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Worse game launch to date? For no reason other than over caution


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I disagree with you, but completely sympathize.


I actually must applaud BioWare and Electronic Arts launch group because I thought the idea of waves was the best possible solution to the launch day problem. You don’t have to have a CCNA (which I do) to know that too many people in the same location will crash a server (or at least lag it up so bad that you can’t move or get DC’ed). It has the same effect as a DOS (Denial of Service) attack on the server.


Why does this happen? Because each person has to send a data packet to the server to tell the server what you are doing (i.e., what direction you are facing, if you are moving, how fast, etc…). The server then has to calculate how many other players are within range to see you and then send a packet to each letting them know how to draw your avatar on their screen. So if there are several hundred people that can see you, then everybody has to be sent all the data on every one of those players. You can easily see how quickly the server and bandwidth can become saturated in this way.


Anyone who was playing World of Warcraft back when the patch for AQ20 & AQ40 came out remembers the disaster that happened when too many people were in the same zone at the same time waiting for the gates to open. The servers all lagged for a while and finally died.


Question: How do you launch hundreds of thousands of players on 12/20 without dropping them all off in the same starting zones, thereby crashing the servers?


Answer: You have to stagger them in waves and give each wave time to progress out of the starting zones to make room for the next wave and let everyone spread out from there. This prevents everyone from bunching up and solves the problem nicely. At the same time, you reward those who paid for the game early.


The idea was brilliantly thought out, but unfortunately the results of the idea were that people like yourself have felt slighted by not being the first ones into the game. That was never the intent, I’m sure.


Perhaps this explanation for the reason behind the plan will help ease the wait. I know I would much rather wait a couple of days and then start playing without crashing or lagging than have everybody else in my zone screwing up my ability to get anything done.


By the way, I am also still waiting if you hadn’t figured that out already.


Good luck to you tomorrow! I hope you get picked! :)

Edited by Arrath
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Well it's certainly the longest queue for any game at launch (yes I said and mean launch...).


Anyway I'm stuffed after the Christmas party at work so I'm going to hit the hay and see everyone in game tomorrow.


LAUNCH is December 20th Darlin'. This is early access currently.

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The price of the object you bought has no bearing on queue lines or when you get in. When you registered the code is what counts. All the rest of what you said is just drama.


I couldn't afford the pre-order til last Saturday, matter of fact I didn't think I would have a chance to play at all. I registered December 10th.


Am I boohooing? No. Do I have patience? Yes.


I think the rest of us will probably (from what I have been reading and deducting) will be invited in on Friday this week.


That is STILL giving us the weekend. Plenty of time to do, learn, explore, have fun..etc.


Unless you are obsessed with being the first to do everything on a server..FIRST. I know people like that too. Pfffft. I'ts all pixels....Elmer. :D


it has nothing to do with wanting to be first. it has lots to do with fairness. i woulden't care myself as long bioware would add new servers for the new comers. specially when there are people exploiting unfixed bugs to get to 50 in less than a day. i think anyone deserves same treatment and a fair launch, regardless of when they preordered the game.


only ultra fanboys would preorder a game they know nothing of. many people like myself prefer to wait till the last day to read reviews or try the beta before buying a game,then in the case i diden't like the game, it would end up getting dust forever inside an empty shelve.

Edited by Ariadna
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I went to the store and bought the same thing. The code was printed in my reciept. I am thinking you may not be telling us the entire story here. Regardless it doesnt matter. It only matters when you entered your code and not when you got it. Relax you'll be in the game soon. Imagine me I got invited but I have to work 70 hrs a week before christmas. I cannot play because I have to work.


Looking at the receipt from Gamestop is has...

date, time, some random numbers,

Reserve Order Deposit of 13536

647643 Rage Anarchy Edit, qty 1

Reserve Order Deposit of 13537

640353 Star Wars: the ol

qty 1,

Presell order IFC **,

Customer #,

(my general info),

Powerup Reward acct #,

A bar code,

Propaganda about Powerup and a Pizza hut purchase if i go to pizzahut.com/gamestop,

Today's potential rewards are... bla bla bla,

Tell us how we did by going to bla bla bla,

No returns or exchange allowed on PC download purchases,

Join gamestop powerup rewards... bla bla bla,

diganos como bla bla bla,

Nada que comprar bla bla bla,

No se hara bla bla bla,

Unete a Gamestop bla bla bla,

Feedback number: 3729M-4H9BC






So where abouts was your pre-order code....?

Edited by BoydofZINJ
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Looking at the receipt from Gamestop is has...

date, time, some random numbers,

Reserve Order Deposit of 13536

647643 Rage Anarchy Edit, qty 1

Reserve Order Deposit of 13537

640353 Star Wars: the ol

qty 1,

Presell order IFC **,

Customer #,

(my general info),

Powerup Reward acct #,

A bar code,

Propaganda about Powerup and a Pizza hut purchase if i go to pizzahut.com/gamestop,

Today's potential rewards are... bla bla bla,

Tell us how we did by going to bla bla bla,

No returns or exchange allowed on PC download purchases,

Join gamestop powerup rewards... bla bla bla,

diganos como bla bla bla,

Nada que comprar bla bla bla,

No se hara bla bla bla,

Unete a Gamestop bla bla bla,

Feedback number: 3729M-4H9BC


Wrong receipt. They should have given you 2 pieces of paper. One with your sales information on it (above) and another one with a code on it. If you paid in person and didnt get the second code thats the employee's fault who rang you up for not processing the preorder information. Its not up to Bioware to do that stuff the retailer is at fault here it seems.

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Wrong receipt. They should have given you 2 pieces of paper. One with your sales information on it (above) and another one with a code on it. If you paid in person and didnt get the second code thats the employee's fault who rang you up for not processing the preorder information. Its not up to Bioware to do that stuff the retailer is at fault here it seems.


What do you mean a second receipt?

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Whyy do people keep complaining about this lol... 5 days early access at most which would start tomorrow.. And que? Well it's early access, the game hasn't had it's official launch yet. To me a smooth launch is a lag-free launch, a line does not seem too out of par..

But whatever, posting is worthless no matter which forum. Some people agree, most disagree, all in all it's nothing to complain about QQ ;)

Forums should be used for something worthwhile and not full of ****.. God it's going to get annoying listening to all this then only to login with more people complaining.. First month will be hell.

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You do realize that this isn't the launch right? This is the early access. If you want to complain do it about how your CE isn't gonna be here for the 20th. But to complain that they staggered the invites out so that nobody who is in game would ever experience real lag, crashes, or queues... well thats just pathetic.


Whaaaambulance indeed. I mean, you do realize that Bioware can't change their entire launch plan because you got screwed by Gamestop right? Or bestbuy or whomever.


This is going to go down in history as one of the smoothest launches ever. You ever read the posts by WoW launch players who said the game was nigh on unplayable? So far, I've not complained about anything. I have no complaints about this launch. Its a better game than beta and THAT was a better beta than most.


Jeeze you whiners have no perspective. They should ship every pre-order with a complementary piece of perspective.


Seriously, admit it that you're whining because you're not in game yet. You're cranky because you had all of these unrealistic expectations and are now transferring your own bursting disappointment on the people who are bringing you the thing that you so desperately need. Its like watching the ****** try and beat up her pimp because he's a jerk when she just wants her hit, gimme gimme, please, but while I'm in withdrawal I'm gonna be a total psycho.


Its pathetic. I can't believe I'm going to be defending you guys in a week when you show up complaining about the grace period issue. (Because thats going to be a legit reason to complain $150 later.)


This is just sad.


That just goes in one ear and out the other. They are determined this is launch...even though everywhere you look it says EARLY ACCESS.


Talk about bull-headed ...lol.


I think most of them it's their first online game..really. Sure seems like it. And the amount of whining...oooowee. *shakes head*

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it has nothing to do with wanting to be first. it has lots to do with fairness. i woulden't care myself as long bioware would add new servers for the new comers. specially when there are people exploiting unfixed bugs to get to 50 in less than a day. i think anyone deserves same treatment and a fair launch, regardless of when they preordered the game.


only ultra fanboys would preorder a game they know nothing of. many people like myself prefer to wait till the last day to read reviews or try the beta before buying a game,then in the case i diden't like the game, it would end up getting dust forever inside an empty shelve.


I dont even like star wars but I did preorder the game as soon as it was available (well close I did the first week of august but didnt enter the code on the website until the end of August because I didnt know about the whole early access being determined by when you put it in). I just like being in on the beginning of a mmo. To be able to say later I was involved from day 1 basically.

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I haven't received my invite yet and I feel great! I brewed some coffee this morning, chatted with my wife for a bit, went for a walk, watched a movie, played some Skyrim and rolled around on the floor with my crazy cats.


It was a good day. Now I'm going to get a nice long sleep and wake up refreshed and stress-free. Maybe I'll get my invite tomorrow, or maybe I won't. Either way, it'll be a good day.




Cheers all!

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it has nothing to do with wanting to be first. it has lots to do with fairness. i woulden't care myself as long bioware would add new servers for the new comers. specially when there are people exploiting unfixed bugs to get to 50 in less than a day. i think anyone deserves same treatment and a fair launch, regardless of when they preordered the game.


only ultra fanboys would preorder a game they know nothing of. many people like myself prefer to wait till the last day to read reviews or try the beta before buying a game, that in the case i diden't like, would up getting dust forever inside an empty shelve.


Lies, a developer has already adressed that the highest level was around 30 and got exp from mainly quests.


You complain about fairness then you say it shouldn't matter when you pre-ordered the game? Wow let me explain why that's not fair. Bioware did this pre-order pre-access thing to get people to pre-order. Everyone knew that it would be up to 5 days and that people got in based on the date they pre-ordered.(Except those who didn't look up any info on it, which is their own fault.) So Bioware has already said it would be based off the date you pre-ordered, how would it be fair to someone who pre-ordered in July because Bioware told him he'd get in first that suddenly nope we lied you get in at random...


This is coming from a December pre-orderer, so I'm sad I don't get to play yet (especially since gamestop never gave me the code back in August), but I knew it was a staggered release and I knew fully that I'd have to hear friends playing the game while I sit around in agony, however I realise it's fair and I'm not ******** about it.

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This has to be the worse way to launch a MMO, or any game, launch ever. It is almost worse than long queues to enter the game!


Bioware is so ... overly cautious that it has denied its service to the people who want to play... only a select few get in each wave. While the rest of us... have to look and wonder why we are not the chosen ones.


Why am I being punished for purchasing a Collector's Edition at Gamestop and did not get a pre-order code until Dec 7th? I have copies and pictures of me with the receipt and pictures of the receipt that shows the purchase was made in July!


So why am I being denied access?


Because I did not rush to the EA website and purchase it on an official EA website!


I repent. I repent. Please, let me in. I am willing to use the Origin website on all future EA purchases! I bought it in September and yet I am not in... and there are people who bought lesser copies of the game... and who bought it AFTER me... who are leveling...


worse yet, when I hit the PvP zones... people will be max level... picking on me... because I am not playing yet. THANKS EA


Worse Launch ever?


It is almost better to be in a long queue and the servers go down... from time to time!!!


Seriously, OP. It's GameStop you should be taking this issue up with. Not EA or BioWare. They didn't screw you over on your code. GameStop did. They do that a lot in my experience, which is why I preordered it from Origin. Go to http://gamestop.com and file your complaint there. It probably won't do much good, but it's better than trying to blame EA and BioWare for somethingt that isn't their fault.


Good luck to you.

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I dont even like star wars but I did preorder the game as soon as it was available (well close I did the first week of august but didnt enter the code on the website until the end of August because I didnt know about the whole early access being determined by when you put it in). I just like being in on the beginning of a mmo. To be able to say later I was involved from day 1 basically.


preordering a game has nothing to do with getting first. i tested the betas, for me that was enough, i was convinced i would buy the game and subscribe to the game. now not so much!


i have tested and played almost every MMO since everquest 1. i can assure you, this staggering experiment is the most unfair and absurd thing i've ever seen by far.


but hey, there are ofcourse the people who are born with 0 empathy, and as long they get in, they are all good and happy. i 'm convinced they think it was the best launch ever.:rolleyes:

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it has nothing to do with wanting to be first. it has lots to do with fairness. i woulden't care myself as long bioware would add new servers for the new comers. specially when there are people exploiting unfixed bugs to get to 50 in less than a day. i think anyone deserves same treatment and a fair launch, regardless of when they preordered the game.


only ultra fanboys would preorder a game they know nothing of. many people like myself prefer to wait till the last day to read reviews or try the beta before buying a game,then in the case i diden't like the game, it would end up getting dust forever inside an empty shelve.


Ohhh big bad Bioware..working their tushies off to give YOU a smooth launch, and they are just so evil and conniving.


Come off it. People exploit in every game there ever was. Human nature. What you dont do with exploits is share them around, because, believe it or not that is a bannable offense.


Has anyone reported these no-minds to the Dev team. They cant fix it if they dont know it exists. Bioware cant do anything about cheaters if nobody has the guts to speak up and report them.


If you know someone is cheating and you resent that..then darn well report them. Its not Biowares fault someone is cheating, if you know someone is cheating and stand idly by while it continues...then it is YOUR fault.


Beta testers find exploits all the time. The thing is, do they keep those to themselves for launch day..or do they do like good little testers and report them so they can be fixed.



Bioware has no control over peoples morals. In case you thought they did. But they CAN fix the problem after the fact, long as someone cooperates and gives them the details of the exploit.


Oh and one more thing..Ive been beta testing since Meridian 59 and last beta phase of Everquest 1...so I DO have some experience behind me. :p

Edited by Feraele
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Lies, a developer has already adressed that the highest level was around 30 and got exp from mainly quests.


You complain about fairness then you say it shouldn't matter when you pre-ordered the game? Wow let me explain why that's not fair. Bioware did this pre-order pre-access thing to get people to pre-order. Everyone knew that it would be up to 5 days and that people got in based on the date they pre-ordered.(Except those who didn't look up any info on it, which is their own fault.) So Bioware has already said it would be based off the date you pre-ordered, how would it be fair to someone who pre-ordered in July because Bioware told him he'd get in first that suddenly nope we lied you get in at random...


This is coming from a December pre-orderer, so I'm sad I don't get to play yet (especially since gamestop never gave me the code back in August), but I knew it was a staggered release and I knew fully that I'd have to hear friends playing the game while I sit around in agony, however I realise it's fair and I'm not ******** about it.


that's your opinion, and as long you are happy with it, is all you should care about.


i doubt that calling people liars will get you to play the game sooner though.

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preordering a game has nothing to do with getting first. i tested the betas, for me that was enough, i was convinced i would buy the game and subscribe to the game. now not so much!


i have tested and played almost every MMO since everquest 1. i can assure you, this staggering experiment is the most unfair and absurd thing i've ever seen by far.


but hey, there are ofcourse the people who are born with 0 empathy, and as long they get in, they are all good and happy. i 'm convinced they think it was the best launch ever.:rolleyes:


I dont think the staggering is bad at all. Ya I got my invite to EGA but I cant use it. I see home about long enough to eat shower and sleep until after Christmas. The joys of working in retail. They could have just let everyone have only 1 day. I mean we are not even supposed to be here yet they added 2 more days to the EGA. The first people werent supposed to be invited until tomorrow. Everyone will be in by Friday. I dont understand what the problem is.

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that's your opinion, and as long you are happy with it, is all you should care about.


i doubt that calling people liars will get you to play the game sooner though.


He has a point a dev addressed the thread and said there are currently no level 50s on any server.

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TC is obviously lying. He says he bought it in July than said he bought it in September... lol


and says he has pics of him with the reciept. REALLY? LOL


ALSO most CE of this game at gamestops were sold out WAY before july.

Entered code on DEC 7th? sure bud thats when you pre-ordered.

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