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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why isnt there tie in huttball?


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So, 2 good teams play against eachother, and the score gets 1-1.


It is little stupid when 2 teams work hard, and when one team have the ball at end they win?


Shouldnt there be some kinda tie?


I know loose or win don`t give so much diffrence in valor xp etc, but i think this is a problem.


So the last team that score can just take the ball, a tank have it, and rest of the team is just hiding using bugs to keep the ball to end of game.


That dosnt seem fair....

Edited by carbocat
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The tiebreaker in huttball is awesome too. Smart players see the clock ticking down, see the tied score and prioritize holding the ball. They'll tell their team to pass to the stronger members, toss guard, focus heals, knockback any opposition...it becomes a different game during that last minute and IMO it's a fun one.
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The tiebreaker in huttball is awesome too. Smart players see the clock ticking down, see the tied score and prioritize holding the ball. They'll tell their team to pass to the stronger members, toss guard, focus heals, knockback any opposition...it becomes a different game during that last minute and IMO it's a fun one.


This. It's another factor that lets the smarter team win even if it's not necessarily strong enough to win by points. I've seen countless clueless ball carriers not realize this in 1:1 matches, and I've seen a fair number of teams who did realize it. It's kinda nice too that the match isn't already over a minute before it ends because you know you can't run the ball through in that time anymore if you haven't managed to do so before - this keeps the match interesting until the timer runs out because both sides still have a chance to win.

Edited by dannythefool
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