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Worse game launch to date? For no reason other than over caution


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YOU have an advantage too, you pre-ordered, so did your husband ..I think you said? He was what November? If so he probably gets to play tomorrow. I am December 10th so probably will play on Friday.


Yes that is our advantage. We can get the heck out of Dodge before all those people descend on the game on Monday, and believe me you dont want to linger in the newbie areas for that day. lol


Thats what the 5 dollars or 5 euros does. Reserve the game and allow early access to the game.


This is just HUGE, so many people want to play, thats why Bioware is taking it slow, making sure they have enough servers for everyone coming.


I remember Wow when it launched, and I really think they were taken by surprise, massive amounts of people slamming their servers...servers did go down at one point, I remember lots of people complaining and carrying on.


Much better that its done this way, people will be able to play without getting kicked off their servers.


as long hubbie and i can start in a fresh new server, where everyone starts at the sametime. i would be happy enough.


if we only have the alternative to play in full half full servers with people nearly level 50 already. then not so much

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Hello all.

we all have paid the price for a game that others have access only is a disgrace, I think, but again they promised 5 days time we shall see, but you just can not make a difference between people when one has paid the same.


No? So..when, say, attending an event, even though one person is ahead of another in the lineup, and has paid the same as a person 10 places behind, both should get in AT THE SAME TIME?


Flawed logic is flawed.

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its *********** stupid to split players up from each other like this launch has, you are supposed to be able to play MMOs with friends.. not now when everyone has a ******** of levels between them. Complete idiots. well done.


If they are your friends they will play alts till you get in. My guild leader waited for me!!!


You could all wait till the 20th too if you like! 2-3 million people cannot hit a game at the same time. Sorry but it would crash. Nobody would be playing and queue time would be 10-12 hours.

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well i would think that having the priviledge of having a whole week of free playing before anyone else , is already a huge advantage.


Race to 50, or just a little whining?


they get to pick whatever names they please without having to end up with a name such ejefkdkk.


Go to STO, or Rift, and use the random name generator. There's some good ones.


they get to set the server economy, selling their crafted items with their own set prices.


Err, supply and demand will quickly change that anyway.


they get to stablish their guild as the top ones.


That can and will change over time..


they get to level to 50 way before anyone else does




meaningless race. ;)


and in the pvp servers they will become the rulers basically.


... okay, you get that point.

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its *********** stupid to split players up from each other like this launch has, you are supposed to be able to play MMOs with friends.. not now when everyone has a ******** of levels between them. Complete idiots. well done.


If starting at the same time is so very important, then your "friends" would wait for you to have access so you can all level together. If they don't, blame them. Not Bioware.

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Thank you! :)


I read your post too, and it made good points... Except that the zones are instanced.


Still, a staggered launch was the way they chose to go from the start. Anyone who didn't know this just didn't pay attention. It's a little late to be upset that others got in the game before them.


I won't get in until today (likely) and my OCD is totally killing me. But I knew it was going to be like this going in. I disagree with the method they chose, but how can people be so upset when we all knew how it was going to work from the start (or at least should have)?

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its *********** stupid to split players up from each other like this launch has, you are supposed to be able to play MMOs with friends.. not now when everyone has a ******** of levels between them. Complete idiots. well done.

So play on the 20th when you can all have access simultaneously.

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Seems to be the only people defending this stupid decision are the ones who are already playing. What a coincidence.


Not so...wrong.


I am due to get an invite soon. I am defending Biowares decision because it wasnt based on...I should get what I want when I want it because my Mommy said so. :p

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If they are your friends they will play alts till you get in. My guild leader waited for me!!!


You could all wait till the 20th too if you like! 2-3 million people cannot hit a game at the same time. Sorry but it would crash. Nobody would be playing and queue time would be 10-12 hours.


Hah it would crash for a lonnnng time. Similar to a Denial of Service attack. heh Poom!! kicked off server..servers down for a week! (or more)

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Race to 50, or just a little whining?




Go to STO, or Rift, and use the random name generator. There's some good ones.




Err, supply and demand will quickly change that anyway.




That can and will change over time..






meaningless race. ;)




... okay, you get that point.


no that is just practical thinking!

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No? So..when, say, attending an event, even though one person is ahead of another in the lineup, and has paid the same as a person 10 places behind, both should get in AT THE SAME TIME?


Flawed logic is flawed.


No, but all the real life analogies I've seen this far are based on physical laws, there is no physical element to this at all, what people are upset about is that this could have been avoided, in actuality everyone could have got access at the same time, there would be nothing prohibiting this, it's not as if they can't fit another non atomic mass avatar into a virtual world which isn't limited by pure avaliable space.


I think what most people complaining would want is for BioWare and EA to put in even more work and make it possible for everyone to get access at the same time, and this would be doable, it's quite simple really, they'd need to put up more servers and I think people are just pissed that they are being treated unfairly, since there are no physical limitations to this, and no actual risk posed, it's not as if people are going to die if launch had ended up being a failure, but at least the community wouldn't be split already.

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I just want to play! Who cares about people in front of me or whatever. I just want to get into this great game. So hard not to waste time on these forums while I wait, its a curse. It's looking like they will finish up friday. I was really hoping for thursday but I think there were much more pre-orders end of November and December then people realize.


Regardless if you think this was a GREAT launch or "THE WORSE LAUNCH" ever... in the end... this man says what needs to be said.

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as long hubbie and i can start in a fresh new server, where everyone starts at the sametime. i would be happy enough.


if we only have the alternative to play in full half full servers with people nearly level 50 already. then not so much


Personally, I dont care what others do, I plan on enjoying every single character story there is. Probably play Republic and Empire. Get my moneys worth.


I read where someone was planning to race to 50 within a day or two.


Pffft, that seems silly to me, but hey its their dollar. If they have noone to play with at the higher levels, thats their fault.


I REFUSE to race because some doughbrain wants to be first 50 on the server. Thats how I feel.

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OP is way off - we will all know for sure the 20th...


1. The game IS launched, as clearly stated by ms. Green, its the first headline you will see when coming to the swtor homepage, learn to read folks


2. From all accounts, as far as I can tell, THIS IS THE SMOOTHEST MMORPG LAUNCH TO DATE. So far only ONE server has been down at all since the 13th, a french, European pvp server, and it was down for like 15 mins or so yesterday. In-game reports tell us about zero lag, zero queues, zero downtime (except the server mentioned).


3. No MMORPG has been even remotely close to this amount of players on the first week within release, we are talking 3-4 million probably, maybe more. So the SCALE of this endeavour is terra incognita - it has never been done before.



But, as I said to begin with, we will know for sure come the 20th., if the servers start crashing/ bugging out and what have you, the community will go mad, and BW will have serious problems defending the EGA and staggering of players. Personally I doubt we will see many crashes, though queues will proliferate (as we have been warned of) come retail release.



And no, I´m not in-game yet, dec. 2nd. pre-order, and happy with it. Please remember it is about the gaming experience, not whether you or I or anybody else get in at what time for whatever reason, it´s all about how much fun we can have in game, gonna be a blast I´m sure :D

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Personally, I dont care what others do, I plan on enjoying every single character story there is. Probably play Republic and Empire. Get my moneys worth.


I read where someone was planning to race to 50 within a day or two.


Pffft, that seems silly to me, but hey its their dollar. If they have noone to play with at the higher levels, thats their fault.


I REFUSE to race because some doughbrain wants to be first 50 on the server. Thats how I feel.



Amen! I llok forward to this game because it is an awesome diversion, with some VERY compelling stroylines. NOT a second job. I plan on savouring every single morcel, as I did on the test weekends. I will play to escape, enjoy, and be entertained.


But that's me.:) If people want to pay good money to skip through an awesome game, they are entitled.

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been in game since 0900 pst. wanted to say ty to BW for the staggered launch servers are smooth and fun. was totally worth the wait. to all the haters SUCK IT UP its a game its free for up to 7 DAYS you preordered it so stop your grumblings and be patient.
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This has to be the worse way to launch a MMO, or any game, launch ever. It is almost worse than long queues to enter the game!


Bioware is so ... overly cautious that it has denied its service to the people who want to play... only a select few get in each wave. While the rest of us... have to look and wonder why we are not the chosen ones.


Why am I being punished for purchasing a Collector's Edition at Gamestop and did not get a pre-order code until Dec 7th? I have copies and pictures of me with the receipt and pictures of the receipt that shows the purchase was made in July!


So why am I being denied access?


Because I did not rush to the EA website and purchase it on an official EA website!


I repent. I repent. Please, let me in. I am willing to use the Origin website on all future EA purchases! I bought it in September and yet I am not in... and there are people who bought lesser copies of the game... and who bought it AFTER me... who are leveling...


worse yet, when I hit the PvP zones... people will be max level... picking on me... because I am not playing yet. THANKS EA


Worse Launch ever?


It is almost better to be in a long queue and the servers go down... from time to time!!!



I Agree, Worste lunch at this moment in MMORPG story ever, I whould rather play In lagg than see so many players suffer for not geting in, ppl wont complain atleast if u let everyone in..

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