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The Game Seems To Be Doing Well


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There is as much evidence of success via subscription retention as there is failure on subscription hemorrhaging. That is to say, none.


So, since everyone has an opinion based on no empirical evidence, I will base mine on my gut feeling, same as everyone else, and say the game is doing great.


That's the spirit, going by the gut.

Did you know that you have more nerve endings in your gut, than you have in your head?

And yes I am shamelessly quoting a certain person.


Anyways, my gut also tells me that this game is doing fine.

However, my gut cannot tell me what EA may do in the future. It is too bleak to tell.

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The UI.

The combat mechanics.

The PvP.

The bugs.

The lack of end-game.

The lack of customer support.


Why do you argue so vehemently for this game? Are you really so blind to the failures that the developers have committed?


The UI : They already have a video showing basic UI customization, learn to research

Combat Mechanics: What? THe delay they say that they are working on?

The PvP: Go look at the arena thread for that answers.

The bugs: Umm in my quote...

Lack of end-game: So you cleared everything on nightmare? You cleared Karragas already? All world bosses? Codex? Datacrons?

Customer support is the only thing you listed I can agree with, everything else is just you grasping for straws.

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Damn people are throwing the term "troll" around like I haven't seen.

Basically everyone seems to be a troll to each other. :rolleyes:


Nobody is stupid enough to disagree with, or think differently than, me. The only explanation is that they're trolls, and are incredibly angry, so I should fling insults in their direction.

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Nobody is stupid enough to disagree with, or think differently than, me. The only explanation is that they're trolls, and are incredibly angry, so I should fling insults in their direction.


Indeed. :D

Oh and I love your signature.

I have heard that comment so many times playing as a Vanguard, it's stuck in my head. :o

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I think its fair to say that you cannot judge a game that is barely a month old after launch, i played wow when it first started and it was chaos, servers down, bugs galore , waiting times etc. Now Ive been playing for 2 weeks and i think the game is great, Yes there are alot of bugs, yes the UI and delays need sorting out, but BIOWARE are working on it, there working on PVP, the new legacy system looks promising, to say just after a month after release that its a terrible game is just nonsense. Yes i agree the customer service needs work, but really if you did your research you would know that BIOWARES / EA customer service record isnt great, but then again proberly never had to deal with so many complaints / issues all at once and on a daily basis. I spoke to the GMS in game reported my bugs i found, and its all been forwarded onto the team that sorts it. IF you find bugs / problems, TELL them they wont fix it if you just come on here slating the game.


My gut tells me that this game is great, sure theres issues, i wasnt there for launch so i cant comment on that, but as far as i can tell its got a great future ahead of it and i for one am looking forward to playing months of Star Wars the Old Republic, and so should you guys. Give them a chance to sort it, in a few months and these problems are still there , then i think i there might be something to moan about.


But for now, enjoy the game people, and be constructive with your opinons bioware wont take notice of Troll raging or pointless ranting no matter how annoying it may be.


May the force be with you :)

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Bought the game 1 week ago.


I find it awsome.


Had my reserves cus i hate sw universe.


Best mmo release in a looong time dont compare me this game to warhammer, rift, apb, champions online, aion all fiascos from the first minute of play.


Bugs is no major problem it just takes time to fix them.


The base is good the game will hold.


Its obviously not WoW but with time it can turn into the 2nd best mmo ever.


Love the game GJ.

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I think judgement both ways should be reserved for a few months, I have seen like 5 posts with reasonable requests to fix the game, the rest are asking too much in too little time. The game is far from perfect and far from being the worst, everyone chillax. I love it, you hate it, I'm not trolling and neither are you (except the trolls)
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Bought the game 1 week ago.


I find it awsome.


Had my reserves cus i hate sw universe.


Best mmo release in a looong time dont compare me this game to warhammer, rift, apb, champions online, aion all fiascos from the first minute of play.


Bugs is no major problem it just takes time to fix them.


The base is good the game will hold.


Its obviously not WoW but with time it can turn into the 2nd best mmo ever.


Love the game GJ.


My guess is that this is how the majority of the player base feels. The people that are discontent with the game need to re-evaluate why they thought playing an MMO straight out the gate was going to be a flawless, bug free experience. Don't even try to give me that "it's 2012, the game should have all of the features and more," bull$h!t. We've been given plenty to build on, the problem is there are too many people that aren't seeing the glass half full. Patience is a virtue and if you don't want to wait patiently for features that you want, come back when they've added it. That's the beauty of MMO's, you're free to quit, and then come back and explore the many great changes that paying customers helped to provide.


To the average casual gamer, there is a ton of content in this game. I'm not even level 50 yet (46) and I've invested over 140 hours into the game or roughly 3 to 4 hours a day. That's not even casual. That alone, in my opinion, is worth the $75 that I've spent thus far. I used to be a hardcore, 8 to 10 hours a day WoW'er--I'm so glad that those days are behind me.


I do think that Bioware needs to add a better mix for the "crazy" hardcore players. Make nightmare raids insanely hard (i.e. make them all gear checks/road blocks) to appease them. Add stupid fluff items that are insanely hard to get so that they can throw all of their time towards them. The game needs time sinks for these people or they will never be happy with the casual play style.

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The UI.

The combat mechanics.

The PvP.

The bugs.

The lack of end-game.

The lack of customer support.


Why do you argue so vehemently for this game? Are you really so blind to the failures that the developers have committed?


UI: Needs work: Being worked on. Dev tracker is your friend.


Combat mechanics: Awesome, companions add a whole new twist. Do I use my tanking companion? Do I use my dps companion? Do I use my healing companion? Can I take that gold star mob on? Why yes, yes I can. Healing is an absolute blast in both pve and pvp. Combat all around is fun and interesting. Is it a remake of the wheel? Nerp but then why should it be?


PVP: Love it. TTK is longer than anything on the market which makes the experience feel more meaningful than the two shot and you're dead fare that most of us have been fed for years.


Bugs: They are called bugs for a reason. Little irritants that are getting swatted daily. Bugs exist everywhere, in games that are 4 weeks old and games that are 7 years old. MMO's will ALWAYS have bugs. If you can make a bug free game with that many lines of code, you are a god among men.


Lack of end game: Tell that to the 16 man ops group I ran Thursday, and the 8 man ops group I ran last night. I pvp'd all day Tuesday. I crafted and did dailies on Wednesday. I run a couple hard mode flash points every day. Sometimes I just stand around and chat with my guildmates. Nope...no endgame here.


Lack of customer support: CS could stand some improvement to be sure. I myself have had two tickets and two positive experiences but I am aware of others (friends/guildmates) who feel like the wait time is a bit long and the automation too high. This is a problem every single MMO has launched with, especially when demand exceeded expectations.


Why do you argue so vehemently against this game. If you disliked Broccoli would you stand in the produce aisle informing everybody that Broccoli is awful because you don't like it?


No, you would not for two reasons.


People would think you were insane and there aren't any produce aisles underneath bridges.

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I did not have the opportunity to get into the early beta testing and only got into the game when the stress testing happened late November. I've been playing the game from then to now and enjoying it very much.


The games have a few bugs, some that I've encountered like ability delay or just glitches like the eyes turning silver or black during cut scenes. I don't find those bugs to be game breaking for me. After the last patch the ability response feels much better and hopefully with a couple of months it will be very fluid.


Some of the complaints on the forum are valid (I thank those people who brought them to here) but the constructive criticism is getting buried under base less complaints done by the majority of the posts.


When I bought this game I knew what I was buying, thanks to the information provided by beta testers after NDA lift and the official site. I bought a game that was keeping true to the MMORPG genre with Bioware's unique story telling. I knew the game is going to be heavy on the story and lore from the single player games.


Besides that the end game is similar to other games where there are operations of varying difficulty. PvP, which might not be balanced, but I doubt it will ever get balanced entirely. Even games that have been going for quite a while deals with nerfs and buffs on monthly basis when it comes to PvP balance.


So in my opinion this game is going to be fine and entertaining for people who knew what they were signing up for.

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