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lol @ conuslars being able to damage themselves


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sorcerers do this too. Infact, in every warzone the majority of sorcerers take themselves to 30% health before the match starts. Once it starts, they throw a heal to get their immediately 2.5k and 5k healing medals Edited by ihateyouall
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sorcerers do this too. Infact, in every warzone the majority of sorcerers take themselves to 30% health before the match starts. Once it starts, they throw a heal to get their immediately 2.5k and 5k healing medals


WHYYYYYYYYYYYY. But seriously, why is there an ability to hurt yourself?

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and then heal to max health, then repeat. I have seen this the most on Alderaan where the scrubs will sit on a capture point and do this. WHY IS REPUBLIC SO BAD


Not to burst your delusion bubble, but every single sorc going for healing medals does exactly the same. Also, would it be better if they just sit there and /dance instead of getting that one or two additional medals meanwhile while they defend alone?

Edited by Lerdoc
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Nothing wrong with it. Healing is a thankless task, and if you are defending a node, why not get a few more medals you would have got anyway.


Just imagine what it is like for us healing all you noobs who can't even keep the opposing team off us so we can actually heal you.


Lets face it, most of you would be worthless if it wasn't for us making you look good.

Edited by Sumire
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The reason they do it at start is that it's easier to get high heals before you actually participate in PVP, as you get a heal debuff from doing PVP. So they'll try to get their single heal medals before the match starts.


The reason they do it during the match is because they're too lazy to actually heal people who take damage :p No, seriously, if there's nobody else around then I don't really see a problem with getting medals for guarding a node. Someone has to do it, maybe the healer isn't the best choice, but then it's not the healer's problem when everybody else rushes mid because "someone will probably go get that turret anyway".

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Nothing wrong with it. Healing is a thankless task.


Because of people doing stuff like these. I spotted someone doing it while we're were in a tense match... wasn't quite sure what they were doing but then I saw them come out with top medals and it honestly peed me off because as a dedicated healer I can hope for 3, maybe 4 medals at best!

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Well the ability is there because it's the only in-combat way to regenerate force. Other classes, like Troopers for example, get a "Reload" ability which grants them half their ammo over 2 seconds or something.


Sages/Sorcs don't get that kind of CD. Instead, they get a life sacrafice (which they can spam) to regain a small amount of force.


Plenty of Sages/Sorcs use the ability to allow themselves to gain at least the 2.5k heal medal. Sometimes the 75k healing medal if their node is particularly boring. I don't really see anything wrong with it. Gets an extra medal or two if they want it.


If they're hurting your team by just spam healing themselves even during fights, then that's unfortunate. Just inform people not to vote for the person because 90% of their 120k healing was on themselves.

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The health for force ability is nice and reminds me of Locks in WoW and there's nothing wrong with the ability itself, it's useful and you pay a high price for it.


The real problem is that earning Valor should be victory based, not medals based. If you make medals count more than victory and team play...that's what happens, people farming medals. Makes WZ's a bore. Anyway, any class than can heal, simply heals itself at the first damage it takes and gets the same medal or two, so this Sorc/Sage ability is NOT the problem at all.


They really have to change this medal system, or people will care more about doing X damage, X healing and X protection than actually playing together for VICTORY! And that's FAIL DESIGN! Bloody medals farmers...

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