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Why play a Jedi over a Sith


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Why are you always so confrontational?


One person's compelling reason may not be another person's compelling reason....to DO anything. You are arguing from silence and it is rather lame.


Also trying to start arguments over something entirely subjective doesn't get anyone anywhere.


I like my Jedi because he's an honest, selfless defender of the people and Republic. I like my Sith sorc because he's a selfish, arrogant sociopath.


See what I just did there?


Do I come across as confrontational?


I just don't like it when "warcraft tone" comes into play and people make random jokes they believe are funny when I'm trying debate something serious and to about "Sith Showing true colors" everyone know's Sith lie.


They teach Sith early stages the whole big picture behind it. My point is they do lie. But they are up front about it. It's expected from a Sith. They are human being's true nature deep down I believe. While I respect the Jedi reflect's a more peacefulley way of looking at life.


I believe human being's are savage in nature. I think violence is apart of them and which is why instead of denying their own feelings, emotions. They embrace it. Instead of shying away from what makes them human. They take it on hardcore.


Does a Jedi not lie? every time they walk past a pretty girl. They don't think "She's hot, I could date her" it may sound silly. Imagine a Jedi is a human yes? to deny the thing's our basic emotion's is to deny the very thing's that make us human. To me, they are living a lie the entire time.


Pretending the world is in peace while behind closed door people plot against each other. And in Revenge of the Sith. You could say their emotion's were a bit jacked up over being told what to do and were looking for a reason to get back at that man, that turned out to be the Sith Lord.


While the Sith, leave everything out in the open.

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Do I come across as confrontational?


I just don't like it when "warcraft tone" comes into play and people make random jokes they believe are funny when I'm trying debate something serious and to about "Sith Showing true colors" everyone know's Sith lie.


They teach Sith early stages the whole big picture behind it. My point is they do lie. But they are up front about it. It's expected from a Sith. They are human being's true nature deep down I believe. While I respect the Jedi reflect's a more peacefulley way of looking at life.


I believe human being's are savage in nature. I think violence is apart of them and which is why instead of denying their own feelings, emotions. They embrace it. Instead of shying away from what makes them human. They take it on hardcore.


Does a Jedi not lie? every time they walk past a pretty girl. They don't think "She's hot, I could date her" it may sound silly. Imagine a Jedi is a human yes? to deny the thing's our basic emotion's is to deny the very thing's that make us human. To me, they are living a lie the entire time.


Pretending the world is in peace while behind closed door people plot against each other. And in Revenge of the Sith. You could say their emotion's were a bit jacked up over being told what to do and were looking for a reason to get back at that man, that turned out to be the Sith Lord.


While the Sith, leave everything out in the open.


Being a sociopath is not embracing your true nature....

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Because we are the good guys


There's passion, and then there's homicidal maniacs. It gets old playing a meanie all the time, "Blah blah blah blah...kill him".


It also gets old being nice all the time. Sometimes I just want to shoot them instead of being nice....then my companion gets all upset. *sigh* just cannot win sometimes.


Being a sociopath is not embracing your true nature....


For some, it is.

Edited by terminova
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... I'm trying debate something serious and to about "Sith Showing true colors" everyone know's Sith lie.


They teach Sith early stages the whole big picture behind it. My point is they do lie. But they are up front about it. It's expected from a Sith...




While the Sith, leave everything out in the open.


But... the Sith leave nothing out in the open. Nothing. The Sith only survive because of secrecy and hiding themselves. Their entire philosophy is based on lies, hiding, and betrayal.


So you're saying if you admit you're a liar, you're not actually a liar, but if you lie about being a liar, you're a liar?


I just thought being a liar meant you were a liar.


Edit for clarification: For the record, I don't like the Jedi or the Sith. I prefer the smugglers and the bounty hunters that don't hold to some unrealistic philosophy. I think both Jedi and Sith are full of poodoo when it comes to their black and white views on the world.

Edited by Vecke
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Do I come across as confrontational?


I just don't like it when "warcraft tone" comes into play and people make random jokes they believe are funny when I'm trying debate something serious and to about "Sith Showing true colors" everyone know's Sith lie.


They teach Sith early stages the whole big picture behind it. My point is they do lie. But they are up front about it. It's expected from a Sith. They are human being's true nature deep down I believe. While I respect the Jedi reflect's a more peacefulley way of looking at life.


I believe human being's are savage in nature. I think violence is apart of them and which is why instead of denying their own feelings, emotions. They embrace it. Instead of shying away from what makes them human. They take it on hardcore.


Does a Jedi not lie? every time they walk past a pretty girl. They don't think "She's hot, I could date her" it may sound silly. Imagine a Jedi is a human yes? to deny the thing's our basic emotion's is to deny the very thing's that make us human. To me, they are living a lie the entire time.


Pretending the world is in peace while behind closed door people plot against each other. And in Revenge of the Sith. You could say their emotion's were a bit jacked up over being told what to do and were looking for a reason to get back at that man, that turned out to be the Sith Lord.


While the Sith, leave everything out in the open.



Acting on impulses is a sign of having no control of yourself and thus makes you no better than non-sentient beings. In FACT....acting on and embracing your impulses would make you even LOWER than a non-sentient being, such as an animal driven purely by instinct.


You see, the difference here is simple. Animals don't know any better. They kill to survive. Sith DO know that their actions affect others...they simply don't care. Therefore, that makes them beneath the creatures that do not possess higher reasoning skills.


Jedi endeavor to rise above their baser impulses for the greater good.


How is this less preferable than being someone who cannot create, only destroy?

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I play Jedi because Jedi know how to make sacrifices. They know that to truly be impartial and deal out fair justice for those that need it, they must control their feelings.


That's a sacrifice. They can't have families, have love, or have attachments to any material object.


It takes a strong man to fight. It takes an invincible man to abandon everything humanity takes for granted so he can fight for humanity without being biased.


They know that if they allowed their emotions to control them, they would no longer be guardians and servants, they would be monsters, and put their own desires and themselves before others. They know that if they abandoned the Jedi Code, they couldn't control the immense power of the Force, and they would fall out of balance.


I play a Jedi because they're more bad-*** than the Sith, because they have more guts, courage, and self-discipline.


Edit: Also, for Sith being all for 'freedom' and 'the natural way of people', they sure do love oppression, slavery, and holding themselves over others for race and birthright.

Edited by Explosive_Lasers
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I know attachments and love and families and all that are considered bad for jedi, but what about lots of meaningless one night stands? No attachment, no love, and the stress relief will likely help keep them from falling to the darkside.
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I chose to be a Sith Inquisitor for many reasons. But one reason in particular is that I beieve that Sith are more honest about their true nature.


If they're happy, they will show happiness. If they're angry, they will show anger. Sith believe there is power in emotion. And to be quite honest, they're right.


Now, I don't agree with all the sith, such as the ones that feel you're weak if you're not willing to let rage guide your every step. (Malgus, I'm looking at you.) But I do believe that to suppress one's emotions all the time is, contrary to what the jedi would have you believe, a sure path to the dark side. Emotions must be expressed in one way or another. That's why we have them. They are also essential to the natural order of things. Love is an emotion that leads to breeding and protecting one's young, therefore ensuring the furutre of a species. Pity leads to compassion, which helps to solidfy order. Anger creates action, which helps to advance our evolution as people. Fear makes caution, which protects us. Suppressing emotions is not healthy, and is an easy way to go insane actually.


Both the jedi and the sith take their way to the far extreme, and neither path is healthy. But I believe the sith are more honest about who they are, as they embrace the emotions that make up their personas, unlike the jedi who deny them.

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I know attachments and love and families and all that are considered bad for jedi, but what about lots of meaningless one night stands? No attachment, no love, and the stress relief will likely help keep them from falling to the darkside.


I think Lucas said that only certain cells of Jedi are celibate. Intercourse itself isn't a bad thing, as long as pregnancy doesn't occur and feelings don't develop.


Since one or both of those is likely, unless protection is used (which still leaves one), most Jedi decide not to risk it.

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Because you do not like being a derp who just contributes to the already imbalanced populations of Empire V Republic existing on the majority of the servers.


Or maybe because you like playing the faction that sucks? :p


See? I can make sweeping judgmental generalizations, too!

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Acting on impulses is a sign of having no control of yourself and thus makes you no better than non-sentient beings. In FACT....acting on and embracing your impulses would make you even LOWER than a non-sentient being, such as an animal driven purely by instinct.


You see, the difference here is simple. Animals don't know any better. They kill to survive. Sith DO know that their actions affect others...they simply don't care. Therefore, that makes them beneath the creatures that do not possess higher reasoning skills.


Jedi endeavor to rise above their baser impulses for the greater good.


How is this less preferable than being someone who cannot create, only destroy?


Greater good is subjective. They definitely don't have my greater good in mind.

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I don't know why I play Jedi. true, our PvP outfits are really awful, but I just.... idk its just a personal preference. All my mains start on the "Good" side, then later I start making alts on both factions. But I loved The Alliance, and I love the Jedi. Thats who I am and that who I'll always be. Although I like the Sith code better :3 I know my signature is contradicting what I say, but Marauders are cool. I'll be going back to Jedi after my blood lust is sated.
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Acting on impulses is a sign of having no control of yourself and thus makes you no better than non-sentient beings. In FACT....acting on and embracing your impulses would make you even LOWER than a non-sentient being, such as an animal driven purely by instinct.


You see, the difference here is simple. Animals don't know any better. They kill to survive. Sith DO know that their actions affect others...they simply don't care. Therefore, that makes them beneath the creatures that do not possess higher reasoning skills.


Jedi endeavor to rise above their baser impulses for the greater good.


How is this less preferable than being someone who cannot create, only destroy?


I'm reminded of a time I think it was the second movie. The soon to be Darth Vadar, was having a lovely little pinic with his girlfriend that would doom his emotions to the darkside. He looked at the war and said


"Someone should make them listen"


She replied casually "Who, you"

"Of course not me but somebody"


It was in reference to the people that were dividing the entire republic. Imagine the entire republic on the brink of war..then who was it that stepped up the plate? It was the Sith. As he said in the movie, Revenge of the Sith.....once more the Sith shall rule the Galaxy..and we shall have peace.


Now the republic in my mind were doing a horrible job. They had an entire war right under them and a Sith Lord acting as their ruler..and they didn't even know it. People were divided. The Sith cleared up all that and maybe saved millions or billions of lifes.


Perhaps it's not that Sith know and don't care. They know caring won't lead them anywhere. Peace is a lie their is only passion. Through passion I gain strength.


Pause and think about that. When you get upset. You do get a rush of energizer perhaps even more motivational to do something. In the movies Darth Vadar, knew what his actions meant. He didn't do them to be in "evil" for a higher purpose or a greater good.


How is that different from what the Jedi do, instead they supposedly just "protect"

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I'm reminded of a time I think it was the second movie. The soon to be Darth Vadar, was having a lovely little pinic with his girlfriend that would doom his emotions to the darkside. He looked at the war and said


"Someone should make them listen"


She replied casually "Who, you"

"Of course not me but somebody"


It was in reference to the people that were dividing the entire republic. Imagine the entire republic on the brink of war..then who was it that stepped up the plate? It was the Sith. As he said in the movie, Revenge of the Sith.....once more the Sith shall rule the Galaxy..and we shall have peace.


Now the republic in my mind were doing a horrible job. They had an entire war right under them and a Sith Lord acting as their ruler..and they didn't even know it. People were divided. The Sith cleared up all that and maybe saved millions or billions of lifes.


Perhaps it's not that Sith know and don't care. They know caring won't lead them anywhere. Peace is a lie their is only passion. Through passion I gain strength.


Pause and think about that. When you get upset. You do get a rush of energizer perhaps even more motivational to do something. In the movies Darth Vadar, knew what his actions meant. He didn't do them to be in "evil" for a higher purpose or a greater good.


How is that different from what the Jedi do, instead they supposedly just "protect"


They created an oppressive peace where they destroyed an entire planet with a giant laser-gun because the planet's princess wouldn't give them the plans to something they had built.


They created an oppressive peace where the soldiers are allowed to slaughter a family for not telling them what they want to hear.


They created an oppressive peace where one man has absolute, unquestioned power, and can do whatever he want, because he has the biggest stick.


They created Hell.


Sith and Jedi are philosophies. The Jedi philosophy is inner peace through control of emotions and distractions, leading to power. The Sith philosophy is power through turmoil in the spirit and heart, leading to immense passion and emotions.


Neither are evil or good. Neither are Dark or Light. They are individuals united under a goal that conflicts with the other. They are individuals that have free will, and the ability to use that will.


The Jedi serve as mostly impartial protectors and dealers of justice. If the Jedi, as an impartial mediator, decides that murdering the criminal is the best path, he will do it. If the Sith, as a passionate and opinionated individual, sees that murdering the criminal is the worse path, they'll let them live.


Sith are not sadists that murder for ***** and giggles, just like Jedi are not hippies that seek peace. Sith will follow their own emotions, and act accordingly. They might be empowered by love, and follow that, and become a very benevolent person. Jedi fight to bring peace to those that can't bring it themselves. Jedi might believe that slaughtering anybody that seeks to change the peace is the best course of action.


Jedi and Sith are individuals that follow philosophies, and can be any shade of grey. Jedi can be great heroes, or dire villains. Sith can be feared conquerors, or beloved leaders.

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Sith, show their true colors. They do not hide anything. We by nature are creatures of extreme passion. The Sith choose to accept the force for something to be used as a weapon. More then that they choose to accept their own "emotions" tied...to lust, anger, hate..


I am simply blown away someone would choose to deny their own human nature and choose Jedi. Also I recall in "Revenge of the Sith" the woman clearly went after a Sith. Because a Jedi cannot have a girlfriend. some can argue he was technically a Jedi but the moment he accepted that woman as his girl, turned into a Sith.


They believe it's in their mind selfish for one person to consume their mind. Keeping that Jedi cannot have girlfriends. Are ordered to serve and protect. Doesn't quite hit the spot as a Sith looking out for himself.


So why play a Jedi?

Just because you reject the order does not make you sith. Take for example Jolee Bidoo, he was a grey jedi who decided not to follow the jedi's teachings and to follow his own path.


He was not a sith, far from it actually, and he still loved a woman. Even Revan loved, he was not a sith either.


Also the Jedi stand for peace, not anger, I think a lot of people would rather have peace then utter chaos like a sith.

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Actually, people with your role playing mentally CAN'T get girlfriends. That is a big difference by having or not having by choice :D and before the flaming of RP nerds start incoming, I am married and have been 'actively working' on a baby. Thanks. LIGHTNING BOLT!! LIGHTNING BOLT!!
My wife won't let me have a girlfriend.
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I chose to be a Sith Inquisitor for many reasons. But one reason in particular is that I beieve that Sith are more honest about their true nature.


If they're happy, they will show happiness. If they're angry, they will show anger. Sith believe there is power in emotion. And to be quite honest, they're right.


Now, I don't agree with all the sith, such as the ones that feel you're weak if you're not willing to let rage guide your every step. (Malgus, I'm looking at you.) But I do believe that to suppress one's emotions all the time is, contrary to what the jedi would have you believe, a sure path to the dark side. Emotions must be expressed in one way or another. That's why we have them. They are also essential to the natural order of things. Love is an emotion that leads to breeding and protecting one's young, therefore ensuring the furutre of a species. Pity leads to compassion, which helps to solidfy order. Anger creates action, which helps to advance our evolution as people. Fear makes caution, which protects us. Suppressing emotions is not healthy, and is an easy way to go insane actually.


Both the jedi and the sith take their way to the far extreme, and neither path is healthy. But I believe the sith are more honest about who they are, as they embrace the emotions that make up their personas, unlike the jedi who deny them.


It seems like everyone ignored my earlier post so I'm going to restate a lot of it. Your views on the Sith and the Jedi are completely warped and ignorant to the true teachings.


It's not Jedi v. Sith; No Emotion v. Emotion. They both have emotions and they both address them differently. The difference is the Jedi know how to control their emotions. They don't bury them. I don't understand what people don't understand about this. It's not like some disturbed child refusing to acknowledge he has emotions. The Jedi feel, recognize, and work out their emotions. But their emotions do not control them. We see Anakin flip the **** out when something bad happens. Jedi are able to approach that kind of situation calmly and rationally, despite their personal feelings (YES they do have their own feelings about every single situation and they are allowed to).


Now let's address your Sith philosophy. You say "Love is an emotion that leads to breeding and protecting one's young, therefore ensuring the furutre of a species." The Jedi don't believe in creating dynasties of Force users that look down on everyone else for one. And second Love leads to coveting one person over everyone else, getting selfish and jealous and letting it cloud your mind. You also say "Pity leads to compassion, which helps to solidfy order." That one really doesn't make much sense as pity =/= compassion. Next was "Anger creates action, which helps to advance our evolution as people." Those have nothing to do with each other either. Anger clouds your mind and makes you act on impulse and make stupid decisions it doesn't make you create a new scientific formula that advances your species. That just makes no sense. Following that was "Fear makes caution, which protects us." Fear makes you wild with paranoia and much like anger you lash out and make impulsive decisions without thinking things through.


You end with "Suppressing emotions is not healthy, and is an easy way to go insane actually." Like I said Jedi do not suppress emotions. Suppressing would be not giving any attention to your emotions. Jedi address their emotions more than regular humans or the Sith because they understand their emotions. It has nothing to do with hiding them and everything to do with being able to act without giving them control.


In actuality Sith are even worse with emotions than regular humans or like someone else said, animals. It's not being natural, it's being a sociopath like another said earlier in the topic. They act on every impulse. It's not even a Fight/Flight/Mate response, they choose to be this way. It's like the definition of an evil lesser being. There is not strength in that, it's having power and abusing it without thinking. Anything they want they do and take. I don't see how any adult could actually agree with the Sith way of doing things unless they're just trying to be a teenage contrarion.

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I have a 50 LS JK and a 35 LS SI.


I have to say the LS SI has a LOT of depth. The only issue I take with it is it feels almost like "chosen one"/godmode status. Sith are supposed to be corrupt by their very nature and to avoid the corruption while still utilizing the power of the darkside seems a little much. But the character development is amazing.


I would like to play out a dark side Jedi next to see how it compares.

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Here's the thing. Anybody can debate all day long about evil and good and right and wrong, but the bottom line is, the Sith are evil wizards. They wear black, have glowing evil eyes, use lies, murder, and slavery to attain power, and they cackle with glee as they fry another person with lightning.


People play a Sith because it's fun to play the bad guy. Or, it's fun to play a good guy that lives with the bad guys.


Anybody that debates they're anything but evil are either trying to justify (for some odd reason) their decision to like the Sith or they just love a good debate, which is fine.


But the Sith are evil. They are the bad guys. They betray and murder their enemies and they betray and murder their friends. They enslave entire races of people and they murder anybody that opposes them.


And I'll say it again... they cackle with glee as they kill people with lightning they shoot from their finger tips.


They cackle.

With Glee.


If Sith had long mustaches, I promise you, they'd twirl them often.

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