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Server population is dropping...


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I personally don't give a flying **** what you buy or not. Don't like the "excuse", too bad so sad. Amazing how I can go play any other "AAA" mmo right now and never have to switch servers just to play the opposite faction comfortably. Of course, in those other mmos, I wouldn't even have to worry about opposite faction playing yet, because I'd have plenty of alts of the same faction to go through without having to repeat 90% of the same **** I just trudged through. This whole damn game is on rails with extremely limited replay value.


So you don't like the game for your own highly subjective reasons. See how much easier that is than to make some bs excuse about how it's the game's fault, and not yours?

Edited by Jxspyder
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Take this for what it's worth:


Yesterday in the evening around 9pm eastern time I logged in and went to a different server I have characters on. EVERY SINGLE SERVER was light. Not a single one was above this, again take this evidence how you will.


I think its a given that the population is "settling." If anything, the last few years have shown that WoW was the exception to the rule instead of the new standard. How well TOR holds up over time can simply not be accurately predicted. Time will tell...

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Take this for what it's worth:


Yesterday in the evening around 9pm eastern time I logged in and went to a different server I have characters on. EVERY SINGLE SERVER was light. Not a single one was above this, again take this evidence how you will.


For what it's worth, at 10:40 Pacific over half of the servers are standard. And for more than it's worth, my server was heavy last night at quarter after 6 Pac. That's 9:15 eastern. And I'm fairly sure that it wasn't the only one, either.


I'm having a hard time believing that every single server was light at peak times....when over half are standard right now.

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For what it's worth, at 10:40 Pacific over half of the servers are standard. And for more than it's worth, my server was heavy last night at quarter after 6 Pac. That's 9:15 eastern. And I'm fairly sure that it wasn't the only one, either.


I'm having a hard time believing that every single server was light at peak times....when over half are standard right now.


That does raise an interesting question though. One night I was checking up on the various servers I had toons on, and most of the list said "light." Came here after logging off and clicked on the server list out of habit. Was surprised to see most of the servers on the list said "standard." Maybe it was just my eyes playing tricks on me, bunches had just logged on, the list didn't update as often as I thought, or maybe the population isn't quite calculated the same way between the two.

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Take this for what it's worth:


Yesterday in the evening around 9pm eastern time I logged in and went to a different server I have characters on. EVERY SINGLE SERVER was light. Not a single one was above this, again take this evidence how you will.


Yea, next time scroll to the USA servers, and stop looking at Europe...

Edited by Ushela
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Last night on Rubalt Crystal there were 19 people on the imperial fleet.


It was around 6 oclock pacific time.


Jumping on an alt, on Hoth I was the only person on the planet.


Meanwhile at the rate of BW releasing actual REAL fixes and systems, itll probably be like 6 months until there are server xfers.



History is going to remember this game as "full of promises, full of disappointments".

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Iron citadel, at release had 3hour que.


Now? 60 people on republic fleet prime time.


General chat = looking for pugs to fill out an 8 man op group.


Yes, I watched someone ask for two hours for a dps for an 8 man op run.

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Iron citadel, at release had 3hour que.


Now? 60 people on republic fleet prime time.


General chat = looking for pugs to fill out an 8 man op group.


Yes, I watched someone ask for two hours for a dps for an 8 man op run.


And what I find funny is that even when the servers I play on say heavy, they still are dead with no people.


I have no idea why it says heavy.


I am wondering if they turned down what "heavy" really means.


I mean the servers that say light or standard are like ghost towns. At least on heavy servers you will see some people.

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And what I find funny is that even when the servers I play on say heavy, they still are dead with no people.


I have no idea why it says heavy.


I am wondering if they turned down what "heavy" really means.


I mean the servers that say light or standard are like ghost towns. At least on heavy servers you will see some people.


Now that isn't entirely accurate. Even when Corsair says "light" the Imp Fleet may have a pop of thirty or forty or more. No idea what the pub side is like but there are still imps around. It would be nice to have some definition on what population numbers actually fit within each range though. Using labels that lack definitions only encourages questioning.

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re-roll is not solution


even some gamemaster from bioware team told me to re-roll... i was leveling for month, happied its over and i can enjoy end-game content - but server population went down - and they told re-roll


so i left game until

1. some low servers are merged or

2. transfer character is allowed (maybe only one time ine whole gamelife) or

3. FPs, heroics and Warzones are crossed between servers


but its theme for public discussion. bioware doesnt answer about this issue - thats not good

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Easiest way to see if server population is falling is already built into the system.


Just look at the AH. If it's empty, guess what.


Funny you mention that.


Yesterday afternoon I did a search for Biochem mats.


I kid you not, there were 2 on the entire GTN. TWO.

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I agree, for the first three weeks there was a lot of QQ about que times and server waiting.


And now the pops have all died down because SWTOR fails.


Everyone wins. EA recouped it's money and we saw the potential of a decent MMO.


Now all EA and Bioware have to do is pull SWTOR rerelease it and use an actual game engine and hire some real devs.


Quoted for the truth.


Im leaving for obvious reasons, but even if i wanted to stay, my server (Tasha Bareesh, EU) is pretty much dead. Peak time you have 20 peep in the Republic Fleet. Lol. In most planets you can find less players most of the time.


Feels like im having a Deja Vu. Warhammer Online anyone?

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Saber of Exar Khun has about 200+ people on the Fleet every night (Imperial). I had no problem finding HMs. Raids you should do with your guild anyways (you will get the loot you need). My server population actually increased since I started playing in early January.
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Population on master gnost dural is around 70-80 Imp fleet at primetime, but who cares the LFG system is ancient, gettin a PUG to do a FP is painful. I hate also how theres only like 5-20 people on any planet except the first two.


Yes server population on my server is dropping.

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I wish my server had a self-destruct button. That way I can blow up it up and make it known to Bioware that something is wrong with it. Maybe that will get their attention.


Seriously though population is dismal on Naddist Rebels.


The should cut at very least half of these servers for starters and then re evaluate the situation.

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