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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Do these numbers concern BW...at all...maybe a little bit?


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My faction wins most WZ's. You know, that PvP mode that has balanced populations on each side.


It doesn't matter if we're better when you can produce 3 ops groups to our 1 in Ilum (with 4x the Battlemasters thanks to those helpful days of exploiting the system). This is in no way a

skill issue.


Good to know you're a little cheater.


Let me give you the definition of exploit before you say it's not cheating.


Exploit: "Use of a situation, or person, in an unfair or selfish way"


Still not convinced? Here's the definition of CHEATING.


Cheating: "The act of dishonestly or unfairly exploiting a flaw in order to gain an advantage over others."


Now L2P you little cheater.

Edited by Shadow_Spec
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No matter what faction you are in at some point your faction will be outnumbered.


Just wait till summer and i bet things will be the opposite.

I really hope so. It's just simply no fun trying to switch between two Ilum's, and both are camped by 50 Imps at the Republic base, and look up at the player count for our side and see 25. :(
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Faction populations have absolutly nothing to do with WZ's.


Sure the side with larger numbers probably has more "good" players than the lower population side. The larger population side also have more "bad" players.


Find some players around your skill level and Q with them. Learn to work as a team and you will pubstomp most pugs. As your gear improves the other faction's "good" players turn into adverage players and you'll find winning easier.


Open world pvp is where the faction populations matter and there is very little of that going on.

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- Does it concern you that, at least from the Republic's perspective on Anchorhead, that the overwhelming majority of warfronts are won by Empire?


- Does it concern you that, at least from the Republic's perspective on Anchorhead, that the overwhelming majority of Battlemasters are Empire?


- Does it concern you that, at least from the Republic's perspective on Anchorhead, that the overwhelming majority of the population on Ilum is Empire? When you go to Ilum as Republic, find yourself in Ilum(1) and see there are only 26 Republic there, then switch to Ilum(2) and see there are even less, then it's blatantly clear that the reason there are 2 Ilum's is because it is full of Empire on Ilum(1), and probably getting there on Ilum(2).


Are the lights even on in the office of the PvP guru who monitors server demographics?


If so, are they even concerned...in the least bit?


edit: I'm positive this thread will probably get flooded with "L2P", and "where's your proof" responses from, you guessed it, a vast majority of empire players. So, inb4 L2P and Where's the proof.


whats with all the anchorhead talk

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Faction populations have absolutly nothing to do with WZ's.


Sure the side with larger numbers probably has more "good" players than the lower population side. The larger population side also have more "bad" players.

Well this part is contradictory of what you are trying to say. You are stating two facts that go against each other. So in short, yes, population has everything to do with the WZ's. The population may affect affect a large number of bad players or good players. As we have seen, numbers do count for something, but expertise does bring the numbers game down a bit.


Your welcome.

Edited by Shadow_Spec
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- Does it concern you that, at least from the Republic's perspective on Anchorhead, that the overwhelming majority of warfronts are won by Empire?


- Does it concern you that, at least from the Republic's perspective on Anchorhead, that the overwhelming majority of Battlemasters are Empire?


- Does it concern you that, at least from the Republic's perspective on Anchorhead, that the overwhelming majority of the population on Ilum is Empire? When you go to Ilum as Republic, find yourself in Ilum(1) and see there are only 26 Republic there, then switch to Ilum(2) and see there are even less, then it's blatantly clear that the reason there are 2 Ilum's is because it is full of Empire on Ilum(1), and probably getting there on Ilum(2).


Are the lights even on in the office of the PvP guru who monitors server demographics?


If so, are they even concerned...in the least bit?


edit: I'm positive this thread will probably get flooded with "L2P", and "where's your proof" responses from, you guessed it, a vast majority of empire players. So, inb4 L2P and Where's the proof.


- Does it concern you that, at least from a player that has already cancelled, that this game is a steaming pile of horse ****? If so, you should do the same, because this game has 0 hope.

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I love how people like you fail to see how Marketing IS partially to blame for the faction imbalance. Have you not seen the show Mad Men? *sigh*


There is a major imbalance in faction...this is obvious. Gabe has stated in a recent interview that there will be faction based incentives to try and correct this. At least that is what I got from his interview...


Some of us welcome a challenge and enjoy being the underdog. Also, the Republic on my server manage just fine.

Edited by darthtoph
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- Does it concern you that, at least from a player that has already cancelled, that this game is a steaming pile of horse ****? If so, you should do the same, because this game has 0 hope.
I enjoy playing the game, for the most part. It's just frustrating sometimes. Enjoy your 3 McDonald's meals a month with what you save by canceling your subscription.
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Well this part is contradictory of what you are trying to say. You are stating two facts that go against each other. So in short, yes, population has everything to do with the WZ's. The population may affect affect a large number of bad players or good players. As we have seen, numbers do count for something, but expertise does bring the numbers game down a bit.


Your welcome.




I think you missed his point entirely. Warzones are capped at a certain number of people on each side, thus nullifying the population imbalance that may occur on the server. If 25% of the population is bad, 25% is good, and the other 50% is average this stands to reason that the side with more people will inherently have more bad players as well as good. This provides more bad players for the good and average players on the Republic side to farm.



You're welcome.

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I really hope so. It's just simply no fun trying to switch between two Ilum's, and both are camped by 50 Imps at the Republic base, and look up at the player count for our side and see 25. :(


No worries, it will happen. A lot of polls that i saw prior to release indicated that alot of people would be playing SI at launch with SW just behind that. This game is gear toward the reroll so many people will roll out republic after they finish there mains questline.


Heck, I have recently rolled republic toon because i wanted to create a healer type and I did not want to play all the same side quests

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Even if they're concerned, there isn't anything they can do about it at this point. If something was going to be done about it, it needed to be done pre launch. The balance is too far gone at this point to ever recover.


Not true. There are plenty of players on the Empire side that will FACTION SWAP if the option was available. Account settings and check mark all the empire that you wish to change over to the republic equivalent. Done. Faction balancing would AT THE VERY LEAST have a "We tried" mark from BioWare.

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Nope, we have ourselves to blame for the sucking part. However, everytime we roll into WZ's we win 90% more than we lose on my server. The imbalance occurs on Ilum mostly, and of course the Battlemasters that gained it illegitmately while BW did nothing to rollback.


The ratio is a good 5-1 in favor of Empire on my server. Quantity of players will always overwhelm quality in Ilum unfortunately because of the idiot Dev in charge of PvP. Yes, I will call him out. He is an idiot. Anyone that has ever played any true MMO in the past can balance it better than this jackwagon in charge.


Complaining about faction imbalance in ilum is fair enough, they could put a 1-1 ratio on ilum, so no more people can enter and get put into a queue until a spot opens, sucks for the overpopulated side but atleast it allowed fair ground for some world pvp.


And would also get more people on republic.

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You chose the republic cause you wanted.

There was nothing keeping you from picking the empire , just like there is , there will not be , not keeping other people.


Most people decided to go empire , yeah all you can do is deal with it , was your choice.

Dont blame BW for it, they are to blame for many things , this is not one of them.

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Actually this is still one of them. They could do things to make Republic more attractive for the playerbase. Different, unique Repub only abilities, better looking ships, pvp balance that makes sense instead of the 15 or so imbalances in ability cast delays, etc.


They just need to address the issue, and create incentives to balance populations.

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