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Server population is dropping...


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Another high-popper.


I'm not wasting 2 months of character development because Bioware screwed the Pooch. Simple enough. It's pretty easy for myself. Open up transfers (even if its for a fee), or I un-sub, and the clock is ticking. Not trying to be dramatic, as if it came to option 2, I would no longer be on the forums. I'm looking for another MMO, and I thought this was going to be the one I would call home for a long time. But they aren't winning me over.


I shouldn't have to start over. Period. If you were playing Mario 64, and you were sitting at 119 stars.. What would your reaction be if Nintendo said to you ,


"oh, sorry, remember when the first area was super crowded, and we recommended you go to the water level first? Well, the 1 star your missing is in that first area, and you can't access it anymore.. Sorry, I guess you should start over so you can complete the game the way it was meant to be completed."




Except, they said on more than one occasion that this game was intended for multiple characters to be played.


Not just one, so you can't use a carbon copy cop out to explain why something isn't the way you like it.


I eagerly await rolling my 3rd and 4th characters, and many many many others probably feel the same way. While I get what you mean, Mario was intended to collect stars, etc... TOR was intended to build multiple characters. If you choose to not utilize that option, then obviously you aren't going to be happy.


Things might be worse on your server, but that's how things go, servers don't get evenly distributed so some have a lot, others have a much smaller amount. After 5 years on WoW my server Dethecus had died, and for the longest time, they didn't have transfers; so I was stuck on my light server. As soon as I switched to the heavy/full population, my quality of life got immediately better. Maybe if you tried another server, you wouldn't have as big of issue.


Someone recently did some studies that show many of the servers populations are not nearly offset on ratio as people like to exclaim. Many servers have a 1.5:1 and 2:1 ratio but hardly any of them have the 3:1 or 4:1 or even 5:1 ratios that people would have you believe. Granted this was only him hopping on and checking each area, but even a weak study is better than a guess.

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Apparently 1.7 million people disagree with you.


And why would you expect server mergers...when most servers are standard to full? Yesterday when I logged in, the NA servers had like 8 at light pop at peak times. Europe's peak now, and it has 2 light pop servers. What part of that translates to "merge servers."


I'm happy for you, high popper. I challenge any of you HPs to make a character on Crevasse City tonight at 8pm and PST my character Reice. We can discuss populations on my server in a chat window rather than a server window. Maybe then you guys may truly understand how dire the situation is on "only the 8 light population servers"


/who 1-50 "Showing first 94 results" Lol.

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$15. And myself personally have never said "*** BW gimme free stuffz". I'm willing to cut my losses at 15 dollars to transfer my character. 15 dollars is a fair price to save 2 months of work invested into this character.





Took them what, 6 years to develop? You're better off rerolling another toon (I would do a different class and crew skills)

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Except, they said on more than one occasion that this game was intended for multiple characters to be played.


Not just one, so you can't use a carbon copy cop out to explain why something isn't the way you like it.



I've provided sources for my claims (quotes straight from Stephen Reid), I'd like to see a source on that one. If they truly said that, then they are far more out of touch than I could've even imagined.

Edited by Daltin
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I won't attack your post, I just feel that its an inherent flaw in this game's design. We've got, what, eight planets per side to split among fifty levels of progression? Most I know have actually hit 50 by the seventh planet, as a by the by. Even if levels were split evenly that works out too six and a quarter per planet.


In and of itself its not that bad until you toss the lack of any default "global" global channels.


The game's progression is broken up too much and when you include the lack of "global" global channels and group finders? TOR can feel much lonelier a lot more often that it should or even needs to be. That's before we even open the whole population imbalances can of worms.


It's BioWare's first MMO and its an impressive one. However, they made some mistakes during development which are coming back to haunt them.


For the record, there are almost 70 major chat zones per server. Planets, ships, flashpoints, etc. Just saying. Though as a comparison, it's really no different than WoW.

Edited by Jxspyder
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I've provided sources for my claims (quotes straight from Stephen Reid), I'd like to see a source on that one. If they truly said that, then they are far more out of touch than I could've even imagined.


Hmm, i will have to go back through and re-read all the stephen reid stuff, but he is the one that first mentioned it somewhere along the line.


He said that this game was intended for multiple characters, even their legacy system attests to that.


Edit: The exact word he may have used was "replay ability."

Edited by djsmileey
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Not an excuse, but an additional thought you should enter in your brain.


The DEVELOPERS said this, not me. Try to not be confused.


I'm with Daltin, back it up.


Your point is no more valid because you try and belittle me.

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I'm with Daltin, back it up.


Your point is no more valid because you try and belittle me.


I am not trying to pull wool over your eyes, or belittle you. Telling you that I am not the source isn't an insult. Settle down.


I am not telling you something wildly outrageous lol, claiming that the developers made this game around the ability to be replayed is not news.

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I am not trying to pull wool over your eyes, or belittle you. Telling you that I am not the source isn't an insult. Settle down.


I am not telling you something wildly outrageous lol, claiming that the developers made this game around the ability to be replayed is not news.


The brain comments were unnecessary. Hence my comments. I am perfectly settled thank you.


I have found this game the worst for levelling alts. The content is so linear it means you completely repeat the content you've previously done over and over. The only variation is the class storyline.

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Except, they said on more than one occasion that this game was intended for multiple characters to be played.

No, no, no, Siree.


This is supposed to be a MMORPG. In MMORPG you grow into your character, make your name known among the people on your server and do everything in the game as "you".


Making alts is making "you" known to others? I bet you will next claim that Legacy is the way to make "you" known in the game.

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I'm happy for you, high popper. I challenge any of you HPs to make a character on Crevasse City tonight at 8pm and PST my character Reice. We can discuss populations on my server in a chat window rather than a server window. Maybe then you guys may truly understand how dire the situation is on "only the 8 light population servers"


/who 1-50 "Showing first 94 results" Lol.


Well, right this second there is somewhere between 200 and whatever number decides if a server is light or standard. Because I just /who 1-50 on both sides, and got 100. Which is the cap regardless of server size.


Oh, and I'm not a high popper, I'm standard.

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No, no, no, Siree.


This is supposed to be a MMORPG. In MMORPG you grow into your character, make your name known among the people on your server and do everything in the game as "you".


Making alts is making "you" known to others? I bet you will next claim that Legacy is the way to make "you" known in the game.


Considering legacy grants you a unique surname/title....yeah, it basically does.


I got some free gear on my alt because some random person I had helped out on my main recognized my legacy name. I'm sure it's not the only example of such happening.

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No, no, no, Siree.


This is supposed to be a MMORPG. In MMORPG you grow into your character, make your name known among the people on your server and do everything in the game as "you".


Making alts is making "you" known to others? I bet you will next claim that Legacy is the way to make "you" known in the game.


lol, I am currently looking for the interview where some british gaming guy is interviewing stephen reid, this is a VIDEO.


He mentions in it that the game was built with the purpose of multiple characters in mind.


this is true no matter what you think an MMO should be.


I am not "claiming" anything, I am simply repeating what I heard.


Edit: You would think it would be clear by now that TOR has no intentions of having every single feature another game has, and they aren't doing things the same way. Why is it hard to think that a system is built around leveling multiple characters? Especially when one of their systems (legacy) is entirely situated around MULTIPLE CHARACTERS.

Edited by djsmileey
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Well, right this second there is somewhere between 200 and whatever number decides if a server is light or standard. Because I just /who 1-50 on both sides, and got 100. Which is the cap regardless of server size.


Oh, and I'm not a high popper, I'm standard.


/who 1-25 Republic: 64

/who 26-50 Republic: 59

/who 1-25 Empire: 43

/who 26-50 Empire: 44


5PM EST Total Server population of 'Crevasse City': 210



Yeah, lol. We're ok as a server. What's the excuse now? "It's only 5PM" ? Ok.


I want everyone to work on facts and opinions. Venn Diagrams may be useful, use at your own discretion.


Opinions: Some servers are good

Opinions: Some servers are bad


Facts: Some servers have very high populations and are thriving.

Facts: Some servers have very low populations and are not thriving.


Fact: Bioware said in the end of December "Realms were reaching their ABSOLUTE cap"

Fact: Bioware then raises population caps a week later.

Fact: Bioware never stated "we will be raising server populations for realms that reach absolute cap"

Fact: Bioware said "Avoid Absolute cap realms, make one on a low population."


Opinion: This game is dying

Opinion: This game has good PVP

Opinion: This game has bad PVP.


Fact, by definition, "something that actually exists; reality; truth: Your fears have no basis in fact. "


Opinion, by definition, "a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty. "


Some people think low pop server-rollers are at fault for making the realm selection they did. This is opinion.

Some people realize Bioware told the low-pop server-rollers to make characters there. This is fact.


I'm glad we cleared this up.

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we have good people on our servor.. but I never see it peak over 35 unless your on the Imperial Fleet. It would be such a nicer GTN and Flashpoints with larger servers. Im all for a server Merger...



Are you part of the 99% on a light population server!!:D

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lol, I am currently looking for the interview where some british gaming guy is interviewing stephen reid, this is a VIDEO.



I appreciate you looking. I'm sure what you said has truth to it. It's just shocking to hear it (though, not so much anymore). I lol'd the hardest at the video interview where the guys says "We don't think standing around and smacking a boss for 10 minutes is very heroic", followed by the video mash-up of all the bosses in SWTOR, where everyone is standing around, doing nothing but smacking the boss.


I agree, this game is Alt friendly with the legacy system especially. But MMOs are generally meant to gear up your main character for the end game content if you are a PVE character, or gear up and compete at the upper echelon of the PVP Rankings if that's your cup of tea.


I have alts on this game, and the other games. But alt-a-holics anonymous isnt what takes 15 dollars out of my wallet every month. Participating in the end game content is what gets my personal money, and right now, I'm unable to do so. I'm being asked to sacrifice 2 months of time/effort/work on my character, to enjoy the game the way it's meant to be played. I should've been able to enjoy it from the start, period.

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/who 1-25 Republic: 64


Facts: Some servers have very high populations and are thriving.

Facts: Some servers have very low populations and are not thriving.



I can see you're upset, and I'm not trying to yank your chain, but I'd like to know what you mean by thriving. Is it just the lack of pvp that's problematic? In my opinion, most low-pop issues can be resolved by joining a good guild, except that it won't make your warzone queues pop any faster. I believe I'm on the lowest pop server of them all (Fort Garnik) and the lack of crowds doesn't bother me, but then again I don't do warzones much.

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I appreciate you looking. I'm sure what you said has truth to it. It's just shocking to hear it (though, not so much anymore). I lol'd the hardest at the video interview where the guys says "We don't think standing around and smacking a boss for 10 minutes is very heroic", followed by the video mash-up of all the bosses in SWTOR, where everyone is standing around, doing nothing but smacking the boss.


I agree, this game is Alt friendly with the legacy system especially. But MMOs are generally meant to gear up your main character for the end game content if you are a PVE character, or gear up and compete at the upper echelon of the PVP Rankings if that's your cup of tea.


I have alts on this game, and the other games. But alt-a-holics anonymous isnt what takes 15 dollars out of my wallet every month. Participating in the end game content is what gets my personal money, and right now, I'm unable to do so. I'm being asked to sacrifice 2 months of time/effort/work on my character, to enjoy the game the way it's meant to be played. I should've been able to enjoy it from the start, period.


I suppose I should add some clarity to this conversation: I don't mean to say I disagree with you, I am simply stating this is what he said. I agree that the majority of the content available shouldn't be in playing 1-50 multiple times, but over the last 30 interviews i've watched. That is the majority "feel" of how he speaks on the topic. He mentions several times that the game isn't meant to be played just once. There are so many unique story lines each with their own adventure, that the individual player can experience for endless hours. -- that is paraphrasing.


You get what I mean, but I will post these podcast video's of him being interviewed and just sort of talking with this other guy while watching the game.

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