. Every month more and more people will be leaving than people are joining and at the end of the year it will be under 300,000


Im glad you can predict the future. Maybe giving me athe next big lotto numbers too would be cool too.


Seriously though, I dont believe this game will get that low but, only time will tell.

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I won this game in middle of January when I got my last BM item, and my premade cleared HM Karaggas / EV (with a sprinkling of NM here and there).


Game lasted a total of slightly over a month for me (given that I took a 10 day break around xmas). I can't remember any other AAA (and I use that term loosely here) that lasted that little for me.


Acc cancelled, waiting for improvements, but at this rate....


Lets just say TERA has more going for it in its NA closed beta stage 1 than SWTOR does, and it has 1/10th the budget?

Edited by Ashnazg
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Who said they would be able to keep that. Every month more and more people will be leaving than people are joining and at the end of the year it will be under 300,000


Who besides you says that every month more people will leave than will join?


The game obviously has issues, and could've used another 6 months of dev time. It it what it is, though. If you don't like it, leave for awhile and check it out later this year if you get bored.


I really don't understand the constant teeth gnashing and disgust spewed toward Bioware and SWTOR on these forums. If you want to help the game improve, provide unique, constructive criticism, and ease off on the bit_ching. Bit_ch to your cats, they'll probably care more than the average forum-goer here.

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Im glad you can predict the future. Maybe giving me athe next big lotto numbers too would be cool too.


Seriously though, I dont believe this game will get that low but, only time will tell.


A lackluster engine, shoddy coding, poor cs... it's not that hard to predict.

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I'm noticing more and more servers staying on "Light" during the heaviest of prime time hours.


This game gets really stale after level 50. I'm also one of those people on a time card. I still have until march. I was hoping Bioware wouldn't make the same mistakes as all the other games did, but I guess not.


If Guild Wars 2 ends up flopping, I am done with MMO's for good...

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I'm noticing more and more servers staying on "Light" during the heaviest of prime time hours.


This game gets really stale after level 50. I'm also one of those people on a time card. I still have until march. I was hoping Bioware wouldn't make the same mistakes as all the other games did, but I guess not.


If Guild Wars 2 ends up flopping, I am done with MMO's for good...


I love MMO's i need one! If GW2 flops then i guess i will be going back to panda WoW. I don't want to, but i need a MMO. All tho i don't think GW2 will flop. Atleast not as hard as this game... I'm still in shock

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I won this game in middle of January when I got my last BM item, and my premade cleared HM Karaggas / EV (with a sprinkling of NM here and there).


Game lasted a total of slightly over a month for me (given that I took a 10 day break around xmas). I can't remember any other AAA (and I use that term loosely here) that lasted that little for me.


Early access (assuming you got it on day one) - 10 days at xmas + middle of January != slightly over a month. That's more like three weeks. At any rate, how many hours of /played did you have, considering you played through all 8 storylines?


If you didn't play through all of the storylines, you didn't finish the game. You might have gotten tired of it, sure, but you didn't experience all of the content in that period of time.


At this point, this game isn't even remotely about the 'end-game'. Anyone who says it is must be delusional...it's just too young. At this stage it's about the class storylines and playing multiple classes to determine a good fit. To anyone who is on the fence about buying this game right now, if you're looking for end game then don't bother.


Anyone who started on day one of early access and thought that end-game was the immediate goal obviously hasn't played many MMOs at release.

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I won this game in middle of January when I got my last BM item, and my premade cleared HM Karaggas / EV (with a sprinkling of NM here and there).


Game lasted a total of slightly over a month for me (given that I took a 10 day break around xmas). I can't remember any other AAA (and I use that term loosely here) that lasted that little for me.


Acc cancelled, waiting for improvements, but at this rate....


Lets just say TERA has more going for it in its NA closed beta stage 1 than SWTOR does, and it has 1/10th the budget?


lol Tera. :p You will whine just as much there and GW2 and Diablo and anything else you turn to. Seen your type quite a few times over the years. Always the same, no patience, no imagination and 'gimme gimme gimme' over and over. Nothing will ever please folks like you.

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I'll see your 300,000 and raise you 1.8M.


I can see 300.000. Why? Cous i really can't see what els to do in the game thna hit 50, then make another alt


and you don't really play with other players. You solo all the way

Edited by Thodra
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lol Tera. :p You will whine just as much there and GW2 and Diablo and anything else you turn to. Seen your type quite a few times over the years. Always the same, no patience, no imagination and 'gimme gimme gimme' over and over. Nothing will ever please folks like you.


Thank you thank you thank you thank you! They will just whine! Over and over and over and over about EVERYTHING! But let's keep their hopes up, so we can just laugh at them when it's dashed

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Early access (assuming you got it on day one) - 10 days at xmas + middle of January != slightly over a month. That's more like three weeks. At any rate, how many hours of /played did you have, considering you played through all 8 storylines?


If you didn't play through all of the storylines, you didn't finish the game. You might have gotten tired of it, sure, but you didn't experience all of the content in that period of time.


At this point, this game isn't even remotely about the 'end-game'. Anyone who says it is must be delusional...it's just too young. At this stage it's about the class storylines and playing multiple classes to determine a good fit. To anyone who is on the fence about buying this game right now, if you're looking for end game then don't bother.


Anyone who started on day one of early access and thought that end-game was the immediate goal obviously hasn't played many MMOs at release.


You have to play all the classes to experience the full game? This is an MMO (thats the rumor at least). Since when is rolling alts part of "whole" experience. A lot of people like to put their time and effort into one character. An MMO is supposed to be a progression extended with content on a regular base.

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Since when is rolling alts part of "whole" experience. A lot of people like to put their time and effort into one character.


Since this is SWTOR and not WOW. You really think they put all that time and effort into creating eight different storylines expecting people would only ever play through one? If you want to spend all of your time on one character, then this game in its current state just isn't for you. NO MMO is for you at release.


If you didn't play through all eight storylines, you haven't experienced all the content. Hell, you've not experienced even half the content. Sure, that may not be your playstyle, but it's more accurate to say "you got bored" with the game in less than a month instead of saying (or implying) you "finished" the game in only a month.



An MMO is supposed to be a progression extended with content on a regular base.


Again, wrong. WOW-like MMOs are progression extended with content on a regular basis. SWTOR is much more heavily focused on the leveling process, especially at this point. But they're already heading in a WOW-like MMO direction. They've released new content already. I suspect it was intended to be included at release too (along with tons of other things) before some accountant decided they needed to release before Christmas 2011.


I think if the crybabies would just get it through their skulls that this game isn't WOW or EQ2 (at least not yet) then they'd be much happier either playing it for what it is (and might be) or moving on. Seriously, lingering over something you all so openly despise is a sign of mental illness.

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lol Tera. :p You will whine just as much there and GW2 and Diablo and anything else you turn to. Seen your type quite a few times over the years. Always the same, no patience, no imagination and 'gimme gimme gimme' over and over. Nothing will ever please folks like you.


Yeah ok.


I have no patience for trash games, true. My patience and imagination goes to games that deserve it. EQ, DAoC, the classics.


Now I simply don't have the time nor desire to waste my time on fails like SWTOR.

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lol Tera. :p You will whine just as much there and GW2 and Diablo and anything else you turn to. Seen your type quite a few times over the years. Always the same, no patience, no imagination and 'gimme gimme gimme' over and over. Nothing will ever please folks like you.


Seen your type a lot as well over the years. Hopelessly defending games that clearly has issues while sticking your fingers in your ears when someone brings up valid points saying "lalalalalala can't hear you so its not true lalala" You want the people who whine and complain gone, you will get your wish while bioware has fanboys telling them they are doing a good job this game will never improve. Its the whiners and QQ's that bring game problems to the attention of developers. After 2 months patience has run dry, you can continue to pay for beta..who am I kidding ALPHA quality game. I spoke with my wallet.

Edited by Damarog
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Since this is SWTOR and not WOW. You really think they put all that time and effort into creating eight different storylines expecting people would only ever play through one? If you want to spend all of your time on one character, then this game in its current state just isn't for you. NO MMO is for you at release.


If you didn't play through all eight storylines, you haven't experienced all the content. Hell, you've not experienced even half the content. Sure, that may not be your playstyle, but it's more accurate to say "you got bored" with the game in less than a month instead of saying (or implying) you "finished" the game in only a month.


If you level both a Republic character and an Empire character to 50, you've seen most of the leveling content. The fact that every character follows the same progression makes this more a single player game than anything else. Not doing all eight storylines equals not doing half the content? Really? That's hard to agree with when the class story consists of a small handful of quests, five or so, compared to the multiple number of side quests on each planet. The class story ends around 50 as well. They had so much potential with the class story idea and they botched it.


Stop trying to pretend rolling alts is the way this game was meant to be played. This is an MMO. It's suppose to be about character progression. If i wanted to play the same parts of the same game just with different characters, there are tons of other single player games I can play and none of which charge a monthly fee.

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