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4h. downtime... a SATURDAY???


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I can imagine a whole bunch less people are playing then than on a saturday morning in Europe.


Maint happened ONCE on a Saturday. You act like they do this every weekend. This is the first time this has EVER happened. So comparing it to regular maint which is NOT on the weekend is apples to oranges. That being said I would take that bet because I say more people want to play in the usa at 2am cst (midnight west coast) than early in the morning on a saturday.

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It is a fact however that US get preferable maintenance times to the EU. Whilst there might be some that want to play through the times you mentioned, these are ALWAYS the least populated hours in an MMO. Maintenance will always affect somebody, but it should be scheduled so that it inconveniences the LEAST number of people. As the least number of people play through the night time hours, those are the times it should be done for each region.


Always huh? How do you know this? I need some kind of citation because I think night time is the peak time not the lowest time. I dont get how you can say less people play at night. Way more people have jobs school etc than do not. More people play at night especially on a friday night. Sorry but Im not buying your theory.

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I can imagine a whole bunch less people are playing then than on a saturday morning in Europe.


Wrong. In Europe we party hard the whole friday night, so we will get up in the late evening on Saturday. All of us, even the guys with pets, children, cows or whatever.

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Maint happened ONCE on a Saturday. You act like they do this every weekend. This is the first time this has EVER happened. So comparing it to regular maint which is NOT on the weekend is apples to oranges. That being said I would take that bet because I say more people want to play in the usa at 2am cst (midnight west coast) than early in the morning on a saturday.


I am really puzzled why your and folks like you are so vehement in their defense of Bioware? You do realize we are all consumers here, and if part of us have a legitimate gripe it's the COMPANY's job to appease it?


In any case, your argument is invalid, especially the first time something happens you need to let your voice heard, as the next time there;s a precedent.


Again, tell us please why you feel you should antagonize us in this thread whilst we only want a response from BW, it's not your battle, BW will not give you swag for sucking up to them.

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Maint happened ONCE on a Saturday. You act like they do this every weekend. This is the first time this has EVER happened. So comparing it to regular maint which is NOT on the weekend is apples to oranges. That being said I would take that bet because I say more people want to play in the usa at 2am cst (midnight west coast) than early in the morning on a saturday.


You still haven't understood the point. The point is that we have a right to complain if maintenance fell on a prime time in Europe (as we're already hit by maintenance time worse than in the US). It does not matter if it was once. If you don't complain it will happen again, and a lot of people don't want to see that come to pass.


It is hard to defend the stance that maintenance hours are equally affecting both continents when they are so blatantly not.

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Look, they could have avoided half of this by saying one sentence in their post: "We understand that it is prime time in many parts of the world, and we apologize for this."


Agreed, but only if said apology feels sincere and it can only do that once.


"Thank you for your patience" doesnt mean anything anymore.

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Although it is potentially really, really disappointing there must've been a good reason.


I would just suggest that BW explain the urgency in their posts.


I went into work to play and logged in 10min before the server shutdown. I found the cheerful post about the regular Tuesday shutdown and the passing note about 4hrs of downtime, but couldn't work out why it was so desperately urgent. Obviously, no need to talk us through the latest exploit or give us inappropriate details, but a brief explanation for the urgency might dignify the playerbase.

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Although it is potentially really, really disappointing there must've been a good reason.


I would just suggest that BW explain the urgency in their posts.


I went into work to play and logged in 10min before the server shutdown. I found the cheerful post about the regular Tuesday shutdown and the passing note about 4hrs of downtime, but couldn't work out why it was so desperately urgent. Obviously, no need to talk us through the latest exploit or give us inappropriate details, but a brief explanation for the urgency might dignify the playerbase.


They did explain. This fixed the problem of people crashing back to char select. Sounds innocent enough but if this happens while you are checking your mail you lose everything you were getting out of the box. Thats pretty major if you ask me and worthy of a Sat morning maint.

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Ok first off not all Americans live on the east coast. Second not all Americans are jobless and therefore do not get up at 8am to play games. Get up at 8am to go to work school etc. Also UK is GMT -5 if I remember right so thats not 3am on west coast. The servers go down at 3am EASTERN TIME and come back up at 10am EASTERN time. So they do not go down between midnight and 5am for anyone but west coast people. There are 3 other time zones in the usa.


They are not going to cater a pay to play game to people who dont work and sit at home 24/7 playing the game. It doesnt matter when they do downtime someone will always be affected. Most people work at 8am they do not jump into a video game. You get home in the evening eat dinner play some then bed time. Thats how 99% of the world works. 1% sits home at 8am on a video game. Thats why the maint schedule is like it is.


Our Scottish friend above made absolutely no reference in his post about being jobless.

He was referring to yesterday’s outage, which for your information happened to be a Saturday, a day, curiously enough, when many people do not have to work.

Some of our gaming colleagues in the US seem to have this fixation that if you are playing a computer game during the day you do not have a job or are going to school. If you really think that, you need to get up, go out and actually see how the world operates.

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Reposted from closed thread after bening redirect to this one by Moderator.


1. I have a busy life at weekends and therefore did not even know that the servers were down on a Saturday morning because I was too busy enjoying my Saturday to notice. I only found out, after the event, so it didn't bother me in the slightest.


2. This maintenance was undertaken to resolve an issue that so many people have been complaining about then I think it DID deserve the allocated slot.

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Our Scottish friend above made absolutely no reference in his post about being jobless.

He was referring to yesterday’s outage, which for your information happened to be a Saturday, a day, curiously enough, when many people do not have to work.

Some of our gaming colleagues in the US seem to have this fixation that if you are playing a computer game during the day you do not have a job or are going to school. If you really think that, you need to get up, go out and actually see how the world operates.


There are a large number of posts over the last few weeks that do lead to a conclusion of this nature, based on the Tuesday maintenance rants from Europeans. Different arguement I know.

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So since all these people are unsubbing, does that mean the game won't have as many lag spikes? :D


My two gripes: Patching during the weekend, when everyone around the world gets shafted, and locking the forums while patching so no one can post anything.


Also, was it just me or was there nothing to patch when the game did come back up? Is there going to be another down time on the 31st as posted to actually patch something or is BW entering the political field?


Cyas in game...even if it is for only 23 more days until you stop causing so much lag on my server! ;)



"May the Force be with you."

"And also with you."

"Let us pray...wait! What?"


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You really need to have some anger management if something as trivial as this provokes you to cause such a ridiculous thread.


This post reminds me of when WoW was first released, except substitute the EU for AU & NZ. Bioware are not going to organise the entire game around the EU or Oceanic if they're headquarters are located in the US, it sucks but get over it. I live in Aus by the way.

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i also didnt download a patch (or if i did i somehow missed it)


I have no problem with patching if it is required.


However since yesterday the game is horrible for me :( my abilitiy delay is back and worse than ever, some powers simply refuse to fire.


My companion wanders around and heals me when and if she feels like it.


If i wanted a women to ignore me this much i would just stay off the computer and hang out with the wife :)

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You really need to have some anger management if something as trivial as this provokes you to cause such a ridiculous thread.


This post reminds me of when WoW was first released, except substitute the EU for AU & NZ. Bioware are not going to organise the entire game around the EU or Oceanic if they're headquarters are located in the US, it sucks but get over it. I live in Aus by the way.


so you are saying trion are a better company and care about their customers more.. Are you trying to defend bioware because you are failing badly

Edited by corbanite
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So since all these people are unsubbing, does that mean the game won't have as many lag spikes? :D


My two gripes: Patching during the weekend, when everyone around the world gets shafted, and locking the forums while patching so no one can post anything.


Also, was it just me or was there nothing to patch when the game did come back up? Is there going to be another down time on the 31st as posted to actually patch something or is BW entering the political field?


Cyas in game...even if it is for only 23 more days until you stop causing so much lag on my server! ;)



"May the Force be with you."

"And also with you."

"Let us pray...wait! What?"



The forums being taken down every time they take the game down is very lame.

Edited by Xerda
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And yet strangely enough they never choose to do things when it would upset the US playerbase. Wierd that.


Indeed. They get all their maintenance and last minute patches in the middle of the night. So we get vitriol from the NA region players and we get vitriol from some Oceanic players because it's always even worse for them.


Heaven forbid BW actually did the decent thing and do maintenance fairly in each region in the middle of the night for all. Not making us all suffer an American time frame. Other successful subscription games manage it.

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i also didnt download a patch (or if i did i somehow missed it)


I have no problem with patching if it is required.


However since yesterday the game is horrible for me :( my abilitiy delay is back and worse than ever, some powers simply refuse to fire.


My companion wanders around and heals me when and if she feels like it.


If i wanted a women to ignore me this much i would just stay off the computer and hang out with the wife :)


server side only patch which ofc means no need to bring down all the servers together

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In my opionon it's time for free playtime for EU players.


i start with a community blog quote:


"We are aiming for this weekly maintenance period to take place in an off-peak time for both North American and European players."


as i see this....you are aiming for nothing. scheduling maintenance for night times shouldnt be a problem in EU. in the us it's no problem either.


our normal maintenance times are from 9 am to 3 pm mostly 9am to 5pm on tuesdays. what the hell is the problem to schedule these maintenances from 2am to 6am or 8am? in the us it's no problem.


ok and then you schedule maintenances on weekends to 1pm and you are extending them while the us is offline at night time??? are you freakin kidding me?


i think that is not acceptable. reschedule your maintances and give us free playtime!


i wont take this for long!

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It unfortunately seems clear that Bioware do not care.

As long as their beloved US subscribers are catered for, the rest of the world will just have to deal with it as second rate customers at best.


They showed the same level of ignorance during the Beta invites ,so its not suprising at all.

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Most people work at 8am they do not jump into a video game. You get home in the evening eat dinner play some then bed time. Thats how 99% of the world works. 1% sits home at 8am on a video game. Thats why the maint schedule is like it is.


On a Saturday, most people don't work or go to school. Most people sleep in. Or use the time to play the game they can't play during the week because of work or school or other stuff (family, hobbies, you name it).


Also: During the holidays, we had downtime during primetime. So it's not just this Saturday, they cut into primetime not just once.

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