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Worse game launch to date? For no reason other than over caution


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This has to be the worse way to launch a MMO, or any game, launch ever. It is almost worse than long queues to enter the game!


Bioware is so ... overly cautious that it has denied its service to the people who want to play... only a select few get in each wave. While the rest of us... have to look and wonder why we are not the chosen ones.


Why am I being punished for purchasing a Collector's Edition at Gamestop and did not get a pre-order code until Dec 7th? I have copies and pictures of me with the receipt and pictures of the receipt that shows the purchase was made in July!


So why am I being denied access?


Because I did not rush to the EA website and purchase it on an official EA website!


I repent. I repent. Please, let me in. I am willing to use the Origin website on all future EA purchases! I bought it in September and yet I am not in... and there are people who bought lesser copies of the game... and who bought it AFTER me... who are leveling...


worse yet, when I hit the PvP zones... people will be max level... picking on me... because I am not playing yet. THANKS EA


Worse Launch ever?


It is almost better to be in a long queue and the servers go down... from time to time!!!


The only problem I see with staggered access is that people will be split apart from their friends and others that they want to group with. Some people in my guild are almost level 30 already.


But worst launch ever..? Anyone who says that doesn't know what they're talking about. You obviously weren't a part of FFXIV, Vanguard, or even WoW's launch. They were all far worse.


And you're getting later access because you entered your code later. If you didn't get your code soon enough, you should blame the retailer, not the publisher. I was going to order from Gamestop until I asked for my pre-order code, and the kid looked at me with a blank stare because he didn't know what I was talking about. Quickest returned purchase ever.


You were smart enough to order your CE early, but not enough to make sure you got a pre-order code?


I love this mentality where people have to blame anyone and everyone but themselves.

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Many would argue that actually the game launched the momment you started paying for it No....?


This could be aswell, but as you preorder in advance its hard to say.


Origin charges full price when you preorder, so I did already pay for it upfront unlike half those currently playing who only paid 5 dollars and wont pick up the game dec 20 cause they wanted to only pay 5 dollars to play.


The problem is the queue for 50-40% of the population has been 72hours. That by denfinition of all mmos in history is the worst launched mmo. Rift had 6-7 minute queues with 750k players day one.


Swtor had a 72 hour wait with less than 500k people playing in NA and in Europe. Way to go.

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Many would argue that actually the game launched the momment you started paying for it No....?



Well, it launches on the official day of release, but I'll agree with what you said. As for Metsuro's argument about it launching when people play: I guess it launched a year ago when testing started?

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Unlike you apparently. I've worked full time for 3 and a half years in the customer service industry before just being laid off. So while I am unemployed due to how bad the economy isn't any reason to assume I live in a basement.


You are a child, or have the mind of one. Grow up please. I havn't been waiting around the whole time to see if I got in. I've been reading the forums and playing apb while I job search and watch my niece.


You know... grown up things.


Strange then that you're criticizing this "Launch" like a child, and calling it a queue. I would also be hard-pressed to believe your tear jerking back story considering most people in your situation, being laid off and everything, would probably be more interested in SAVING their money for more important things like... Oh I don't know, food? Bills? Gasoline is nice too. If you haven't been sitting there waiting, then it's not a queue is it? Angst isn't good for you, and judging by your aggression I'm going to guess you've got far too much of it.

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They could have done a much better job imo. They spread the staggered invites over too long a period of time.


If I was the IT guy responsible for making sure that a $300 million dollar investment launched successfully, you can be sure that I would play it as safe as the marketing department would let me get away with!


Hats off to the IT guys! I'm sure you won't be home for Christmas and you're burning your candles at both ends with a blow torch right now!

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Well, it launches on the official day of release, but I'll agree with what you said. As for Metsuro's argument about it launching when people play: I guess it launched a year ago when testing started?


Did they keep their characters? No So people playing right now get to keep them forever?


Please stop making people have to spell everything out for you, it makes you sound childish.

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This could be aswell, but as you preorder in advance its hard to say.


Origin charges full price when you preorder, so I did already pay for it upfront unlike half those currently playing who only paid 5 dollars and wont pick up the game dec 20 cause they wanted to only pay 5 dollars to play.


The problem is the queue for 50-40% of the population has been 72hours. That by denfinition of all mmos in history is the worst launched mmo. Rift had 6-7 minute queues with 750k players day one.


Swtor had a 72 hour wait with less than 500k people playing in NA and in Europe. Way to go.


Even then, that 5 bucks is usually just a down payment. So really the EA is "free" for most people.

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Worse game launch for those who don't know how to read? Lets go over a few things:

1) The game said UP TO 5 days early access - What do you fail to understand?

2) The game had early access 2 days earlier than expected - What is hard to comprehend?

3) It has been confirmed you will get at least 1 day early game access - Still unable to get it?


Start ************ when its the 20th and you can't get in.


HOWEVER there is one legal issue this game may face in the future which is whilst BioWare/EA knew of the roll out process they still had avertising for SWTOR stating you might get up to 5 days pre-order if found that the company already had a plan rolled out; it means BioWare/EA knew that no one would have ever been able to play the max 5 days and overall it was an advertisement ploy to get more people. In this case they could possibly be taken to court.

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Strange then that you're criticizing this "Launch" like a child, and calling it a queue. I would also be hard-pressed to believe your tear jerking back story considering most people in your situation, being laid off and everything, would probably be more interested in SAVING their money for more important things like... Oh I don't know, food? Bills? Gasoline is nice too. If you haven't been sitting there waiting, then it's not a queue is it? Angst isn't good for you, and judging by your aggression I'm going to guess you've got far too much of it.


You can't judge emotion from text. You pent up rage against me on a forum is cute. Whats wrong? Didn't get your glass of milk before bed?


Those who live with in their means, save money for times like this. Oh don't know what budgetting is? Sorry?


Its a queue because people are in line to get in. To get in you need an invite. Its not a hard concept for a feable mind to get around. Why are you having so much of a problem understanding it?

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It's launched in my opinion. I've been through enough mmo launches to know a launch when I see one.


If it look's like a duck and quack's like a duck it's probably a duck.


It launched in the sense that it's not in beta anymore.


The actual retail launch is still the 20th, no amount of semantics can change that.

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You buy a car when you drive it off the lot... who buys a car before they deliver it to you?


Apparently business in this particular area is different wherever you live, here you select color, interior, addons, stuff like this, then they assemble the car and you get it at a later specified date.

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Did they keep their characters? No So people playing right now get to keep them forever?


Please stop making people have to spell everything out for you, it makes you sound childish.


People playing right now get to keep their progression and character yes. We have an advantage, we pre-ordered, we get in ahead of the seething masses. We access character creation and newbie areas ..far in advance of the general public.


This is a boon because you dont have to wait in line to do your newbie quests etc etc.


The general public isnt here yet. Just us preorders. Granted there are a ton more of us than is usual, but nevertheless.


Official launch is Dec 20th, thats when the time starts ticking down to where they can bill you in a months time.


Thats about as clear as I can make it for you.

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ur obvsly a 10 year old kid thats mad cause hes not in yet its also to test the server strenght if they let every one in at once it would crash so be patient.


So you test server strength by letting a small number of people into the servers, do they?

Sounds like a plan..... for not testing server strength.

Edited by Propanelgen
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yes because caution for hardware equipment is always a bad choice. please ppl get off your high horse and stop acting like children. time to face the real world and in the real world you dont give access to all your customers at once when you have the option to make a launch without burning your equipment. grow up ffs.
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You're not getting it. Yes, the game has launched, in the sense that people can play it and it's not in beta anymore.


*RETAIL* Launch is not until the 20th, that's what people are referring too.


I'm sorry where exactly did the guy asking if it launched, or yourself, specify RETAIL before you were corrected?


Oh, you didn't, the devil is in the details, specify next time, don't you point that flame hose at me or I'll make you eat it.


No backpedaling allowed, it's launched, not retail, but ega still counts as a launch.

Game is LIVE, just not "all access".

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