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Server population is dropping...


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My personal experience is that my server has had a huge surge in population in the last 1-2 weeks.
Maybe not huge but same here. Groups happening all the time - especially during peak hours. This screen (last night) is a normal night on Mask of Nihilus Imp fleet: http://www.galactickegger.com/SWTOR/Screenshot_2012-02-13_20_31_45_024701.jpg Edited by GalacticKegger
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That statement holds no truth Even MMO devolpers will tell you the population is not stable until the 90 day mark. those that stay will typicaly stay another 3 or 4 sub cycles unless they can add enough content to keep the game expanding . they must have alternate paths of advancement like the legacy system and more end game content in by the 9 month mark or they typicaly see another massive burn off. hystoricaly that is how MMO populations cycle. there will be the churn cycle. people who sub for 1 or 2 sub cycles stop for 4 or 5 months and return with major updates. Tors population is far from stable we will see burn off people hitting end game wall. People who liked the story but did not like the end game,or ones who are finished with progression. your statement has nothing but opinion in it.


Ok, I was trying to be positive. If you need numbers the graphs I sent earlier show that a lot of people left after the first free month (and I have to agree with the graphs, since this is what I am seeing in game as well - and with my friends who left). If you go with the numbers, since mid january the pop stabilized, at least, and that's where I said we have a stable pop. I think it's pretty obvious BW will have to keep the game entertaining to keep those who stayed subscribing, that's why I didn't mentioned this on my comment.


As for the other things you said, yes, it was my opinion. I am staying because I enjoyed the game. I disagree when you say people will come back, since most left before even finishing the content the game already has, because of different reasons, but it's pretty obvious the game didn't pleased those people. So I was thinking at least those who stayed did it because they still believe this game will be great. If I am wrong, well... I just hope I am not, I don't want to see this game failing as so many already did.

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Maybe not huge but same here. Groups happening all the time - especially during peak hours. This screen (last night) is a normal night on Mask of Nihilus Imp fleet: http://www.galactickegger.com/SWTOR/Screenshot_2012-02-13_20_31_45_024701.jpg



man - I switched republic on my server because while the republic side is booming the imp side never took off. Just not a lot of ppl choosing imps....and I want to be imperial!


alas! I've created my guild and am playing with some great people...at least smuggler is fun :p but i miss my sorcerer!

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merges need to be done, the game failed for pvp and they lost massive numbers.


They need to merge, fix, advertise and expand




I love this game, but PvP is nothing special. They did a lot of failing on properly implementing it.


Leveling and alting is still first rate, but not everyone wants to do alts first. I think EA banked on people going "wow, these stories are great, I'll do a couple alts first, THEN enjoy end game stuff".


Obviously, they miscalculated to some extent.

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I love this game, but PvP is nothing special. They did a lot of failing on properly implementing it.


Leveling and alting is still first rate, but not everyone wants to do alts first. I think EA banked on people going "wow, these stories are great, I'll do a couple alts first, THEN enjoy end game stuff".


Obviously, they miscalculated to some extent.


That's funny about PvP.


This is the first game my wife has enjoyed it.

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merges need to be done, the game failed for pvp and they lost massive numbers.


They need to merge, fix, advertise and expand

Voluntary character transfers to other servers will happen long before merges do. It will be on the PTS shortly for test, and they want to have it ready for 1.2. We'll see but they definitely are not ignoring it. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Voluntary character transfers to other servers will happen long before merges do. It will be on the PTS shortly for test, and they want to have it ready for 1.2. We'll see but they definitely are not ignoring it.


Hmmm that is interesting news. Real interesting. May solve a lot of problems, if they do implement.


Edit: Actually I think that and a Global LFG channel (one that is not player created so everyone would join) would solve all my present issues with the game (since my server is among the ones that lost pop and I would love to transfer to a more populated one).

Edited by luciomarx
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That's funny about PvP.


This is the first game my wife has enjoyed it.


Which part? Warzones or Ilum? Because Warzones themselves are pretty fun. It's the bugs, like the one that let's people sneak 11 into a warzone that are examples of what I'm talking about "poor implementation".


Ilum? That's just a trainwreck for the most part, in my limited experience so far.

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I don't see the problem, so it's definitely per server and not huge trend. I don't who anything, or look at the number near the text box, I determine how the population is based on how fast and often can I get into PVP, and how hard is it to find a group for Flashpoints. So with that in mind, it's been about the same as any other game I've played. And I've played a lot of MMO's.


That is my two cents. But that doesn't mean nothing should be done. My server is Keller's Void.

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I played in the CBT weekend just gone in Tera Online and was absolutely blown away with how good the game looked and how awesome it ran, even on crap computers. I also have mates that played in the Korean version and they said patch times were around 2 hours and maintenance was about 40 minutes. Tera also doesn't have GOD AWFUL global cooldowns so the combat is actually fun and feels responsive.


I can not comment on tera but these are almost the exact same arguements i heared about aion vs other post wow mmos. we all know how aion actually turned out.

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Lets just be honest. As soon as GW2/Tera comes out we are all gone. BW know this. Why would they sink more money into a game they knew was dead at launch? They made bank on the launch sales, everything else is cream on the cake. They will let this title slowly dwindle then close down the servers having paid off their new home payments the cars etc.
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Lets just be honest. As soon as GW2/Tera comes out we are all gone. BW know this. Why would they sink more money into a game they knew was dead at launch? They made bank on the launch sales, everything else is cream on the cake. They will let this title slowly dwindle then close down the servers having paid off their new home payments the cars etc.


From a business standpoint that makes no sense..

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Lets just be honest. As soon as GW2/Tera comes out we are all gone. BW know this. Why would they sink more money into a game they knew was dead at launch? They made bank on the launch sales, everything else is cream on the cake. They will let this title slowly dwindle then close down the servers having paid off their new home payments the cars etc.
Well, maybe you are all gone. Unless of course you have a declaration with everyone's signature on it. Otherwise I and many like me will stay and grow with the game. :)
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I think most of the people that stayed after the free month is staying for a while (I intend to, although I will probably pause my sub once GW2 is released to play that game as well). But I honestly don't see the population rising on this game, unfortunately =/, so BW/EA will have around 1 million subs, what's more than enough to keep the game going and giving the people who choose to stay a good experience. And if for one side it may look bad, I think it's better than having a 10 million people community like WoW. But I was one that never thought this game would be a "WoW killer".


Sounds about right really. Myself pausing SWTOR when they release GW2. Only coming back if they have made some BIG changes, but i doubt it. I need exploration and social stuff in a mmo. But it feels like SWTOR isen't build for that, so yea i doubt it will ever change

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Sounds about right really. Myself pausing SWTOR when they release GW2. Only coming back if they have made some BIG changes, but i doubt it. I need exploration and social stuff in a mmo. But it feels like SWTOR isen't build for that, so yea i doubt it will ever change


I personally think they released early to get as many people subbed for as many months as possible before GW2 released. I think they knew once GW2 released they were toast, so milk what they can for 6 months, make as much money as possible... then even the BW and EA employees will be off playing GW2.

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I personally think they released early to get as many people subbed for as many months as possible before GW2 released. I think they knew once GW2 released they were toast, so milk what they can for 6 months, make as much money as possible... then even the BW and EA employees will be off playing GW2.



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I personally think they released early to get as many people subbed for as many months as possible before GW2 released. I think they knew once GW2 released they were toast, so milk what they can for 6 months, make as much money as possible... then even the BW and EA employees will be off playing GW2.


GW2 is the second coming!


you guys are setting your selfs up for some major disappointment, like so many did with this game.

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GW2 is the second coming!


you guys are setting your selfs up for some major disappointment, like so many did with this game.



whats sad is that SWTOR and GW2 is gonna get stomped when MOP comes out.........




by the way i am not a WOW fan.....

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Since GW2 doesn't require a sub, I can justify playing it, and staying subbed to SWTOR, which I will gladly do.



I enjoyed GW1, mostly because I could play whenever I wanted without feeling like I Had to play a certain amount to justify a monthly fee.


With SWTOR, I still have that desire to play tons every day so the fee is justified by itself. Especially with content coming down the pipe.

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GW2 is the second coming!


you guys are setting your selfs up for some major disappointment, like so many did with this game.


Can't see what would disappoint me in GW2. Arenanet sounds truthful about the game. BW wasen't truthful

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