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Server population is dropping...


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Yeah its pointless anyway this joint will be f2p by June so they might as well just leave the servers like they are theY might need them again when people return because it will be free. Although I won't be back unless they bring this joint up to a 2012 release instead of 2004. SWTOR is just lol and Rift blows it completely out the water...Completely...you hear me COMPLETELY LOL:p



posted on 1/16/2012


Wow you gotta love these fanboy threads. This just in swtor goes f2p 2 months after release.

Trust you fanboys are going to be the death of this game just like you all killed DCUO. Sad just sad.


Yes, everyone listen to dis guy. Make sure to have him pick lotto numbers for you as well since his predictions are so spot on.:tran_grin:

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Sounds like you haven't even bothered checking the "Server population" information on the server selection screen... lol. Almost every server in the U.S. and Europe has a "Standard" population level. In other words, the server pop. decline only exists in your mind. Not everyone that purchased the game subbed, therefore not everyone playing at launch stayed after launch. So yes, the servers did lose a some people, but not many.


SWTOR doesn't "suck". In fact, and for more than one reason, it's the better choice when you compare it to all of the other mmorpgs in existence. Most mmorpg players are severely spoiled though, they expect the game to be polished and perfect at launch. Such an expectation is foolish. Not even mentioning the fact that SWTOR had the most record sales at launch and the smoothest launch recorded in mmorpg history, little fact you should keep in mind.


I love how you claim it is a 'fact' that this game is a better choice than x y and z.


So, you like it, good for you.


Then you call me spoiled, make bogus claims about smoothest launch ever and on and on.


I kinda liked the game, even gave them a 1 month sub. Now I am off to EQ2 (free) until this game has more to offer than repeating the same experience on a bunch of alts.

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A lot of my friends bought it and only one still plays it and he is a role player. No one in my raiding guild plays it either after we killed everything. All is well.


All of my friends bought it and not only do they still play but they brought other friends of theres in. My raiding guild is adding members and we all play.


All is well.

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All of my friends bought it and not only do they still play but they brought other friends of theres in. My raiding guild is adding members and we all play.


All is well.


We killed everything before you bought the game, no wonder you still raid.

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If this game is so great then why do so many people that love the game spend all their time in the forums?


How many active forum posters do you see? Its a lot fewer than you think.


The number of people who post in the forums in a day is less than 10,000. The game has over a 1.7 million active subscribers.


Forum posters are the 1%.

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We killed everything before you bought the game, no wonder you still raid.


What's your point? even supposing you completed nightmare difficulty - it's not my fault you have ADD.


And for every whiner who says things like you do - there are people who enjoy the game and are still here.


Your single experience does not in anyway define the overall trend for WoW - which by the only statistics we've seen is increasing subs. That could turn out to be incorrect - but there is no stats at all to show population is dropping - just your "personal" experience which, once again for every experience like yours there wil be one like mine - so it proves nothing.

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Prime time wed on EU servers and a entire 7 heavy servers.


Am I missing a EU holiday or something


Yeah this game is doing great :rolleyes:


You go into every thread and talk about how much you hate this game.


Yet here you are...playing it....whining about it on the forums.


I like the game and play it, thats why I'm here.


You must hate yourself to subject yourself every hour of your life to a game you hate so much.

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At peak times, I generally see 4 or 5 light servers- out of dozens. Most people judge server size by Ilum- my server can have queue times and Ilum will still only have a dozen people.


Believe it or not, but not everyone is hanging out on the same planet you are- heck, there's often under 10 pubs on Ilum at most times- yet they'll have almost 200 on Coruscant, Tython and Fleet each.



I don't doubt there's a few servers that are empty- it happens with all games and can't be stopped no matter what.


As for people who rerolled to light servers during opening week because they had queues... smart people told you in a few weeks the queues would go away and you'd have empty servers, it was predictable.

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As for people who rerolled to light servers during opening week because they had queues... smart people told you in a few weeks the queues would go away and you'd have empty servers, it was predictable.


Yep. This is why I always roll on the server with the longest queue. For the life of the game, that server will most likely have the liveliest community.

Edited by marshalleck
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Im just waiting for the excuses of why this game suck isnt because of the game but because everyone is leaving and not giving it a chance.
LOL ... few are leaving. If the dissenting forum population is it, there's maybe 100 unsubs. A quarter million unsubbing is a 15% retention rate. Even if a half million leave by month 3 that's still a 70% retention rate. There isn't an MMO out there that wouldn't give their left oyster for that. Nice try though :) Edited by GalacticKegger
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LOL ... few are leaving. If the dissenting forum population is it, there's maybe 100 unsubs. A quarter million unsubbing is a 15% retention rate. Even if a half million leave by month 3 that's still a 70% retention rate. There isn't an MMO out there that wouldn't give their left oyster for that. Nice try though. :)


Unfortunately, the dissenting forum isn't leaving, despite supposedly hating this game so much- expect to see the same people around next month saying the exact same thing.

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I love these forums

When someone says something/has an opinion its total fact/truth and never a need for any proof because "they know" Yet when anyone posts something another opinion, its just an opinion and/or not the truth/wrong

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Unfortunately, the dissenting forum isn't leaving, despite supposedly hating this game so much- expect to see the same people around next month saying the exact same thing.
Ya. I'm hearing the guild conference in Austin might address that. No matter. They're talking to the hand and won't ever yell loud enough to dissuade people on the fence who visit the forums for assurance. I am having too much fun watching them explode from trying, so I hope they don't go completely away. :) Edited by GalacticKegger
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Yeah its pointless anyway this joint will be f2p by June so they might as well just leave the servers like they are theY might need them again when people return because it will be free. Although I won't be back unless they bring this joint up to a 2012 release instead of 2004. SWTOR is just lol and Rift blows it completely out the water...Completely...you hear me COMPLETELY LOL:p


Sadly i was one of those, who really REALLY belived this game would be good. I think any mmo out there right now is better. Even tho i can't call this game a mmo.

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If they aren't there in two months, they're never going to be there.


Really? I have played since early access in a duo with a friend, and even with the bonus for grouping on every quest our characters are at 35 and 36. That is playing approx. 8-15 hours a week.

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Really? I have played since early access in a duo with a friend, and even with the bonus for grouping on every quest our characters are at 35 and 36. That is playing approx. 8-15 hours a week.


1 quest per 4 hour?


One of my friends only play weekends, and maybe 2 hours on saturday and 3 on sunday, and hes 48

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LOL ... few are leaving. If the dissenting forum population is it, there's maybe 100 unsubs. A quarter million unsubbing is a 15% retention rate. Even if a half million leave by month 3 that's still a 70% retention rate. There isn't an MMO out there that wouldn't give their left oyster for that. Nice try though :)


I would say just a few. over 300,000 have left within 10 days of being able too. There are also many like me that payed and extra month in hope that something would be changed for the better but instead they are just adding in more features to make it less of an MMO and giving reasons to nerf the already easy content.


I can see the reports already. SWTOR added 400,000 subs in the year 2012 so far and box sales have reach over 2.3 million in total. So you can think they have 2.1 million when it will actually be 800,000.

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