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    video games, programming
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  1. I have to say, the Imperial Agent story was pretty damn amazing...until the end. The ending was the biggest *** moment I've ever seen in a game. I had been ranting and raving to my friends how amazing it was as well as my roommate who was duoing with me all the way till 50. A few people went with me for the end and just started laughing at how...weird it was. Then everyone made Crying Game jokes for weeks. If you've seen the IA ending you'll know what I mean.
  2. Been doing most of my leveling with my Juggernaut roommate so I currently am getting the most mileage from Vector. If I have to solo something I'll generally use Kaliyo or the Doctor depending on the difficulty or whoever isn't busy making me things. Having a Jugg + his heal companion and my heal companion makes running through the Heroic 4 stuff a joke.
  3. Street date is the 20th. Certain games have been doing early access for a while now and people always complain about not getting in. A week from 'official' launch no one is going to care or remember how they staggered people in for early access, only whether the game runs well and for long periods of time without crashing, has no lag, server downtime/uptime, has queues and has enough content to hold the crowds interest past the 2 or so months it will take for a good chunk of people to hit end game.
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