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Will Republic *ever* get Purple crystals?


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I too would love to be able to get a purple crystal. I am surprised that purple, and the color selections in general, are so limited in this game!


Don't get me wrong, I love the magenta one (I've seen it, and it is a very pretty shade of PINK), but it is no substitute for purple.


And to those going on about how lightsabers were so limited in colors "in the movies", I would like to call your attention to the many Jedi in this game that carry red, orange, and yellow lightsabers, all of which are pretty easily obtainable colors. Clearly, Bioware was not going the "let's make lightsaber colors just like in the movies!" route. Like it or not, SWTOR is part of the EU too.

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I think everyone should also remember that all sabers, in game or in the movies, were at least 2 different colors. The core has to be brighter than the aura, I believe the most accurate to the saber seen in the movies would be a magenta core with a purple aura.


Yes agreed. Balck core sabres are an abomination, but why not creating a core which is closer to the glow?? In some cases this looks fabulous. Anyone remember the Heart of the Guardian crystal from KotOR? It was awesome with a yellow/orange core and a bronze glow.


I am seriously missing the unique once off crystals.


As for the other Jawa dude commenting on Cyan. I DO WANT CYAN, THANKS.


I still think it to be THE coolest color lightsabre ingame at present tbh. It looks almost like the sabre I came to love in 1977. Hey now i know it was supposed to be blue but nvd-I like cyan. :)

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Facts are WRONG:


1. Windu used a magenta sabre according to lore-the ingame magenta is wayyy to bright. The Sith purple is ALSO too bright-thus the confusion.


It's purple. It's purple in the films, it's referred to as purple repeatedly throughout the novelization, and Samuel L's favorite color IRL -- the entire reason he has that saber color -- is purple.


This is magenta.


This is purple.


Windu's saber is friggin' purple. PURPLE. P-U-R-P-L-E.


2. Endgame PvP sabers for Republic are Cyan-do Empire guys QQ????


Because that's not an iconic color for most of us. I am sure there is the occasional Sith who wishes he/she had Cyan, but overall, most people don't give a damn because it's just not that great a color; it's washed-out blue. I'm sure it makes the occasional person's day, but Cyan isn't some core color, associated -- in the films -- with one faction over another, BEING DENIED TO SAID FACTION.

Edited by AJediKnight
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At this point we have plenty of reasons to believe that would be almost ALL of them!


I think they just don't know much about Star Wars lore. Or, in the least, they don't give a damn about it. I am not sure which is worse, to be honest with you. The moment I saw black-core sabers, though, I knew we were dealing with a pack of fools.

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I think they just don't know much about Star Wars lore. Or, in the least, they don't give a damn about it. I am not sure which is worse, to be honest with you. The moment I saw black-core sabers, though, I knew we were dealing with a pack of fools.


Now now black-core sabers aren't that bad, they're kinda nonsensical I'll admit and they don't look great but...what was my point again?

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Maybe Mace Windu was just a little bit dark side? After all, he did spend most of the trilogy being the King of Arrogance... and his attitude didn't exactly *help* with the whole Anakin problem, did it? :D Don't get me wrong, incredible fighter, but possibly worse people skills than some Sand People.
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Facts are WRONG:


1. Windu used a magenta sabre according to lore-the ingame magenta is wayyy to bright. The Sith purple is ALSO too bright-thus the confusion.


This is debatable depending on which "lore" reference you use. Given that SW "lore" is usually BS made up by someone to justify something, I wouldn't put too much stock in it. This is especially true since the actor asked the owner (i.e. Samuel L. Jackson asked George Lucas, both of whom are real people in the real world) to use a purple saber because purple is his favorite color.


2. Endgame PvP sabers for Republic are Cyan-do Empire guys QQ????


Most of them a) don't want a light blue saber and b) yes, actually they do. A lot of them are interested in other colors being available to them. If you don't believe me, go to the crew skills page and look at the 100+ page long artifice color crystal thread.


3. The Empire cannot get Cyan no matter what


Wow, an actual accurate statement.

Edited by RobNightfall
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This, more than anything else about the game, upsets me. It's just such a stupid and arbitrary decision. I can have a pink saber, orange, yellow, or even one with a black core - NONE of which appeared in the movies - but as a Jedi Master, can't wield a color that ONLY appears wielded in the movies by a Jedi Master?
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This, more than anything else about the game, upsets me. It's just such a stupid and arbitrary decision. I can have a pink saber, orange, yellow, or even one with a black core - NONE of which appeared in the movies - but as a Jedi Master, can't wield a color that ONLY appears wielded in the movies by a Jedi Master?


I know, it's baffling. I just don't know what to make of it. It'd be different if there was a purple crystal recipe -- like the magenta ones -- that was high-end, and required some work to get. But to make them faction-specific? And, arguably, for the wrong faction? It just doesn't play. There's no logic at work here -- not even "MMO logic," where nothing is fun unless it involves a horrible grind.

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In the actual Star Wars lore, purple color crystals are extremely unique and Mace Windu got his when he showed extreme prowess with the force to a group of tribals on Hirikane in which they awarded him the crystal.


That being said, the violet crystal was only awarded to Mace Windu after he demonstrated mastery of the LIGHT SIDE of the force which confused me as to why the Sith could ever gain access to this color?


Sith refuse to use Green and Blue color crystals because they occur entirely naturally (much like violet crystals no matter how rare they may be), so they artificially fashion the red crystals themselves and tradition has stood for a long *** time.

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Purple is not a Sith-only color. Hell, Samuel L. used one throughout the films as a Jedi master. If the color had some kind of 'evil-only' affiliation, do you think a diehard Jedi loyalist like Windu would have used one?


Some people feel strongly about crystal colors; others don't. But count me amongst the ranks of those who do. Purple has been, for the past decade or so, 'my' Jedi's color, in RP, costuming, and yes, even KotOR. When there are Jedi everywhere running around with red sabers (which aren't canon-breaking either, but you can make a stonger case for red being 'wrong' for the Jedi than you can purple), why am I denied purple? And no, magenta and light blue are not satisfactory replacements -- they shouldn't even be considered 'replacements' because no color should be locked onto one faction only.


Oh, and while we're at it, why are curved-hilted (Form II Makashi) sabers Sith-only, too? Could it be that Bioware's programmers really thought that this type of saber was unique to the Sith based on Count Dooku? You guys do know he used a curved-hilted saber as a Jedi, too, right? Like purple crystals, it's not like a curved hilt is somehow unique to the Sith.


I am tired of exclusivity dominating what I can and cannot do as a character. No color -- in this case, Purple and Light Blue -- should be a the 'catch all' endgame color for one faction or another. No style of lightsaber design -- particularly one that is hardly more affiliated with the Sith than it is the Jedi -- should be restricted to one faction. Please go down to the art department and knock some heads. If these people don't understand Star Wars, educate them. Or fire them. I don't really care anymore.


Republic gets green and Blue please don't complain thats just rude the empire gets RED thats it....seriously? whats that about you start out the game and can only use red when republic gets blue and green? Where is our second color? orange and yellow look almost identical so thats irrelevant because republic gets to use yellow as well...Makes no sense. If anything empire should be able to use and make purple crystals as soon as they can use and make red crystals havent you noticed artifice lets you make blue green yellow and red early on but only 1 of them is restricted to dark side? but blue and green are both light? If your trying to talk about fairness then your way out of line as a republic player because you already have 2 light side crystals off the bat be happy with that.

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In the actual Star Wars lore, purple color crystals are extremely unique and Mace Windu got his when he showed extreme prowess with the force to a group of tribals on Hirikane in which they awarded him the crystal.


That being said, the violet crystal was only awarded to Mace Windu after he demonstrated mastery of the LIGHT SIDE of the force which confused me as to why the Sith could ever gain access to this color?


Sith refuse to use Green and Blue color crystals because they occur entirely naturally (much like violet crystals no matter how rare they may be), so they artificially fashion the red crystals themselves and tradition has stood for a long *** time.


SINCE WHEN was this game based on star wars lore? pretty sure its 300 years after the KOTOR games so they should be basing all they can off the KOTOR games not MACE WINDU who was not EVEN in KOTOR. get your facts right go watch the movies if you want movie lore.

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SINCE WHEN was this game based on star wars lore? pretty sure its 300 years after the KOTOR games so they should be basing all they can off the KOTOR games not MACE WINDU who was not EVEN in KOTOR. get your facts right go watch the movies if you want movie lore.


Since when is a Star Wars game based on Star Wars lore? Is that what you're asking?

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Republic gets green and Blue please don't complain thats just rude the empire gets RED thats it....seriously? whats that about you start out the game and can only use red when republic gets blue and green? Where is our second color? orange and yellow look almost identical so thats irrelevant because republic gets to use yellow as well...Makes no sense.


What the hell are you talking about? Empire can use green and blue.

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SINCE WHEN was this game based on star wars lore? pretty sure its 300 years after the KOTOR games so they should be basing all they can off the KOTOR games not MACE WINDU who was not EVEN in KOTOR. get your facts right go watch the movies if you want movie lore.


I think he's trying to say that a lot can change in the 3000 years between kotor and sw ep 1. maybe back then purple was sith only?

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if you dont see the difference between those 2 sabers then get your eyes checked cause as I said the sith purple is more darker and grittyer then windu's version.


That doesn't make YOU right. Windu's saber was never magenta. Magenta is a pink, not a purple.

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Just going to point out to everyone claiming the movies as a base for their lore - SWTOR and all its lore happened before the movies. It's the Old Republic. It's the Old (New?) Empire. So Windu having a purple sabre doesn't justify Jedi that were alive before him having purple sabres. That's loopy logic.


Having said that, I agree to the color restrictions being ridiculous to an extent. Physically, there is nothing stopping the most bloodthirsty of Sith from putting a rainbow pony crystal in his sabre and reaping carnage on the children of innocents in fabulous style. Similarly, the most apathetic and emotionless Jedi could put a black/red crystal with skulls floating inside the plasma in his sabre and be Mr. Stoic Mc****** all the same. It's more of a subliminal message that feels right. When I (Republic player) see a Jedi Sentinel in a warzone, I'm happy at my ally. Then he draws red sabres. I shudder, it feels wrong. Which is cool. If I have to sacrifice versatility in color choices for cool, I will.


Personal opinion, anyway.

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That doesn't make YOU right. Windu's saber was never magenta. Magenta is a pink, not a purple.


Magenta is pink-purple. That is the definition by the nanometer wavelength of the light.


You can call it pink and scream it is pink and howl at the moon that it's pink but it's still pink-purple.

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