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4h. downtime... a SATURDAY???


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You honestly believe "as soon as possible" just happened to be 2am CST? USA's off-peak time.


and to answer your question: Thats why they hire weekend/night staff. Like 40 billion other companies in the world do.


Well, they had been initially planning on doing the patch as early as the Friday evening before, but ran into delays, so I do believe so, yes.


You don't throw emergency patches to the weekend maintenance crew. If it's that critical, your primary crew is in fact going to be staying late and doing the work. That means some folks were staying from Friday all the way until Saturday morning dealing with this.






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My experience with patchiong servers is itself a little... patchy ;)

BUt from what I recall, the SWG servers went down for 2-3 hours a week once a week for maintenance, with split maintenance cycles between US and EU.

Everquest II servers went down for 2-3 hours a week once a week for maintenance, with split maintenance cycles between US and EU.

The EVE Online server goes down once a day for 20-30 minutes, with longer downtimes (2-8 hours, typically, depending on the size of the content update and last-minute issues) occasionally (3-5 times a year).


SWTOR is a young game, and Bioware are not used to patch cycles for MMOs - in their traditional market, they would produce a patch for a single player game every couple of months. The logistics of server downtimes, multiple timezones, and users who expect near-24x7 uptime are a bit of a culture shock for them, and as a US-based company their focus is naturally on their domestic market.

Then the game should not be released till they are ready to handle this type of thing.


Well, they had been initially planning on doing the patch as early as the Friday evening before, but ran into delays, so I do believe so, yes.


You don't throw emergency patches to the weekend maintenance crew. If it's that critical, your primary crew is in fact going to be staying late and doing the work. That means some folks were staying from Friday all the way until Saturday morning dealing with this.



Please give proof if this. A link maybe. Do you work there? Or have friends that worked on this patch? Bet not.



Also to our American friends: "People work during the day" isn't a justifying comment either. I'd bet good money there are more people playing during a week day than during the dead of night (think students and part-time job workers like myself).

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::Standby for another infamous WoW comparison::


I remember a guild group run of Mauradon(sp? hated that place btw) Anyhow we were doing the side where you fight the elemental boss guy at the very end. It was a close fight but we bested him but at the very moment he died, we all DC'd. We were all on vent and we scrambled to get back online. Upon logging in we found out we'd be teleported out of the dungeon because we weren't in the right one. We couldn't loot because someone had died and they were outside. So we all ported out. Then we all had to run back and in the process we got a message "emergency maintenance in 15 min". Yep, we crashed the server!


This stuff was very very common in the first few months of WoW. Don't EVEN get me started in the launch of Anarchy Online. You guys who are new to MMOs, this is as good as it gets for a launch. The rest of you whiny people need to get a life. I'm serious, an actual life outside of a video game. Read a book, go for a ride, watch a movie, something, anything!

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Why can't US and EU servers be on different times for the weekly maintenance? I can understand for patches there needs to be a simultaneous downtime so everyone can "play the same game" but it makes no sense why weekly maintenance happens during the prime day time for the EU.
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Well, they had been initially planning on doing the patch as early as the Friday evening before, but ran into delays, so I do believe so, yes.


You don't throw emergency patches to the weekend maintenance crew. If it's that critical, your primary crew is in fact going to be staying late and doing the work. That means some folks were staying from Friday all the way until Saturday morning dealing with this.




You simply dont throw in a patch that had issues just few hours ago. You go and test it and it would have been actually ready for next tuesday maintenance time.


BTW: this fix that was so urgently needed... yeah it didnt fix the issue it was so urgently supposed to fix. I wonder if it would have worked better after going through some quality control. So as it is, they put servers down in the middle of a weekend becose live team felt it was urgent to throw in patch that didnt fix a gosh darn thing. well done! :rolleyes:

Edited by C-Bee
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It would be nice, if they made maintenance for EU at 00:00GMT+1.


Im sure most people could respect that.


Btw, what happend to the 100pages there use to be in this thread?


Playing from Australia is Irrelevant, im sure there are Insomniacs and shift workers who play in the states, who do not check the forums every hour to look for unexpected mainetance notices. If BW had flashed up a two hour warning I might have been in the position to do some shopping or catch a movie, Lotro gives 2 hr warnings why cant SWTOR? is the technology beyond them?. When I think of the "Standing on the shoulders of giants" quote I wonder how SWTOR seems to miss many of the basic things all other MMOs have produced before, such as swimming, sitting, server mesages LFG tools ightime phases, its a huge list of little things that are adding up to a different sort of giant.

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Personally, I was royally pissed off. I work full time during the week and have a family. I get a few random hours during the week, but really Friday & Saturday night are the the only times I can really get into it.


I happen to be in PST


Step 1: All week planned for Friday night, no scheduled maintenance, hooray!

Step 2: Friday after work 6pm ish, check out forums, load game to see if patch was waiting. All set for when ready later in the evening

Step 3: Spent time with Family, read to kids, put in bed, chat about weekend with wife. She's happy and has things to do, then to bed and then some ME time.

Step 4: 10pm (PST) I log in, take care of a few items, check cargo, chat with guild as running a few class/planet quests

Step 5: 11:30 head up to fleet, group with 2 guild members send out LFG for a DPS and get one right away, head to Flashpoint

Step 6: 11:45ish Warning that servers are coming down! ***!!!!!? I have 3 hours left in me. MY TIME TO PLAY! NOOOOOOOO

Step 7: Put on a couple TV episodes and go to bed absolutely disgusted in whoever is responsible for planning and communicating. **** it, just a game.


I do know it's just a game, but I dont get to play that often and I do my part by trying to plan my time around maintenance. When this this happens I feel like the vendor just doesn't care.

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