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PvP in this game takes zero skill at all


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Surprise surprise he is WoW player :) I would say TOR is a game where gladiators come to forum to QQ because badies kill them in the game.


Some classes are easier to do well with ? Yep.

If you know what you are doing you and beat them ? Yep.


What's the problem here ?


Derp, that's why I said his first post.


Keep being pro in this fail pvp though, I am proud of you.

Edited by Bastal
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So after buying the game at release and making a marauder i was pretty excited about the game due to the high amount of abilities and keybinds i needed. but i quickly got very disappointed when i found out that i was getting killed by backpaddling idiots spamming 1 button(i see an incredible amount of people backpaddling in this game compared to any other mmo i have played)


its so sad to see that this game allows people to play so bad without really punishing them, due to stuff like ranged not having to kite at all and casters auto turning while casting so you dont need to worry about your target running behind you


TL;DR pvp in this game is **** and im not gonna continue playing a game where skill does not make even a slight difference


Sad story of a baddie

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I don't know what you consider skill, or even what you have been up against. In my experience, pvp in this game is a challenge, but not difficult. I would not say that there is zero skill involved.


This game is still extremely new, so there are lots of people who are still working out how to play their class (mostly lowbies), but there are several established pvp guilds that have simply moved their guild completely or in part from another mmo. The established pvp'ers are of course going to faceroll through pvp. Give it a few weeks, and I'm sure you will be accusing players of hacking in no time at all.


It sounds to me like you don't know your class well enough to succeed in pvp. Don't you have stuns/interrupts? Can't you LOS? If you are getting pwned by noobs spamming one action, that is your own fault.


This is not your standard WOW clone. There are different game mechanics at work here. It's not just casters vs. melee. Sometimes you will need a different damage rotation for different classes. Some are going to be stun/interrupt heavy, some you can just stand still and mash buttons. Sometimes you will need to use line of sight to avoid powerful attacks.


There is more to this game than just wielding a lightsaber. Play some other classes. Learn their weaknesses. Learn their strengths. Learn to get over yourself.


Kinda hard to "learn their strenghts" when you are stunned 75% of the time.

I am at full health chasing a guy who has like 15% health left, he turns around and stuns me, I break free, guess what? Stunned again, beats me down to like 40%. Awesome, I can move again...oops...stunned again AND again, dead. ***? Seriously? 21k hitpoints and I get stunned to death? This game should be renamed to STUN Wars. How the "most experienced PvP developers" could design a PvP game with this retarded amount of stuns is beyond me.

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So let me get this right, you are being kited because a ranged class doesn't want to stand there and just take damage from you and the only way to attack someone is while facing them? How about that little trick when a marauder is losing they disappear and run and hide until they are recovered?


So as ranged I'm supposed to stand there and take a beating while when you're getting beat you disappear? LOL!


Honestly who is more foolish the person kiting you running backward who is limiting those melee attacks of yours and ranging to death or you for chasing after them thinking you might win?


I run backward kiting you melee fools all the time sometimes with success and other times not. Remember this though sometimes you are just being kited to the rest of my group, LOL!

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There is some pretty nasty ability delay and other weirdness like animations causing the next ability to not fire until the previous animation completes. I have heard that if you mount and move forward right away and get dismounted that you have the problem. I don't know any specifics, just that some people have it and others don't.


PVP has potential, but I'm just gonna be honest... the engine is garbage.


As for skill, I would really love for swtor to borrow one more thing from wow, armory. It seems like anyone with a gripe wants to add that they were a gladiator in wow. I loved wow pvp in tbc and wotlk, I like arena and yes it takes an absurd level of "skill". If you don't think so, please feel free to roll a fotm class and go prove us wrong, plenty of time left in the season.


Like the top .05% of each battlegroup gets gladiator each season, so statistically it is just not possible for every wow pvp vet posting in the forums to be a "multi glad". If you are, great. Those who follow the arena scene probably know who you are so post an armory link. :D


I admit I am still more concerned with the bad combat and fugly gearing process right now. For the record I play a Vengeance Jugg, and when my **** works and my fps is above 30 I have fun. Rage did feel too faceroll for my taste, I am pretty sure it is not the only spec that is.


/rant :)

Edited by Kolbenito
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TLDR; OP doesn't understand Resolve, can't play without Mods and Macros, and is one of about 5 Marauders I've seen complain about pvp in this game. I hope you stick around long enough to improve, you've got to be bored of WoW auto-pilot pvp by now.
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Kinda hard to "learn their strenghts" when you are stunned 75% of the time.

I am at full health chasing a guy who has like 15% health left, he turns around and stuns me, I break free, guess what? Stunned again, beats me down to like 40%. Awesome, I can move again...oops...stunned again AND again, dead. ***? Seriously? 21k hitpoints and I get stunned to death? This game should be renamed to STUN Wars. How the "most experienced PvP developers" could design a PvP game with this retarded amount of stuns is beyond me.


this is one of the things i forgot to mention in my first post, the rediculous amount of cc and the lack of proper DR(resolve is complete garbage) makes pvp pretty boring

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ok then, please explain to me how i kill an inquisitor spamming force lightning as a marauder when my ****** dps can barely take down his absorb shield and my interrupt doesnt work for ****


well, i dont know what you are doing wrong but on my server there are quite a few marauders that cause havoc on the battlefield. THey are annoying. they dont die. nothing more discouraging than seeing all your attacks hitting for 4 hit points of damage. You aren't a killing class. You are a disrupt the enemy class. A marauder can keep a turret capped in alderann by himself for quite awhile till help arives. quit thinking in terms of pew pew pew... especially as a marauder. L2Pyerclass

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If you cant beat a force lightning spamming sorc

( if that's what they are doing, i'm not sure they are)

you really need to look at your spec/gear , not being able to get past the 3k shield in 20s?


All i know is that at lvl 50, not a single dps has any problems in removing my shield in 2 sec.

And yes , I will cc you for as long as I can if you let me. Maybe you should look at the other classes there skills and time your abilities better. Lvling up a bit so you get more of your abilities would do wonders aswel(if you arent 50 yet)



Padie , Valor 63

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and here i was thinking it was going to be a



tracer missle tracer missle tracer missle tracer missle tracer missle tracer missle tracer missle tracer missle tracer missle tracer missle tracer missle tracer missle tracer missle tracer missle tracer missle tracer missle tracer missle tracer missle tracer missle tracer missle tracer missle tracer missle tracer missle tracer missle tracer missle tracer missle tracer missle tracer missle tracer missle tracer missle tracer missle tracer missle tracer missle tracer missle tracer missle tracer missle tracer missle tracer missle tracer missle




Grav Round Grav Round Grav Round Grav Round Grav Round Grav Round Grav Round Grav Round Grav Round Grav Round Grav Round Grav Round Grav Round Grav Round Grav Round Grav Round Grav Round Grav Round Grav Round Grav Round Grav Round Grav Round Grav Round Grav Round Grav Round Grav Round Grav Round Grav Round Grav Round Grav Round Grav Round Grav Round Grav Round Grav Round Grav Round





Ofc not, thats because theyre the skills he uses.

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except that people with skill dont have to cry about people being IMBA or OP since we can kill them easily.

people with skill can completely shut down 1 button spammers with NO PROBLEM.

people with skill continue to fight other people and continue to build their skill.


you really have 2 options.


1. you can rage quit like you are showing you choose to do


2. you can continue to play, GET SKILLED, then faceroll those people who arent.

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im not saying that i have trouble playing my class, i am a multi gladiator wow veteran and high master league in sc2 etc so i will not need advice about how to play


what i mean is that while marauder needs to use a fair amount of abilities to succeed, im still pretty disappointed that most other classes can do perfectly fine even if played by a mouthbreathing backpaddling noob who does nothing but spam force lightning/tracer missle or whatever




are you retarded? im not saying channeling spells should not autoturn but you autoturn while casting stuff like tracer missle aswell and i do use my spell interrupt all the time as i said im not an idiot, but i dont know if interrupts in this game is bugged or if there is some talents i havent heard about cause i often interrupt a spell only to see them start casting the same spell again instantly after that




Can you back pedal while using force lightning?

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ok then, please explain to me how i kill an inquisitor spamming force lightning as a marauder when my ****** dps can barely take down his absorb shield and my interrupt doesnt work for ****


Is he backpedaling while using force lightning? Was this a sorcerer or an assassin? They are very different advanced classes yet both have lightning.

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Kinda hard to "learn their strenghts" when you are stunned 75% of the time.

I am at full health chasing a guy who has like 15% health left, he turns around and stuns me, I break free, guess what? Stunned again, beats me down to like 40%. Awesome, I can move again...oops...stunned again AND again, dead. ***? Seriously? 21k hitpoints and I get stunned to death? This game should be renamed to STUN Wars. How the "most experienced PvP developers" could design a PvP game with this retarded amount of stuns is beyond me.


If you find yourself stunned all the time stop trying to 1v2 all the time. It is a team sport.

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So after buying the game at release and making a marauder i was pretty excited about the game due to the high amount of abilities and keybinds i needed. but i quickly got very disappointed when i found out that i was getting killed by backpaddling idiots spamming 1 button(i see an incredible amount of people backpaddling in this game compared to any other mmo i have played)


its so sad to see that this game allows people to play so bad without really punishing them, due to stuff like ranged not having to kite at all and casters auto turning while casting so you dont need to worry about your target running behind you


TL;DR pvp in this game is **** and im not gonna continue playing a game where skill does not make even a slight difference



Skill has not been in an MMO in a very long time. Get used to it... or quit playing MMO's





You want skill, Play CoD3


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Skill has not been in an MMO in a very long time. Get used to it... or quit playing MMO's





You want skill, Play CoD3



Skill does exist in MMOs. Just not in the form people generally think.

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I don't think alot of people know that you can silence grav/tracer.


It's like auto win if you chain say Silence>Force Choke>Force Charge on the 3 times they try to cast it off.


I just think alot of people on this game are WoW kids who only played WoW from WOTLK onwards, because none of them seem to have a remote idea on how to PVP which is what WOTLK introduced to that game, spam mindless dps and get gear/rating.

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Yupp. Totally agree. I play a marauder myself and I almost destroy my pc when playing this piece of **** game. My free time runs out soon tho and I will NOT renew. Seriously, getting beaten so easily by ranged keyboardturning, clicking backpeddlers that do not even have to kite me while I barely get a snare in is frustrating beyond that off average frustration in pvp.


Charge, spam snare, snare, snare, if im lucky and ability delay doesnt **** me I get the snare in before im knocked back into either a stun or a root, without even getting into obliterate range. Just slowly try to get to my target who is obviously suffering from brain dmg by the ammount of drooling he can do over the keyboard and still get a kill




TAKE AWAY ALL THE ****IN KNOCK BACKS O M F G ...........................................Are you ******** me. There is basicly no dr at on them what so ever and playing a game where you basicly feel like a ball getting kicked around or dragged around is NOT fun. Pvp in swtor has nothing to do with pvp WHAT so EVER. If you play any sort of ranged class you can literally just smash your face into the keyboard and kill any sort of melee char.

Huttball is nothing more then all the knock back classes trying to knock you into the acid or off a platform, thats it, huttball in a nutshell.


Im not even gonna get into the ability delay you claimed to have fixed, thats not even changed the sligthest. 100 fps and 60 ms constantly and playing marauder in a warzone feels like you have 1000 ms + when trying to use your abilities.


2400+ exp from wow and going to this, level 10 bgs in wow with no resi and oneshotting classes has better balance than this, and Im sick as hell of wow and cant stand it. It's still a FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR FAR FAR FAAAAAAAAAAAR better game in pvp.


Swtor warzone and pvp developers, you are a bunch of ****in *******

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