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4h. downtime... a SATURDAY???


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It unfortunately seems clear that Bioware do not care.

As long as their beloved US subscribers are catered for, the rest of the world will just have to deal with it as second rate customers at best.


They showed the same level of ignorance during the Beta invites ,so its not suprising at all.


Indeed, being a 2nd class customer is one of the factors that influenced my decision to cancel my subscription. Obviously it wasn't the deciding factor but it's certainly one of the straws that broke the camel's back.

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Indeed, being a 2nd class customer is one of the factors that influenced my decision to cancel my subscription. Obviously it wasn't the deciding factor but it's certainly one of the straws that broke the camel's back.


I agree with you and empathize how you feel but.. wait and hear what bioware have to say SR stated that they were having a meeting next week to discuss EU maintenance times so lets see what they come up with. (will be after 31st though)

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I agree with you and empathize how you feel but.. wait and hear what bioware have to say SR stated that they were having a meeting next week to discuss EU maintenance times so lets see what they come up with. (will be after 31st though)


Hopefully theyll move the weekly maintenance forward 2 hours so it doesnt cut into my gaming time as much.

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18 years now I've been playing mmo's and not once have I ever felt strongly enough to actually complain via the games forums and I am all too aware of what game releases can be like.


Well this is my first ever complaint and all I will say is I'm disgusted with the customer service as a whole and the quality of the game after all the hype is completely pitiful. I'd love to make a list but really those who have posted before me in countless other threads have done a better job than i ever could.


I have been waiting nearly 4 years for this game to be released, encouraged friends to come play and now I'm already leaving how sad is that :(.

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Bioware has made it quite clear that US customers are given preferential treatment when it comes to scheduling downtime. Yesterday was simply another example of what we can expect in the future. I suggest if you vote with your wallet if you're unhappy and CANCEL YOUR SUB.


BW - here's one founder who has been fed-up with downtime regularly being scheduled to minimize impact on US customers to the detriment of us in the EU. As much as I enjoy the game, my sub is now cancelled and will remain so unless you begin alternating maintenance time so that the EU isn't always on the short-end of the stick (e.g., one week, 1am EU; the next, 8am EU).


Perhaps, just perhaps, if BW sees a higher cancel rate in the EU they might realise they need to make a change.

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Bioware has made it quite clear that US customers are given preferential treatment when it comes to scheduling downtime. Yesterday was simply another example of what we can expect in the future. I suggest if you vote with your wallet if you're unhappy and CANCEL YOUR SUB.


BW - here's one founder who has been fed-up with downtime regularly being scheduled to minimize impact on US customers to the detriment of us in the EU. As much as I enjoy the game, my sub is now cancelled and will remain so unless you begin alternating maintenance time so that the EU isn't always on the short-end of the stick (e.g., one week, 1am EU; the next, 8am EU).


Perhaps, just perhaps, if BW sees a higher cancel rate in the EU they might realise they need to make a change.


I too have put my subscription on hold and will see what pans out in the next 20 days or so; I do hope a compromise is reached. With BW I am hopeful, but given who the parent company is, I am less so.

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Back again to check the situation and there still isnt any transparent information or valid explanation for rolling the saturday update.


Yeah BW responded saying Live team felt it was urgent...well it wasnt urgent enough to roll out as soon as they had it afterall now was it... So which is it? Was it really urgent or was it not? or maybe they felt it was more urgent for European customers than it was for U.S. customers? After reading the responce from BW I can only conclude that the Live team lead that made the decission to patch is simply incompetent or lost all sense of priorities somewhere along the way. Might be a bit harsh, but business world is just quite unforgiving these days.


Another thing that was shining through the official response from BW was that they didnt know if they would be ready to patch or not just 5 ... 6 hours before the patch time. This tells me that the implemented fixes did not go through any kind of acceptable Quality Assurance process before they were rushed on servers. That being the case Im beginning to see where a large part of current issues are coming from. Big part of issues that have been emergency fixed were not in game right after lauch afterall.


So my question is, what kind of low quality (2nd rate even) product are we supposed to expect having access to?

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So my question is, what kind of low quality (2nd rate even) product are we supposed to expect having access to?


Its a catch 22 situation


Damned if they do and damned if they dont


I live in Australia so the down time hits me at 4-6pm and I do not class myself as a 2nd class customer it is a simple numbers thing. The do maintenance when it effects the least amount of people on the servers.


But yeah A Saturday maintenance sucks but you get that

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Yeah BW responded saying Live team felt it was urgent...well it wasnt urgent enough to roll out as soon as they had it afterall now was it...


Um, whose to say that's not EXACTLY what they did? They gave just a few hours of warning for the downtime. Seems like EXACTLY the "we got it done lets patch it asap" scenario.

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Just wanted to post that they actually have responded just not in this thread.


Cheers. I missed that. Another issue with these forums—it's hard to miss official posts. They need to add a "Skip to TOR rep posts" in this long threads. Would be helpful.

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Its a catch 22 situation


Damned if they do and damned if they dont


Not really, We most likely would not have this thread if fixes were tested properly before they are applied, which in turn means less or no need for 'emergency' maintenance / patches. It's quite simple really. Do things properly and you do not need to patch it again and again.


note to BW: proper Quality Assurance process saves you a lot of inhouse development time and other recourses in the end since it cuts the need for fixing fixes and extra downtimes considerably...

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Um, whose to say that's not EXACTLY what they did? They gave just a few hours of warning for the downtime. Seems like EXACTLY the "we got it done lets patch it asap" scenario.


If you are going to quote someone, alteast quote the whole post and dont just pick convenient parts and use them out of context.


Thank you :cool:

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I did it correctly. Thank you.


I'd say not, when you leave out parts of the post that directly address your responce. But then again your general idea seems to have been just trolling and derailing this thread in most of your posts. I wonder why that is?


Now lets get back to topic shall we? :)

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nobody is saying they should not fix stuff.


EU players just say we want it to be at hours where *most* of us are sleeping. same treatment US players are getting. not more, not less.

and certainly NOT on weekends, at ANY hour at all.


but i guess, that this little concern of ours, escaped your attention through last 105 pages, hum?


all I see is a bunch of whiny *** people that expect a company to work double the amount of time instead of just dealing with a 4 hour maintenance... they all need to grow up, if they can't wait atleast 4 hours in the morning to not play then MMO's are not for them, then again it's human nature to ***** if something isn't fair QQ this whole rant with people is pissing me off

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all I see is a bunch of whiny *** people that expect a company to work double the amount of time instead of just dealing with a 4 hour maintenance... they all need to grow up, if they can't wait atleast 4 hours in the morning to not play then MMO's are not for them, then again it's human nature to ***** if something isn't fair QQ this whole rant with people is pissing me off


Self centered *********. That's what you are. How would you feel if you had to pay TWICE as much money to play this game as other people AND only got to play 71% of the time, that's right, the servers have been down for nearly 30% of the entire MONTH, add that on to the fact that down time occurs during PEAK playing hours for you... can you still not even fathom WHY someone would be angry about this? Disappointed about this? Do you think that Bioware will change ANYTHING if the community as a whole doesn't tell them that it is unacceptable. If you want a company to change it's policy you have to be vocal about it, just because youre willing to accept sub-standard service and are used to licking corporate **** and thanking them for the pleasure afterwords doesnt mean the rest of us are as well.

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all I see is a bunch of whiny *** people that expect a company to work double the amount of time instead of just dealing with a 4 hour maintenance... they all need to grow up, if they can't wait atleast 4 hours in the morning to not play then MMO's are not for them, then again it's human nature to ***** if something isn't fair QQ this whole rant with people is pissing me off


Because the previous thread has exceeded our normal threshold for thread length, we've started this new thread for the community to discuss maintenance times.


As always, we ask that the community keep the following things in mind when responding:


  • Stay on Target - Please keep discussion on topic.
  • Insults - Please do not resort to or use them in any way in your posts. Posts should be productive, not destructive.
  • Trolling - Please do not post messages that are purposefully designed to provoke, antagonize, or otherwise elicit a negative emotional response.
  • Agree to Disagree - Be respectful of others' viewpoints even if they are opposite of your own. Discuss disagreements constructively.
  • Flag, Don't Fight - Utilize the Flag Post feature to report possible rules violations, rather than responding to or fighting them.


Thank you and enjoy the discussion!


Lets leave insults and trolling to other threads. It is not needed here.


Thank you

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I'd say not, when you leave out parts of the post that directly address your responce. But then again your general idea seems to have been just trolling and derailing this thread in most of your posts. I wonder why that is?


Now lets get back to topic shall we? :)


You refuse to address the point, which is on topic.


They did the maintenance as soon as they had it ready. As you suggest they should.


But without enough notice or testing. Which you are complaining about.


Which is it? You can't have it both ways.

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17 pages complaining about downtime? How did you find the time to participate in this thread since you have to be in game 24/7 ?


apperently u didnt see this thread is coming off from an old thread with 103pages and still no answer

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You refuse to address the point, which is on topic.


They did the maintenance as soon as they had it ready. As you suggest they should.


But without enough notice or testing. Which you are complaining about.


Which is it? You can't have it both ways.


I can have it both ways when patches are properly tested and deployed during proper time.


EDIT: also, 'as fast as possible' does not mean 'rush untested patch on server'. It means as soon as it is porperly tested, so you see the two conditions do not have to be any way in conflict.

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all I see is a bunch of whiny *** people that expect a company to work double the amount of time instead of just dealing with a 4 hour maintenance... they all need to grow up, if they can't wait atleast 4 hours in the morning to not play then MMO's are not for them, then again it's human nature to ***** if something isn't fair QQ this whole rant with people is pissing me off


You may find not reading the thread at all would be good for the avoidance of "being pissed off". It is time for all of us to now sit back and see if BW come up with a new maintenance model - or not.

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And who's to say when the "proper" time is?


Oh yea...Bioware.


Yes and as a result of BW's decisions regarding maintenance times that are inconvenient for certain group of customers, we have this thread here. I hope you can see the pattern there.

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