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Love the Bag System. Let's Take it to the Next Level, BW:


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Yeah you are right, this game is so much work, no fun at all. We should stop working so hard in this game to make a statement.


srsly... kids nowadays are sowhat blind in terms of video games. they don't play for fun anymore.


did you play super mario? if so, did you stop after level 4, because nintendo didnt gave you a bag full of (enter whatever you want)


im sick of ppl just playing for items and only playing to get "something" thats why entire genres are destroyed by this.


look at Fifa, all FPS today.... you *********** have to LEVEL guns etc. achievement crap everywhere. why? because kids are greedy and dont play games for fun, like we do and did.


Let's see your face when you open 20th or so bag and find yet another set of comms while random guildie screams "woot another epic", 3hours after dinging 50.

Edited by Zoggel
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Yeah you are right, this game is so much work, no fun at all. We should stop working so hard in this game to make a statement.


srsly... kids nowadays are sowhat blind in terms of video games. they don't play for fun anymore.


did you play super mario? if so, did you stop after level 4, because nintendo didnt gave you a bag full of (enter whatever you want)


im sick of ppl just playing for items and only playing to get "something" thats why entire genres are destroyed by this.


look at Fifa, all FPS today.... you *********** have to LEVEL guns etc. achievement crap everywhere. why? because kids are greedy and dont play games for fun, like we do and did.


Yea, I play MMOs to get items so I can be on the same level as my enemies. It only gets fun once everyone is on an even playing field, and that won't happen if you have bad luck with Bioware's ****** loot system.


If everyone was brought down to the same gear level in PvP, I would probably enjoy it a lot. As it stands, I don't, because every day it's more disappointment as I open my two BM bags and see no tokens, then look down at my 126 weapons.

Edited by Zoggel
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I just don't understand how BW could be so short sighted to have such a ridiculous system. It seems like they have their priorities all out of whack. Rather than creating a quality system for having fun at max level (where all the social interaction or an MMO takes place) they waste a ton of effort and time with having low-quality voice acting (like Cataclysm bad voice acting) for the leveling process and creating environments that are so incredibly graphically intensive that they don't even look good or play well anyway.


I guess I shouldn't be surprised by StarWars given George Lucas's track record, but I just don't understand why they're half-assing everything. They had a legitimate chance at being a real wow-killer, but instead they're content derping around making lots of money with an inferior product yet are so up their own asses to realize that their system broken.

Edited by Pyowin
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In the spirit of your PvP system, I would ask for you to forward this little suggestion onto your bosses and payroll director.


Rather than be paid at a steady, hourly rate or a fixed salary, at the end of every day, you are given a nice Bioware fanny pack. When you open it, there's a 1 and 10 chance your paycheck is in there. If it's not there, there's 3 food stamps. Once you collect 30 of them, you can trade them in for the same paycheck a gas station attendant makes.


Does this sound like a payroll system that's going to keep you coming back to work?



FOFLMAO...what's funny about this is that it is true....lol

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This analogy is as pretty much saying everyone in this thread paid money to go to work. Listen the 15 bucks you drop per month buys you the game, it doesn't buy you commendations or gear.


Are you guys mentally not stable? Oh my faith in humanity...

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Lolz, so true man. Nice way of showing them just how we feel about this garbage of an idea.


1 in 10 of getting your paycheck is just a silly system... I mean come on.


It really should be set up so... you have a 1 in 6 or so chance of getting a part of your paycheck for a few days. ... each week you should get another chance to pull... if you show up all 5 days that week for work. (Rewarding good attendance is Good HR)


There should also be another bag pull offered for people wishing to too compete in the open lunch in the "Illum" suite. (AKA the lunch room) Competing employees will be split into groups of ruffly even numbers. (Most days that's 5 or 6 employees vs 30 or 40 lunch ladies) If they can get past the lunch ladies they get too eat and pull a bag.


See guys this way if they are very lucky people they will in fact have a Chance to earn more then there regular pay... I mean 5 days of work they could take home 30-40% more then they would expect too if they worked in just a boring old pay for work rendered system. Sure they might get unlucky and work for free... but didn't their parents teach them that if they love there job it really isn't work anyway?

Edited by Husanak
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This analogy is as pretty much saying everyone in this thread paid money to go to work. Listen the 15 bucks you drop per month buys you the game, it doesn't buy you commendations or gear.


Are you guys mentally not stable? Oh my faith in humanity...


Okay, then the time the players have invested into PvPing is what should be "buying" the gears. Except now, it doesn't.

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This analogy is as pretty much saying everyone in this thread paid money to go to work. Listen the 15 bucks you drop per month buys you the game, it doesn't buy you commendations or gear.


Are you guys mentally not stable? Oh my faith in humanity...


Playing an MMO IS pretty much like paying to have a second job that's *gasp* supposed to be fun and "rewarding."


Sanity is an over-rated attribute only good for taking the fun out of daily life and it can't even get you out of a jail sentence. I won't touch faith as its against the forum TOU.

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