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Server population is dropping...


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One of the reasons I unsubscribed from the game because there is no people to go to flash points or to do heroic quests. btw I did that yesterday and it was last day i could unsubscribe before my credit card charged... so I am lucky :)


BTW my server is Hex Droid its not one of the new servers.



If you consider yourself to be lucky to have unsubscribed, why don't you just cease the urge to contribute to a game's forum that you no longer support?


Or do you feel so important that you feel the need to contaminate these forums with your now irrelevant opinion?


If you don't like the game, play another and all will be well, you don't need to trawl these forums after leaving, just go!

Edited by Sabrefox
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I would agree with you if this game was free but now its cost *********** alot and I think those posts do a service to other people who don't want to buy or pay for MMORPG with no MMO in it.


You are not doing a service to people who enjoy the game, you are however joining the ranks of trolls. Quite the achievement.


If you buy a product from Amazon or some other e-tailer and you are not happy with the purchase, you can give your feedback on the product page. Do you then continue to watch the progress of that product each day and keep adding more negative feedback if anybody has an opposing view?


Well, perhaps you do.....

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If you consider yourself to be lucky to have unsubscribed, why don't you just cease the urge to contribute to a game's forum that you no longer support?


Or do you feel so important that you feel the need to contaminate these forums with your now irrelevant opinion?


If you don't like the game, play another and all will be well, you don't need to trawl these forums after leaving, just go!


same question goes to you, why you in this forum if you so happy about the game? go play the game you so much enjoy, don't police the forums. or you not happy? cant find people to play with you?


To the question why I am here, I liked this game so much I even upgraded my computer for this game, but the game let me down in many ways and I want other people to know and not repeat mistakes I did for trusting this game so much. And as you see I am not alone here its a normal reaction to complain and shere...


I hope this game will die soon and EA will learn the lesson DO NOT RELEASE UNFINISHED PRODUCT. ahh hate them so much warhammer online story repeating.

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same question goes to you, why you in this forum if you so happy about the game? go play the game you so much enjoy, don't police the forums. or you not happy? cant find people to play with you?


To the question why I am here, I liked this game so much I even upgraded my computer for this game, but the game let me down in many ways and I want other people to know and not repeat mistakes I did for trusting this game so much. And as you see I am not alone here its a normal reaction to complain and shere...


I hope this game will die soon and EA will learn the lesson DO NOT RELEASE UNFINISHED PRODUCT. ahh hate them so much warhammer online story repeating.


"I even upgraded my computer for this game, but the game let me down in many ways and I want other people to know and not repeat mistakes I did for trusting this game so much"


"I hope this game will die soon"



So you are bitter because the game let YOU down? Fine.


Why do you feel the need to get other people to stop playing it? Is that your right?


Essentially you are saying that because you have stopped, everyone should?

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Why do you feel the need to get other people to stop playing it? Is that your right?


Essentially you are saying that because you have stopped, everyone should?


Is there anyway I can stop other players who ENJOY game to stop playing it ? I think NO. They all enjoy game and not reading forums.... not sure about others who do not enjoy.


But why you coming here? you admit there there is a problem, but you prefer not to talk about it and pretend that everything is fine?

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On Harbinger 6 hours ago I had to wait in a 400+ strong queue. The game is thriving on that server..


I was never saying the game is dead but it's just dropping like an MMO out there does over time. The problem is there are far too many servers right now for the population and lots of them are low. I cannot find groups easily any more for the content I want and it's a problem without cross realm grouping. They just need to take the lowest population servers and merge them together.

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Guess I was lucky to roll on Starstorm One during the launch madness. It's heavy populated, with regular epic battles on Ilum. It also has one of the best pub/imp population balance (could use a few more pubs though..).

Merging lower populated servers would be a good solution for the ones struggling. Feeling alone and isolated is kind of the opposite of what an MMO is all about.

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Guess I was lucky to roll on Starstorm One during the launch madness. It's heavy populated, with regular epic battles on Ilum. It also has one of the best pub/imp population balance (could use a few more pubs though..).

Merging lower populated servers would be a good solution for the ones struggling. Feeling alone and isolated is kind of the opposite of what an MMO is all about.

I consider myself lucky as well. Our server (Mask of Nihilus) just keeps on keepin' on, whether it's status is full, heavy, average or light. (It has been all of those except light since early last week.) BW has already fixed the same login and queue issues that plagued WoW for an entire year, and they will fix this as well. If that means consolidating a handful of servers into one or two - cool.


Will it need much more than that? Hell no. Some server pops may be dropping, but reports from the other side of the fence are that a similar amount of server pops may also be growing. Consider this post as one of those, with a couple of screenshots from last night to help validate that point:


Balmorra's world boss goes down.

Saturday night at Imperial Fleet.


It will all normalize eventually. That's what MMOs do. Here's hoping eventually comes fairly soon.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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One of the reasons I unsubscribed from the game because there is no people to go to flash points or to do heroic quests. btw I did that yesterday and it was last day i could unsubscribe before my credit card charged... so I am lucky :)


BTW my server is Hex Droid its not one of the new servers.


I play in the same server as you did and pop is good.


Usually around 200 (or more) ppl on imperial fleet in prime time. I've never had trouble looking for ppl to do heroics or such things.


Did u play republic side? its a bit underpopulated but still very playable thought (i have an republic alt).


Maybe u connected at some strange hours?

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I play in the same server as you did and pop is good.


Usually around 200 (or more) ppl on imperial fleet in prime time. I've never had trouble looking for ppl to do heroics or such things.


Did u play republic side? its a bit underpopulated but still very playable thought (i have an republic alt).


Maybe u connected at some strange hours?



Wow, thanks for confirming my fears that my server is severely underpopulated.


My Republic Fleet is averaging always around 15-19 people even on weekend and weekday nights. My Coruscant is about 15-18 people. Alderan is a bit better at 25-30. Tatooine is about 9-14. Constantly.


I never get a group for FP. Sometimes I shout in Fleet for group. Then I fly to Nar Shaddaa to shout there, to get 1 person. Then I told the guy to shout in Nar Shadaa while I fly to Tatooine to shout in Tatooine. Then I fly back to fleet. After 1.5 hours, we're only 3 people, still need 1 more.


If you think it's a bit underpopulated, your server is a lot better than mine. Mine is not even severe, it's quite hopeless.

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Wow, thanks for confirming my fears that my server is severely underpopulated.


My Republic Fleet is averaging always around 15-19 people even on weekend and weekday nights. My Coruscant is about 15-18 people. Alderan is a bit better at 25-30. Tatooine is about 9-14. Constantly.


I never get a group for FP. Sometimes I shout in Fleet for group. Then I fly to Nar Shaddaa to shout there, to get 1 person. Then I told the guy to shout in Nar Shadaa while I fly to Tatooine to shout in Tatooine. Then I fly back to fleet. After 1.5 hours, we're only 3 people, still need 1 more.


If you think it's a bit underpopulated, your server is a lot better than mine. Mine is not even severe, it's quite hopeless.


Just saying rep side was underpopulated on my server not the server at all.


For me its fine my servers pop.

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Why don't people just play the game if they like it and drop it if they don't?


What is the purpose of drawing negative attention with a thread titled as such and then pretend not to be a doom sayer?


Who cares if only 1 server remains, as long as the people on that server are enjoying the product?


So please, enough of these "omg pop has dropped a little, it's all over" threads.


If you think it is failing and that warrants your attention, then just leave and go play something else. Why bother to try to sway others and possibly ruin other people's experience? Are you that important? That self-entitled?


Because we like the game and have 50's on dead servers that we can't pvp or find groups for?


Should I drop the game then?


I think you misunderstand why people are concerned.

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Gonna have to keep drilling it into peoples heads that server status is flawed:


Between 7:05 and 7:10 PM PST:


Perlemian Trade Route = heavy status = 65 juggernauts, 81 marauders, 99 sorcs, 85 assassins, 94 mercenaries, 34 powertechs, 27 operatives, 28 snipers


Mask of Nihilus = standard status = 98 snipers, OVER 100 of every other class(search function only shows first 100)

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Because we like the game and have 50's on dead servers that we can't pvp or find groups for?


Should I drop the game then?


I think you misunderstand why people are concerned.


Many of the Servers aren't dead. Part of the problem is perception:



Most of the population isn't Max Level

Most of the people who did hit Max Level are now leveling Alts

Most of the playerbase isn't interested in standing around on the Fleet at 50 furiously stroking their e-peens


There are stories in this game. Leveling is actually fun for most of us. The game doesn't "start at max level" like a certain other game :rolleyes:


Accept the differences.

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I'm really happy for the people with lively and well populated servers, but there are servers that are absolutely dead. I play Empire on Whitebeam Run. It doesn't matter what time of day you log in, you will see around 20-50 people on fleet. I'm questing through Hoth and I haven't seen more than 20 people in the zone since I've been there. The highest planet population I've seen is Dromund Kaas at about 70. It's been this way since I started playing.


Bioware needs to offer x-fers off of these servers, or they simply need to merge them. It doesn't feel like an MMO when I see maybe two or three people the entire time I'm on a planet.

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Sooooo lets do some quick math.


I've seen claims of fleet population as low as 50 and as high as 400 at peak.


Assume one fifth of the population is hanging out on the fleet, that means you have between 250 and 2000 server population at peak. That's per faction, so ignoring faction imbalance that means server population is anywhere between 500 and 4000 at peak.



50 and 400 are the extremes people claim, most claims are between 100 and 200 fleet pop.


That means most servers you got a server population of 1000~2000 at peak.


I think that's not adequate for the amount of planets and huge areas in SWTOR. I would hope for a peak population between 5000 and 10,000.


Oh well

Edited by daMarek
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I'm really happy for the people with lively and well populated servers, but there are servers that are absolutely dead. I play Empire on Whitebeam Run. It doesn't matter what time of day you log in, you will see around 20-50 people on fleet. I'm questing through Hoth and I haven't seen more than 20 people in the zone since I've been there. The highest planet population I've seen is Dromund Kaas at about 70. It's been this way since I started playing.


Bioware needs to offer x-fers off of these servers, or they simply need to merge them. It doesn't feel like an MMO when I see maybe two or three people the entire time I'm on a planet.


The problem is currently the population is still growing a couple of the Devs were saying in there Google + pages that they were considering New accounts having the lighter servers suggested to them...merging servers at this point is ill advised especially if they have to re open them five months down the road.

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geee all I see is at peak and other times is :








Very Heavy

Very Heavy

Very Heavy

Very Heavy

Very Heavy

Very Heavy

Very Heavy























Doomsdayers beware!! You are in for a scare! :o Your predictions didn't come true about this game dying 1 week after launch. They didn't come true about after the 30 days everyone would leave. They haven't come true about the one month mark. We are coming up on 2 months now...BioWare is fixing a lot of stuff and keeps on updating the game...


Just stop with the doomsday crap already. It's getting old :( It really really is :/

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