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10 Good
  1. The approach of two different sets of gear (one for PvE one for PvP) is an epic fail anyways. One of the best things in Vanguard was that there was no such thing as "PvP gear". Raiding gear and (lateron) PotA gear would help you in PvP as well. Also all dungeons and raidmobs being NOT being friggin instanced but being accessible by everyone at any given time helped world PvP a lot. There were fights everywhere, on all continents, in every dungeon....not just at the rebel base in ilum.
  2. Actually it's YOU who is the noob here lmao.
  3. Couldn't read any further than that, too busy laughing.
  4. S: Stun W: Wars T: This O: OMG R: Rules NOT!
  5. ROFL Arena. Fix PvP? Easy solutions right here: 1. Enable valor on ALL planets. The war is not only raging on Ilum. 2. Upon kill you GAIN valor (in open world PvP) 3. Upon death you LOSE valor (in open world PvP) 4. Remove all the graphic fluff from Ilum (Bombers and all that crap) 5. Let the factions TAKE over the bases on Ilum so a faction can actually CONTROL Ilum. 6. Whichever faction controls Ilum gains a valor bonus on kills. The faction that is NOT in control gets the same bonus on valor losses of course. In open world that is. 7. There you go. Open world PvP lives. You get low on valor? Do Warfronts to get it back if you suck in open world PvP.
  6. You forgot to mention the "kill trading" between certain guilds, hiding in some dead end cave or holes in the mountains, taking turns to aoe themselves down and then use /stuck after they rezzed to instantly pop back up where they died. And so on....and so on. Screenshots have been taken, craploads of tickets have been sent and guess what? NADA, ZERO, ZILCH! Meanwhile players grouped up to bust those "fight clubs" only to have them move from ilum 1 to ilum 2 to a different location. By the time they got found again they already cheated themselves a couple k valor already. *sigh*
  7. Might want to read my post again before responding with garbage like this.
  8. Kinda hard to "learn their strenghts" when you are stunned 75% of the time. I am at full health chasing a guy who has like 15% health left, he turns around and stuns me, I break free, guess what? Stunned again, beats me down to like 40%. Awesome, I can move again...oops...stunned again AND again, dead. ***? Seriously? 21k hitpoints and I get stunned to death? This game should be renamed to STUN Wars. How the "most experienced PvP developers" could design a PvP game with this retarded amount of stuns is beyond me.
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